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All packages for HP-UX

This is a list of all HP-UX (11.31) packages on the archive in alphabetical order.

Package Name Description Date
FIGlet-2.2.5 Display large characters comprised of normal chars 23 Oct 2017
GConf-2.22.0 A configuration database system 12 Apr 2018
GeoIP-1.6.11 Library to find geographical and network info of an IP 13 Sep 2017
GeoIP-1.6.12 Library to find geographical and network info of an IP 17 Oct 2019
ImageMagick- An X11 package for display and manipulation of images 8 Oct 2020
ImageMagick- An X11 package for display and manipulation of images 3 Sep 2024
ImageMagick- An X11 package for display and manipulation of images 2 Oct 2024
Mesa-7.4.4 A 3D graphics library with an API similar to OpenGL 2 Oct 2017
ORBit2-2.14.19 A high-performance CORBA Object Request Broker 15 Mar 2018
SDL-1.2.15 A free cross-platform multi media development API 19 Apr 2018
SDL_image-1.2.12 Sample Image Loading Library for SDL programmers 23 Apr 2018
SDL_mixer-1.2.12 A simple multi-channel audio mixer 23 Apr 2018
SDL_ttf-2.0.11 SDL TrueType font support library 20 Apr 2018
WindowMaker-0.92.0 An X11 Window Manager for GNUstep applications 7 Jun 2018
Xdialog-2.3.1 Replacement for the dialog or cdialog programs 17 Apr 2018
a2ps-4.14 The GNU Any to PostScript filter program 1 May 2018
a2ps-4.15.6 The GNU Any to PostScript filter program 20 Mar 2024
aalib-1.4.0 A low level ASCII art graphics library 13 Oct 2017
abiword-2.8.6 Flexible word processor that can handle many formats 22 May 2018
abook-0.6.0pre2 A text-based addressbook program 6 Jul 2018
acct-6.6.4 The GNU Accounting Utilities package for unix 27 Feb 2018
analog-6.0.16 Analyses Web server logfiles 11 Dec 2019
analog-6.0.17 Analyses Web server logfiles 14 Jul 2021
apache-2.4.46 The world's most popular Web server software 20 Aug 2020
apache-2.4.62 The world's most popular Web server software 23 Jul 2024
apr-1.7.0 Apache Portable Runtime library 10 Jun 2019
apr-1.7.5 Apache Portable Runtime library 11 Sep 2024
apr_util-1.6.1 Additional routines for the Apache Portable Runtime library 20 Apr 2018
apr_util-1.6.3 Additional routines for the Apache Portable Runtime library 20 Feb 2023
arc-5.21p Archive utility compatible with IBM PC and Atari ST Arc 5 Apr 2018
ascii-3.18 Recognise many different ways of naming an ASCII character 18 Oct 2017
ascii-3.30 Recognise many different ways of naming an ASCII character 22 Jul 2024
asp2php-0.77.3 ASP to PHP converter 18 May 2018
aspell- Spell checker that can replace ispell 28 Sep 2017
aspell-0.60.8 Spell checker that can replace ispell 14 Oct 2019
aspell- Spell checker that can replace ispell 20 Dec 2023
aspell_en-1910 English dictionaries for the aspell package 25 Oct 2019
aspell_en-2012 English dictionaries for the aspell package 8 Dec 2020
atk-2.24.0 ATK is the Accessibility Toolkit 7 Sep 2017
atk-2.28.1 ATK is the Accessibility Toolkit 11 Dec 2019
audiofile-0.2.7 An SGI Audio Filelibrary 20 Apr 2018
autoconf-2.69 M4 macro configuration and scripting package 29 Aug 2017
autoconf-2.72 M4 macro configuration and scripting package 29 Dec 2023
autogen-5.18.16 An automated text file generator 1 Apr 2024
automake-1.15.1 An automated Makefile generator 30 Aug 2017
automake-1.16.2 An automated Makefile generator 23 Mar 2020
automake-1.17 An automated Makefile generator 15 Jul 2024
babl-0.1.10 A dynamic any-to-any pixel format translation library 21 May 2018
bash-4.4.012 The GNU Project's Bourne Again SHell 15 Aug 2017
bash-5.0.018 The GNU Project's Bourne Again SHell 30 Jul 2020
bash-5.2.32 The GNU Project's Bourne Again SHell 5 Aug 2024
bash-5.2.37 The GNU Project's Bourne Again SHell 25 Sep 2024
bc-1.07.1 An arbitrary precision numeric processing language 27 Feb 2018
beav-1.40.18 A fully featured binary file editor 28 Feb 2018
beaver-0.4.1 A text editor based on the GTK+ toolkit 1 May 2018
binutils-2.35.1 GNU binary utilities 22 Sep 2020
binutils-2.35.2 GNU binary utilities 14 Feb 2022
bison-3.0.4 A GNU parser generator upwardly compatible with yacc 21 Aug 2017
bison-3.7.3 A GNU parser generator upwardly compatible with yacc 15 Oct 2020
bison-3.8.2 A GNU parser generator upwardly compatible with yacc 23 Jun 2023
bonnie++-1.04 Hard drive performance benchmark 28 Mar 2018
bvi-1.4.0 An editor for binary files based on vi 18 Oct 2017
bvi-1.4.1 An editor for binary files based on vi 15 Oct 2019
bvi-1.4.2 An editor for binary files based on vi 15 Mar 2023
byacc-20170709 Berkeley Yacc is an LALR(1) parser generator 27 Sep 2017
byacc-20200910 Berkeley Yacc is an LALR(1) parser generator 23 Sep 2020
byacc-20240109 Berkeley Yacc is an LALR(1) parser generator 23 Apr 2024
bzip2-1.0.6 A new block-sorting file compressor 17 Aug 2017
bzip2-1.0.8 A new block-sorting file compressor 25 Nov 2021
c2man-2.41 A C Language prototype documentation tool 11 Jun 2018
c_ares-1.16.1 An asynchronous resolver library 15 May 2020
c_ares-1.34.2 An asynchronous resolver library 15 Oct 2024
cairo-1.14.10 Multi-platform 2D graphics library 23 Aug 2017
cairo-1.16.0 Multi-platform 2D graphics library 20 Oct 2018
calc-1.02 A BASIC-style expression evaluator 28 Sep 2017
catdoc-0.95 Translates MS-Word files to plain text 27 Oct 2017
cdk-5.0.20240619 A useful curses development kit 8 Jul 2024
cfengine-3.24.0 A tool for setting up and maintaining systems 14 Aug 2024
cflow-1.5 Displays the control flow in a C program 11 Jun 2018
cflow-1.6 Displays the control flow in a C program 27 Feb 2019
cflow-1.7 Displays the control flow in a C program 31 Dec 2021
cftp-0.12 A full screen ftp client 19 Jun 2018
cgoban-1.9.14 Complete Goban is a computerized go board 23 Apr 2018
check-0.12.0 A unit testing framework for C 7 Jun 2018
check-0.15.2 A unit testing framework for C 28 Feb 2021
chordii-4.5.3b Creates PostScript sheet music from chord and lyric files 16 Oct 2020
clamav-0.100.2 Anti-virus engine 22 Jan 2019
coreutils-8.32 GNU core utilities 9 Mar 2020
coreutils-9.5 GNU core utilities 4 Apr 2024
cpio-2.12 A program to manage archives of files 4 Oct 2017
cpio-2.13 A program to manage archives of files 11 Nov 2019
cpio-2.15 A program to manage archives of files 15 Jan 2024
cppunit-1.12.1 C++ port of the JUnit framework for unit testing 13 Oct 2017
cproto-4.7m Generate C function prototypes from C source code 29 Mar 2018
cproto-4.7q Generate C function prototypes from C source code 19 Oct 2020
cproto-4.7w Generate C function prototypes from C source code 29 Jul 2024
cracklib-2.9.11 A library to check user passwords 14 Apr 2023
cracklib-2.9.6 A library to check user passwords 4 Apr 2018
cracklib-2.9.7 A library to check user passwords 8 Oct 2020
cscope-15.8a Interactively examine a C program 22 Feb 2018
cstream-3.1.1 A general-purpose stream-handling tool like UNIX' dd 19 Jun 2018
cstream-4.0.0 A general-purpose stream-handling tool like UNIX' dd 6 Feb 2023
ctags-5.8 A multi-language reimplementation of ctags 7 Feb 2018
ctags-6.1.0 A multi-language reimplementation of ctags 12 Jan 2024
cups-2.3.3 The Common UNIX Printing System 18 Jun 2020
cups-2.4.10 The Common UNIX Printing System 19 Jun 2024
cups-2.4.11 The Common UNIX Printing System 1 Oct 2024
cups_filters-1.14.1 Printer filters for CUPS 23 Mar 2018
cups_filters-1.16.1 Printer filters for CUPS 16 Mar 2020
curl-7.73.0 A command line tool for transferring data 14 Oct 2020
curl-8.10.0 A command line tool for transferring data 11 Sep 2024
curl-8.10.1 A command line tool for transferring data 19 Sep 2024
cvs-1.11.23 Extended release and revision control system 29 Mar 2018
cxref-1.6e A C Cross Referencing and documenting tool 29 Mar 2018
cyrus_sasl-2.1.26 Cyrus SASL API implementation 28 Apr 2022
daq-2.0.6 Data Acquisition library for packet I/O 26 Sep 2017
daq-2.0.7 Data Acquisition library for packet I/O 5 Aug 2020
db-18.1.40 Berkeley DB database engine 5 Dec 2023
db-6.2.32 Berkeley DB database engine 22 Aug 2017
dblife-10.10 A terminal or X11 based game of life 22 May 2018
dblife-10.14 A terminal or X11 based game of life 10 May 2024
depothelper-2.20 Installation and uninstallation helper for archive depots 22 Apr 2018
dhex-0.68 Ncurses-based hex editor with a diff mode 20 Oct 2017
dhex-0.69 Ncurses-based hex editor with a diff mode 28 Nov 2019
di-4.44 Highly portable disk information utility 5 Oct 2017
di-4.48 Highly portable disk information utility 8 Jun 2020
di- Highly portable disk information utility 15 Oct 2024
dialog-1.3.20170509 A program for shell programming that implements dialogs 15 Sep 2017
dialog-1.3.20200327 A program for shell programming that implements dialogs 17 Apr 2020
dialog-1.3.20240619 A program for shell programming that implements dialogs 25 Jul 2024
diction-1.14 Prints wordy and commonly misused phrases sentences 11 Jun 2018
diffstat-1.61 Diff output analyser 16 Oct 2017
diffstat-1.63 Diff output analyser 5 Dec 2019
diffstat-1.66 Diff output analyser 25 Apr 2024
diffutils-3.10 GNUs diff, which shows the difference between 2 files 22 May 2023
diffutils-3.6 GNUs diff, which shows the difference between 2 files 4 Oct 2017
diffutils-3.7 GNUs diff, which shows the difference between 2 files 11 Jan 2019
dnstop-20140915 Displays various tables of DNS traffic on your network 12 Jun 2018
dnstop-20240708 Displays various tables of DNS traffic on your network 26 Aug 2024
ed-1.14.2 A line-oriented text editor 6 Oct 2017
ed-1.16 A line-oriented text editor 21 Feb 2020
ed-1.20.2 A line-oriented text editor 6 May 2024
editline-2.9 A line-editing library (especially For rc shell) 24 Aug 2017
enchant-1.6.0 Enchant appears to be a generic spell checking library 16 Apr 2018
enscript-1.6.6 Converts text files to PostScript 16 Oct 2017
esound-0.2.41 Mixes audio streams for playback by a single device 20 Apr 2018
expat-2.2.3 A C library for parsing XML 16 Aug 2017
expat-2.5.0 A C library for parsing XML 26 Oct 2022
expat-2.6.0 A C library for parsing XML 7 Feb 2024
expat-2.6.2 A C library for parsing XML 8 Apr 2024
expat-2.6.3 A C library for parsing XML 4 Sep 2024
expect-5.45 Allows programmed dialogue with interactive programs 12 Sep 2017
expect-5.45.4 Allows programmed dialogue with interactive programs 1 Dec 2020
fastjar-0.94 Sun's jar utility written entirely in C 15 Mar 2018
fetchmail-6.3.26 Remote mail retrieval and forwarding utility 10 Oct 2017
fetchmail-6.4.13 Remote mail retrieval and forwarding utility 28 Oct 2020
fetchmail-6.4.39 Remote mail retrieval and forwarding utility 22 Jul 2024
fftw-3.3.10 The Fastest Fourier Transform in the West 20 Sep 2021
fftw-3.3.6.pl2 The Fastest Fourier Transform in the West 18 Sep 2017
fftw-3.3.8 The Fastest Fourier Transform in the West 22 Oct 2020
file-5.39 A new version of the standard file command 16 Jun 2020
file-5.45 A new version of the standard file command 24 Aug 2023
filepp-1.8.0 A generic file preprocessor 2 May 2018
findutils-4.10.0 Search for files in a directory hierarchy 3 Jun 2024
findutils-4.6.0 Search for files in a directory hierarchy 20 Sep 2017
findutils-4.7.0 Search for files in a directory hierarchy 2 Sep 2019
flac-1.3.2 Lossless open source audio codec library and utilities 24 Aug 2017
flac-1.3.3 Lossless open source audio codec library and utilities 23 Sep 2020
flac-1.4.3 Lossless open source audio codec library and utilities 24 Jun 2023
flex-2.6.4 A fast lexical analyser generator 16 Aug 2017
fltk-1.3.5 The Fast Light Tool Kit 17 Oct 2019
fltk-1.3.9 The Fast Light Tool Kit 12 Dec 2023
fontconfig-2.12.4 Font configuration and customization library 18 Aug 2017
fontconfig-2.13.1 Font configuration and customization library 10 Jul 2019
fontconfig-2.14.2 Font configuration and customization library 21 Feb 2023
fox-1.6.57 A C++ based Toolkit for developing GUIs 22 Oct 2019
fox-1.6.58 A C++ based Toolkit for developing GUIs 20 May 2024
fping-5.0 A ping like program which uses ICMP 16 Sep 2020
fping-5.2 A ping like program which uses ICMP 22 Apr 2024
freetype-2.10.4 Free font engine for TrueType fonts 20 Oct 2020
freetype-2.13.3 Free font engine for TrueType fonts 15 Aug 2024
fribidi-0.19.7 A free implementation of the Unicode BiDi algorithm 12 Apr 2018
fribidi-1.0.10 A free implementation of the Unicode BiDi algorithm 9 Jul 2020
fribidi-1.0.15 A free implementation of the Unicode BiDi algorithm 14 Jun 2024
fribidi-1.0.16 A free implementation of the Unicode BiDi algorithm 7 Oct 2024
ftpproxy-2.1.0.beta5 An FTP proxy server 23 Apr 2018
g2-0.72 An easy to use 2D graphics library 5 Jun 2018
gail-1.22.3 Accessibility support for gtk+ and libgnomecanvas 1 May 2018
galaxis-1.10 Ncurses-based space rescue game 12 Nov 2019
galaxis-1.11 Ncurses-based space rescue game 10 May 2024
galaxis-1.9 Ncurses-based space rescue game 18 Jun 2018
garlic-1.5 Free molecular visualisation program for Unix 30 Apr 2018
gawk-4.1.4 Pattern scanning and processing language (GNU awk) 23 Aug 2017
gawk-5.0.1 Pattern scanning and processing language (GNU awk) 8 Jul 2019
gawk-5.3.1 Pattern scanning and processing language (GNU awk) 18 Sep 2024
gc-7.6.0 A conservative garbage collector for C and C++ 20 Oct 2017
gc-8.0.4 A conservative garbage collector for C and C++ 29 Aug 2019
gc-8.2.4 A conservative garbage collector for C and C++ 1 Mar 2024
gdbm-1.13 GNU dbm is a set of database routines 18 Aug 2017
gdbm-1.18.1 GNU dbm is a set of database routines 31 Oct 2018
gdbm-1.22 GNU dbm is a set of database routines 29 Nov 2021
gdbm-1.23 GNU dbm is a set of database routines 7 Feb 2022
gdbm-1.24 GNU dbm is a set of database routines 8 Jul 2024
gdk_pixbuf-2.28.2 A library providing image loading facilities 11 Jan 2018
gegl-0.2.0 GEneric Graphics Library image processing framework 21 May 2018
gengetopt-2.23 A command line parser code generation program 18 Jun 2019
gettext-0.21 Part of the GNU Translation Project 25 Nov 2021
gettext-0.22.2 Part of the GNU Translation Project 22 Sep 2023
gettext-0.22.3 Part of the GNU Translation Project 5 Oct 2023
gettext-0.22.4 Part of the GNU Translation Project 20 Nov 2023
gettext-0.22.5 Part of the GNU Translation Project 27 Feb 2024
gftp-2.0.19 Graphical FTP client 4 Apr 2018
gftp-2.9.1b Graphical FTP client 7 Nov 2022
ghostscript-9.14.1 A program for PostScript and PDF previewing 18 Jun 2020
gif2png-2.5.11 Converts images from gif to png 27 Feb 2018
gif2png-2.5.14 Converts images from gif to png 20 Nov 2019
giflib-5.2.1 A library for manipulating GIF files 27 May 2020
giflib-5.2.2 A library for manipulating GIF files 12 Mar 2024
gifsicle-1.92 A gif viewer and modifier package 22 Oct 2019
gifsicle-1.95 A gif viewer and modifier package 12 Mar 2024
git-2.29.1 A fast, scalable, distributed revision control system 28 Oct 2020
git-2.47.0 A fast, scalable, distributed revision control system 8 Oct 2024
glib-1.2.10 Useful library routines for C programming 4 Jan 2018
glib2-2.34.3 Low-level core library for GTK+ and GNOME 15 Aug 2017
glimpse-4.18.6 Glimpse is an indexing and query system 8 May 2018
glimpse-4.18.7 Glimpse is an indexing and query system 24 Nov 2020
gliv-1.9.7 An OpenGL image viewer 20 Mar 2018
global-6.6.13 A source code tag system for programmers 2 Jul 2024
global-6.6.5 A source code tag system for programmers 7 Sep 2020
glpk-4.63 The GNU Linear Programming Kit 27 Sep 2017
glpk-4.65 The GNU Linear Programming Kit 16 Feb 2018
glpk-5.0 The GNU Linear Programming Kit 17 Dec 2020
gmp-6.1.2 GNU library for arbitrary precision arithmetic 18 Aug 2017
gmp-6.2.0 GNU library for arbitrary precision arithmetic 20 Jan 2020
gmp-6.3.0 GNU library for arbitrary precision arithmetic 31 Jul 2023
gnugo-3.8 The Gnu game of Wei-Chi (or Go) 20 Oct 2017
gnupg-2.0.31 Tool for secure communication and data storage 8 Mar 2018
gnuplot-5.4.0 A command-driven interactive function plotting program 28 Jul 2020
gnuplot-6.0.1 A command-driven interactive function plotting program 7 Jun 2024
gnushogi-1.4.2 Plays a game of shogi (Japanese chess) against the computer 26 Oct 2017
gnutls-3.6.6 A TLS and Secure Sockets Layer implementation 12 Feb 2020
gnutls- A TLS and Secure Sockets Layer implementation 16 Aug 2024
goffice-0.10.9 Document handling library 12 Apr 2018
gperf-3.1 Generate perfect hash functions for sets of key words 17 Aug 2017
gperiodic-3.0.2 Displays a periodic table of the elements 18 Jun 2018
gperiodic-3.0.3 Displays a periodic table of the elements 2 Apr 2019
gqview-2.0.4 Image viewer for Unix 6 Apr 2018
grep-3.1 Print lines matching a generalised regular expression 15 Sep 2017
grep-3.11 Print lines matching a generalised regular expression 17 May 2023
grep-3.5 Print lines matching a generalised regular expression 28 Sep 2020
groff-1.22.3 GNU document formatting system written in C++ 26 Sep 2017
groff-1.22.4 GNU document formatting system written in C++ 18 Jan 2019
groff-1.23.0 GNU document formatting system written in C++ 7 Jul 2023
gsl-2.4 The GNU Scientific Library 22 Aug 2017
gsl-2.6 The GNU Scientific Library 25 Nov 2019
gsl-2.8 The GNU Scientific Library 28 May 2024
gsoap-2.8.13 Client and server Web service toolkit 1 Jun 2020
gsoap-2.8.135 Client and server Web service toolkit 5 Jul 2024
gtk+-1.2.10 Gimp ToolKit for creating graphical user interfaces 4 Jan 2018
gtk+2-2.24.32 Gimp ToolKit for creating graphical user interfaces 17 Jan 2018
gtk+3-3.6.5 Gimp ToolKit for creating graphical user interfaces 23 Mar 2018
gtkglext-1.2.0 OpenGL Extension to GTK 20 Mar 2018
gtkimageviewer-0.9.3 Gtk-Image-Viewer is a GTK widget 18 Jun 2018
gucharmap-2.32.1 Gusharmap is the GNOME Character Map 17 Apr 2018
guile-3.0.9 A portable, embeddable Scheme implementation written in C 30 Mar 2024
gutenprint-5.2.15 A suite of printer drivers for most print spooling systems 22 Oct 2019
gutenprint-5.3.3 A suite of printer drivers for most print spooling systems 9 Oct 2020
gutenprint-5.3.4 A suite of printer drivers for most print spooling systems 26 Aug 2021
gzip-1.10 Compress or decompress files using the Lempel-Ziv algorithm 11 Jan 2019
gzip-1.10 Compress or decompress files using the Lempel-Ziv algorithm 11 Jan 2019
gzip-1.13 Compress or decompress files using the Lempel-Ziv algorithm 21 Aug 2023
gzip-1.13 Compress or decompress files using the Lempel-Ziv algorithm 21 Aug 2023
gzip-1.8 Compress or decompress files using the Lempel-Ziv algorithm 13 Sep 2017
gzip-1.8 Compress or decompress files using the Lempel-Ziv algorithm 13 Sep 2017
harfbuzz-2.1.0 An OpenType text shaping library used by pango 20 Feb 2020
hdf5-1.14.5 Hierarchical Data Format 3 Oct 2024
heimdal-7.7.0 Free implementation of Kerberos 5 8 Aug 2019
heimdal-7.8.0 Free implementation of Kerberos 5 25 Apr 2024
help2man-1.47.16 A utility to create simple man pages 3 Jul 2020
help2man-1.47.4 A utility to create simple man pages 21 Aug 2017
help2man-1.49.3 A utility to create simple man pages 20 Dec 2022
hexedit-1.5 An nurses-based hex editor 11 Sep 2020
hexedit-1.6 An nurses-based hex editor 27 Apr 2022
hp2xx-3.4.4 Converts HPGL into other vector and raster formats 8 Mar 2018
html_xml_utils-7.9 Utilities for manipulating HTML and XML files 6 Aug 2020
html_xml_utils-8.6 Utilities for manipulating HTML and XML files 3 May 2023
htmldoc-1.9.10 Convert HTML files to PDF or PostScript 8 Sep 2020
htmldoc-1.9.18 Convert HTML files to PDF or PostScript 19 Feb 2024
hwloc-2.11.2 Portable Hardware Locality software package 1 Oct 2024
hwloc-2.3.0 Portable Hardware Locality software package 7 Oct 2020
ijs-0.35 Protocol library for the transmission of raster page images 23 Mar 2018
imlib-1.9.15 A general Image loading and rendering library 14 Mar 2018
imlib2-1.12.3 Image handling library 15 Jul 2024
imlib2-1.4.4 Image handling library 12 Apr 2018
indent-2.2.10 Inserts or deletes whitespace in a C program 15 Mar 2018
indent-2.2.12 Inserts or deletes whitespace in a C program 12 Sep 2018
indent-2.2.13 Inserts or deletes whitespace in a C program 23 Mar 2023
intltool-0.51.0 Scripts to aid gettext translation 22 Sep 2017
iperf-3.17.1 A tool for measuring Internet bandwidth performance 22 May 2024
iperf-3.9 A tool for measuring Internet bandwidth performance 26 Aug 2020
isl-0.18 Thread-safe library for manipulating sets 15 Oct 2019
isl-0.24 Thread-safe library for manipulating sets 24 Aug 2022
ispell-3.4.06 Ispell is a fast screen-oriented spelling checker 16 Nov 2023
jasper-1.900.29 JPEG 2000 image handling library 5 Oct 2017
jbigkit-2.1 A library of compression and decompression functions 28 Sep 2017
jed-0.99.19 An editor based on the S-Lang programming language 9 Oct 2017
joe-4.6 Text-based screen editor 24 Aug 2018
jpeg-9.2.0 Image de/compression package using the JPEG standard 7 Sep 2017
jpeg-9.4.0 Image de/compression package using the JPEG standard 15 Jan 2020
jpeg-9.6.0 Image de/compression package using the JPEG standard 7 Aug 2024
json_c-0.17 A JSON implementation in C 8 Sep 2023
json_c-0.18 A JSON implementation in C 14 Oct 2024
knews-1.0b.1 An X-based threaded Usenet news reader 4 Jun 2018
lame-3.100 LAME Aint an MP3 Encoder 1 Nov 2017
lame-3.99.5 LAME Aint an MP3 Encoder 10 Oct 2017
lbzip2-2.5 Multi-threaded bzip2 compression program 6 Oct 2017
lcms-1.19 Portable colour management library 2 Oct 2017
lcms2-2.11 A colour management library 18 Jun 2020
lcms2-2.16 A colour management library 10 Jan 2024
lcms2-2.8 A colour management library 2 Oct 2017
ldns-1.7.0 DNS programming library 31 Aug 2017
ldns-1.7.1 DNS programming library 16 Oct 2019
ldns-1.8.4 DNS programming library 16 Sep 2024
less-487 Dual direction pager program, similar to more 15 Sep 2017
less-563 Dual direction pager program, similar to more 23 Oct 2020
less-668 Dual direction pager program, similar to more 18 Oct 2024
lha-1.14i Archiver utility upwards compatible with LHarc (lzh format) 19 Jun 2018
lib3ds-1.3.0 A clone of the Autodesk 3DS File Toolkit 20 Jun 2018
libIDL-0.8.14 Parse tree generator for CORBA IDL files 15 Mar 2018
libXft-2.3.2 X FreeType library 18 Aug 2017
libXft-2.3.3 X FreeType library 12 Jan 2020
libXpm-3.5.12 Package for manipulating X pixmaps 14 Sep 2017
libXpm-3.5.13 Package for manipulating X pixmaps 12 Jan 2020
libXpm-3.5.17 Package for manipulating X pixmaps 4 Oct 2023
libXrender-0.9.10 The X Rendering Extension library 18 Aug 2017
libXrender-0.9.11 The X Rendering Extension library 9 May 2023
libao-1.2.0 Cross-platform audio library providing a simple API 3 Apr 2020
libarchive-3.4.3 Multi-format archive and compression library 21 May 2020
libarchive-3.7.7 Multi-format archive and compression library 14 Oct 2024
libart_lgpl-2.3.21 A library for high-performance 2D graphics 2 Mar 2018
libassuan-2.4.3 Library to interact with a non-persistent server 20 Sep 2017
libassuan-2.5.4 Library to interact with a non-persistent server 27 Oct 2020
libassuan-3.0.1 Library to interact with a non-persistent server 2 Jul 2024
libcroco-0.6.13 A CSS2 parsing and manipulation library 1 Oct 2020
libdnet-1.12 Portable interface to several low-level networking routines 16 Oct 2017
libdnet-1.18.0 Portable interface to several low-level networking routines 26 Mar 2024
libevent-2.1.12 Programmers library to handle specific events 28 Jul 2020
libevent-2.1.8 Programmers library to handle specific events 18 Sep 2017
libffi-3.2.1 High level interface library for calling conventions 15 Aug 2017
libffi-3.4.4 High level interface library for calling conventions 1 Dec 2022
libffi-3.4.5 High level interface library for calling conventions 26 Apr 2024
libgcrypt-1.11.0 General purpose crypto library based on GnuPG code 20 Jun 2024
libgcrypt-1.8.7 General purpose crypto library based on GnuPG code 27 Oct 2020
libgd-2.3.0 A graphics library for creating GIF and PNG files 3 Apr 2020
libgd-2.3.3 A graphics library for creating GIF and PNG files 20 Sep 2021
libglade-2.6.4 Library to load glade widgets 20 Mar 2018
libgpg_error-1.27 Error codes and handling for GNU encryption packages 29 Aug 2017
libgpg_error-1.39 Error codes and handling for GNU encryption packages 2 Sep 2020
libgpg_error-1.50 Error codes and handling for GNU encryption packages 19 Jun 2024
libgsf-1.14.46 A GNOME structured file library 17 Oct 2019
libiconv-1.15 A character set conversion library 14 Aug 2017
libiconv-1.16 A character set conversion library 25 Nov 2021
libiconv-1.17 A character set conversion library 16 May 2022
libidn-1.33 Internationalizing Domain Names in Applications (IDNA) 22 Aug 2017
libidn-1.36 Internationalizing Domain Names in Applications (IDNA) 27 Jul 2020
libidn-1.42 Internationalizing Domain Names in Applications (IDNA) 15 Jan 2024
libidn2-2.3.0 Internationalizing Domain Names in Applications (IDNA) 18 Nov 2019
libidn2-2.3.7 Internationalizing Domain Names in Applications (IDNA) 8 Feb 2024
libksba-1.4.0 Library for creating X509 certificates 16 Jun 2020
libksba-1.6.7 Library for creating X509 certificates 24 Jul 2024
liblzf-3.6 A very small data compression library 20 Feb 2018
libmcrypt-2.5.8 A thread-safe encryption library 13 Oct 2017
libmemcached-0.48 Library and utilities to work with memcached 1 May 2018
libmikmod- A portable sound library for Unix 19 Apr 2018
libmng-2.0.3 The Multiple image network graphic library 10 Oct 2017
libogg-1.3.2 Ogg bitstream format library 24 Aug 2017
libogg-1.3.4 Ogg bitstream format library 17 Oct 2019
libogg-1.3.5 Ogg bitstream format library 25 Jan 2022
libol-0.3.18 A syslogd replacement with new functionality 21 Jun 2018
liboop-1.0.1 Low level event loop management library 27 Mar 2018
libpaper-2.2.5 Allow users to specify their preferred paper size 25 Mar 2024
libpcap-1.10.5 A system-independent interface for packet capture 2 Sep 2024
libpcap-1.8.1 A system-independent interface for packet capture 21 Aug 2017
libpcap-1.9.1 A system-independent interface for packet capture 10 Oct 2019
libpng-1.6.30 Portable Network Graphics (PNG) library 17 Aug 2017
libpng-1.6.37 Portable Network Graphics (PNG) library 9 Jul 2019
libpng-1.6.44 Portable Network Graphics (PNG) library 17 Sep 2024
librsvg-2.40.21 A high performance SVG rendering library 6 Apr 2020
librsync-0.9.7 Library to remotely synchronise files 7 Jun 2018
libssh2-1.11.0 A library implementing the SSH2 protocol 14 Aug 2023
libssh2-1.9.0 A library implementing the SSH2 protocol 9 Jul 2019
libtar-1.2.20 Library for manipulating tar files from within C programs 22 Sep 2017
libtasn1-4.12 Library to manage Abstract Syntax Notation One structures 31 Aug 2017
libtasn1-4.16.0 Library to manage Abstract Syntax Notation One structures 4 Feb 2020
libtasn1-4.19.0 Library to manage Abstract Syntax Notation One structures 24 Aug 2022
libtool-2.4.6 A generic library support script 4 Nov 2021
libtool-2.4.7 A generic library support script 21 Mar 2022
libtool-2.5.3 A generic library support script 30 Sep 2024
libungif-4.1.4 A library for manipulating GIF files 2 Mar 2018
libunistring-0.9.10 Unicode and C string manipulation library 25 Nov 2021
libunistring-1.1 Unicode and C string manipulation library 17 Oct 2022
libunistring-1.2 Unicode and C string manipulation library 26 Feb 2024
libunistring-1.3 Unicode and C string manipulation library 17 Oct 2024
libuv-1.42.0 Cross-platform asynchronous I/O library 30 Nov 2021
libuv-1.43.0 Cross-platform asynchronous I/O library 13 Jan 2022
libuv-1.44.2 Cross-platform asynchronous I/O library 15 Jul 2022
libvorbis-1.3.7 General purpose audio and music encoding library 7 Jul 2020
libwmf- Windows Metafile wmf format converter 23 Jan 2018
libxml-1.8.17 Standard for markup based structured documents 21 Mar 2018
libxml2-2.13.3 XML C parser and toolkit 30 Jul 2024
libxml2-2.13.4 XML C parser and toolkit 26 Sep 2024
libxml2-2.9.10 XML C parser and toolkit 13 Nov 2019
libxml2-2.9.4 XML C parser and toolkit 15 Aug 2017
libxslt-1.1.34 Up-to-date XSLT support for libxml2 13 Nov 2019
libxslt-1.1.42 Up-to-date XSLT support for libxml2 8 Aug 2024
libzip-1.3.2 C library for reading, creating, and modifying zip archives 7 Aug 2019
links-2.14 Lynx-like alternative character mode WWW browser 13 Mar 2018
links-2.21 Lynx-like alternative character mode WWW browser 9 Oct 2020
links-2.30 Lynx-like alternative character mode WWW browser 30 Jul 2024
lmdb-0.9.29 Lightning memory-mapped database library and tools 31 Aug 2022
logrotate-3.12.3 Log management tool for sysadmins 13 Sep 2017
logrotate-3.17.0 Log management tool for sysadmins 10 Jul 2020
logrotate-3.22.0 Log management tool for sysadmins 9 Aug 2024
lsof-4.89 List files, sockets, etc opened by processes 30 Aug 2017
lsof-4.93.2 List files, sockets, etc opened by processes 8 Apr 2020
lsof-4.98.0 List files, sockets, etc opened by processes 24 Jan 2023
lynx-2.8.8 Text-based World Wide Web browser 15 Jun 2018
lynx-2.8.9 Text-based World Wide Web browser 24 Aug 2023
lz4-1.10.0 A compression and decompression library 22 Jul 2024
lz4-1.9.2 A compression and decompression library 3 Jul 2020
lzip-1.19 LZMA file compressor 16 Oct 2017
lzip-1.21 LZMA file compressor 12 Jul 2019
lzip-1.24.1 LZMA file compressor 5 Mar 2024
lzlib-1.11 LZMA compression and decompression library 9 Jun 2020
lzlib-1.14 LZMA compression and decompression library 12 Feb 2024
lzlib-1.9 LZMA compression and decompression library 12 Sep 2017
lzma-4.32.7 LZMA compression utilities for POSIX systems 15 Aug 2017
lzo-2.10 A real-time data compression library 31 Aug 2017
lzop-1.04 A file compressor similar to gzip 6 Oct 2017
m4-1.4.18 The traditional Unix macro processor 16 Aug 2017
m4-1.4.19 The traditional Unix macro processor 1 Jun 2021
make-4.2.1 GNU make utility to maintain groups of programs 14 Aug 2017
make-4.3 GNU make utility to maintain groups of programs 20 Jan 2020
make-4.4.1 GNU make utility to maintain groups of programs 27 Feb 2023
mawk- Pattern scanning and text processing language 21 Sep 2017
mawk- Pattern scanning and text processing language 2 Apr 2020
mc-4.8.32 A free Norton Commander clone for Unix 26 Aug 2024
md5-1.00 Calculate a message-digest fingerprint for a file 12 Apr 2018
mdk-1.2.11 MIX Development Kit for MIXAL programs 16 Oct 2020
mdk-1.2.9 MIX Development Kit for MIXAL programs 29 Mar 2018
mdk-1.3.0 MIX Development Kit for MIXAL programs 3 Nov 2020
memcached-1.6.32 High performance memory object caching system 21 Oct 2024
memcached-1.6.8 High performance memory object caching system 29 Oct 2020
memtester-4.3.0 Stress test to find memory subsystem faults 18 Jun 2018
memtester-4.5.0 Stress test to find memory subsystem faults 22 Oct 2020
memtester-4.6.0 Stress test to find memory subsystem faults 23 Dec 2022
mhash- An easy way for programmers to use strong hashes 15 Mar 2018
moe-1.10 A powerful and user-friendly text editor 26 Jun 2020
moe-1.14 A powerful and user-friendly text editor 9 Feb 2024
moe-1.9 A powerful and user-friendly text editor 12 Oct 2017
most-5.0.0a Most a paging program displays one windowful at a time 6 Apr 2018
most-5.2.0 A paging program that displays one windowful at a time 17 Aug 2022
mpack-1.6 Mpack is utility for encoding and decoding binary files 2 May 2018
mpage-2.5.7 Multi-page output for Postscript printers 28 Feb 2018
mpc-1.0.3 A multi-precision complex arithmetic library 7 Sep 2017
mpc-1.2.1 A multi-precision complex arithmetic library 26 Oct 2020
mpc-1.3.1 A multi-precision complex arithmetic library 22 Dec 2022
mpdist-3.7.1 PostScript pretty printer (written in C++) for text files 18 May 2018
mpfr-3.1.5 The Multiple Precision Floating Point Reliable Library 23 Aug 2017
mpfr-4.1.0 The Multiple Precision Floating Point Reliable Library 13 Jul 2020
mpfr-4.2.1 The Multiple Precision Floating Point Reliable Library 23 Aug 2023
mpg123-1.26.3 An MPEG audio player for Layers 1, 2 and 3 21 Jul 2020
mpg123-1.32.7 An MPEG audio player for Layers 1, 2 and 3 12 Aug 2024
mrtg-2.17.10 The Multi Router Traffic Grapher 27 Jan 2022
mrtg-2.17.4 The Multi Router Traffic Grapher 18 Jun 2018
mrtg-2.17.7 The Multi Router Traffic Grapher 2 Apr 2019
mtools-4.0.18 A group of programs that allows access to DOS floppies 20 Jun 2018
mtools-4.0.25 A group of programs that allows access to DOS floppies 26 Oct 2020
mtools-4.0.45 A group of programs that allows access to DOS floppies 30 Sep 2024
multitail-6.4.2 Tail multiple files in one window using ncurses 4 Apr 2018
multitail-7.0.0 Tail multiple files in one window using ncurses 8 Sep 2022
mutt-1.14.7 An email client 2 Sep 2020
mutt-2.2.13 An email client 26 Mar 2024
mysql-5.1.73 Open Source SQL database 11 Oct 2017
nano-5.3 The editor formerly known as TIP 8 Oct 2020
nano-8.2 The editor formerly known as TIP 5 Sep 2024
ncftp-3.2.6 A file transfer program superior to FTP 21 Sep 2017
ncftp-3.2.7 A file transfer program superior to FTP 3 Jan 2024
ncurses-6.0 A freeware emulation of System V curses 15 Aug 2017
ncurses-6.2 A freeware emulation of System V curses 12 Feb 2020
ncurses-6.3 A freeware emulation of System V curses 29 Nov 2021
ncurses-6.4 A freeware emulation of System V curses 3 Jan 2023
ncurses-6.5 A freeware emulation of System V curses 10 May 2024
nedit-5.7 GUI text editor for workstations with X Windows and Motif 6 Apr 2018
neon-0.30.2 An HTTP and WebDAV client library 22 Sep 2017
neon-0.31.2 An HTTP and WebDAV client library 22 Jun 2020
neon-0.33.0 An HTTP and WebDAV client library 1 May 2024
netcat-1.10 Network connection checking program for TCP or UDP 21 Sep 2017
nettle-3.10 A low-level cryptographic library 19 Jun 2024
nettle-3.6 A low-level cryptographic library 4 May 2020
ngrep-1.47 A grep tool for searching the network layer 17 Mar 2020
nightfall-1.88 An astronomy application for fun, education and science 23 Mar 2018
nmap-4.76 A utility for port scanning large networks 11 Jun 2018
nmap-5.00 A utility for port scanning large networks 12 Oct 2020
npth-1.5 A library providing the GNU Pth API 19 Oct 2017
npth-1.6 A library providing the GNU Pth API 15 Oct 2018
nslint-3.1 Berkeley lint program for dns files 13 Mar 2020
nspr-4.19 Netscape Portable Runtime libraries 23 Oct 2020
nspr-4.33 Netscape Portable Runtime libraries 27 Dec 2021
nss-3.36.8 Network Security Services (NSS) libraries 23 Oct 2020
nss-3.73.1 Network Security Services (NSS) libraries 27 Dec 2021
ntp-4.2.8p10 The Network Time Protocol distribution for Unix 14 Sep 2017
ntp-4.2.8p15 The Network Time Protocol distribution for Unix 9 Jul 2020
ntp-4.2.8p18 The Network Time Protocol distribution for Unix 29 May 2024
oniguruma-6.6.1 A regular expression library 20 Sep 2017
oniguruma-6.9.8 A regular expression library 25 Jul 2022
openjpeg-1.5.2 A JPEG 2000 library 7 Feb 2018
openldap-2.4.45 Client-server protocol for accessing a directory service 31 Aug 2017
openldap-2.4.54 Client-server protocol for accessing a directory service 13 Oct 2020
openldap-2.6.8 Client-server protocol for accessing a directory service 22 May 2024
openssh-7.5p1 A suite of network connectivity tools 13 Sep 2017
openssh-8.4p1 A suite of network connectivity tools 29 Sep 2020
openssh-9.9p1 A suite of network connectivity tools 23 Sep 2024
openssl-1.0.2l Cryptography toolkit implementing SSL and TLS 24 Aug 2017
openssl-1.0.2p Cryptography toolkit implementing SSL and TLS 3 Sep 2018
openssl-1.0.2u Cryptography toolkit implementing SSL and TLS 29 Nov 2021
openssl-3.0.15 Cryptography toolkit implementing SSL and TLS 26 Sep 2024
opus-1.2.1 A codec for interactive speech and audio transmission 5 Oct 2017
opus-1.3.1 A codec for interactive speech and audio transmission 13 Mar 2020
opus-1.5.2 A codec for interactive speech and audio transmission 17 Apr 2024
p11_kit-0.23.2 Provides a way to load and enumerate PKCS#11 modules 1 Sep 2017
p11_kit-0.23.21 Provides a way to load and enumerate PKCS#11 modules 11 Sep 2020
p11_kit-0.25.5 Provides a way to load and enumerate PKCS#11 modules 28 Aug 2024
p7zip-16.02 UNIX port of the Windows 7-Zip compression suite 19 Sep 2017
pango-1.40.12 A library for layout and rendering of text 18 Jan 2018
pangox-0.0.2 Compatibility library for handling X fonts 20 Mar 2018
paps-0.6.8 Unicode to Postscript conversion library 11 Jun 2018
patch-2.7.5 Applies diffs to files to reproduce new versions 19 Sep 2017
patch-2.7.6 Applies diffs to files to reproduce new versions 16 Feb 2018
pbzip2-1.1.13 Parallel bzip2 file compressor 16 Oct 2017
pcal-4.11.0 Sophisticated Postscript calendar generator 23 Oct 2017
pcre-8.41 Perl-compatible regular expression libraries 24 Aug 2017
pcre-8.44 Perl-compatible regular expression libraries 2 Mar 2020
pcre-8.45 Perl-compatible regular expression libraries 30 Jun 2021
pcre2-10.44 New API version of the Perl-compat regexp library 14 Aug 2024
perl-5.10.1 Practical Extraction and Report Language 23 Aug 2017
perl-5.32.0 Practical Extraction and Report Language 22 Jun 2020
perl-5.34.1 Practical Extraction and Report Language 18 May 2022
petidomo-4.3 Small and efficient mailing list package 12 Jun 2018
php-5.6.31 Web development scripting language that is HTML-embeddable 13 Oct 2017
php-7.4.11 Web development scripting language that is HTML-embeddable 2 Oct 2020
php-8.2.24 Web development scripting language that is HTML-embeddable 7 Oct 2024
pigz-2.3.4 Multi-threaded version of the gzip compression program 29 Sep 2017
pigz-2.4 Multi-threaded version of the gzip compression program 27 Apr 2018
pigz-2.8 Multi-threaded version of the gzip compression program 27 Aug 2024
pinentry-1.1.0 A collection of passphrase entry dialogues 18 Jan 2018
pinentry-1.3.1 A collection of passphrase entry dialogues 16 Jul 2024
pixman-0.34.0 A pixel manipulation library used by cairo 23 Aug 2017
pixman-0.40.0 A pixel manipulation library used by cairo 20 Apr 2020
pixman-0.42.2 A pixel manipulation library used by cairo 2 Feb 2023
pkgconfig-0.29.2 Tool for tracking compilation flags needed for libraries 15 Aug 2017
ploticus-2.42 Data display engine for ps gif and png 11 Jun 2018
plotutils-2.6 The GNU plotting utilities package and libraries 4 Oct 2017
plzip-1.11 Multi-threaded LZMA compressor 28 Aug 2024
plzip-1.6 Multi-threaded LZMA compressor 16 Oct 2017
plzip-1.8 Multi-threaded LZMA compressor 18 Oct 2019
pngcheck-2.3.0 PNG, JNG and MNG file integrity verifier 27 Mar 2020
pngcheck-3.0.3 PNG, JNG and MNG file integrity verifier 26 Apr 2021
pngcrush-1.8.11 Recompresses PNGs to reduce their file size 20 Oct 2017
pngcrush-1.8.13 Recompresses PNGs to reduce their file size 31 Mar 2020
poppler-0.57.0 A PDF rendering library 7 Feb 2018
popt-1.16 Command line option parsing library 21 Aug 2017
popt-1.19 Command line option parsing library 6 Oct 2022
postgresql-12.4 A sophisticated object-relational database 2 Sep 2020
postgresql-16.4 A sophisticated object-relational database 14 Aug 2024
prngd-0.9.29 Pseudo Random Number Generator Daemon 18 Jun 2018
proftpd-1.3.6 Configurable FTP daemon for UNIX systems 29 Sep 2017
proftpd-1.3.7a Configurable FTP daemon for UNIX systems 3 Aug 2020
proftpd-1.3.8b Configurable FTP daemon for UNIX systems 20 Dec 2023
pspp-1.0.1 A program for statistical analysis of sampled data 30 Aug 2017
pstree-2.39 A utility to produce textual tree of running processes 9 Oct 2017
psutils-1.17 A set of utilities for manipulating PostScript documents 19 Mar 2018
pth-2.0.7 A portable threads library for Unix platforms 4 Oct 2017
python-2.7.18 A sophisticated interpreted OOP language 24 Apr 2020
python-3.10.14 A sophisticated interpreted OOP language 6 Sep 2024
python-3.11.10 A sophisticated interpreted OOP language 24 Sep 2024
qpdf-6.0.0 Perform content-preserving transformations on PDFs 16 Mar 2018
rcs-5.10.1 Revision control system to main multiple file revisions 7 Feb 2022
rdesktop-1.8.3 A client for Windows NT Terminal Server 20 Feb 2018
readline-7.0.003 A command line editing and history recall library 15 Aug 2017
readline-8.0.004 A command line editing and history recall library 24 Mar 2020
readline-8.1.001 A command line editing and history recall library 29 Nov 2021
readline-8.1.2 A command line editing and history recall library 6 Jan 2022
readline-8.2.001 A command line editing and history recall library 10 Oct 2022
readline-8.2.13 A command line editing and history recall library 5 Aug 2024
regex-0.12 The GNU regular expression functions for programmers 4 Sep 2017
replace-2.24 Replace ASCII or hex strings in text or binary files 15 Sep 2017
ripmime- Program to extract attachments from mail 2 May 2018
rpl-1.4.1 Replaces replace strings in multiple files 18 May 2018
rrdtool-1.7.0 Data logger and analysis tool 6 Jun 2018
rrdtool-1.7.2 Data logger and analysis tool 12 Aug 2019
rrdtool-1.9.0 Data logger and analysis tool 2 Aug 2024
rsync-3.1.2 A replacement for rcp that has many more features 11 Sep 2017
rsync-3.2.3 A replacement for rcp that has many more features 7 Aug 2020
rsync-3.3.0 A replacement for rcp that has many more features 12 Apr 2024
screen-4.8.0 Multiplexed ANSI/VT100 terminal emulator 7 Feb 2020
screen-4.9.1 Multiplexed ANSI/VT100 terminal emulator 17 Aug 2023
scrub-2.6.1 Write patterns on a disk or file to securely erase data 6 Oct 2017
sed-4.4 A stream editor that uses POSIX regular expressions 1 Sep 2017
sed-4.7 A stream editor that uses POSIX regular expressions 22 Jan 2020
sed-4.9 A stream editor that uses POSIX regular expressions 8 Nov 2022
serf-1.3.10 A high-performance asynchronous HTTP client library 3 Jan 2024
serf-1.3.9 A high-performance asynchronous HTTP client library 6 Sep 2017
sgrep-1.94a Sgrep is a tool for querying almost any kind of text file 17 Apr 2018
sharutils-4.15.2 This is the set of GNU shar utilities 17 Oct 2017
shtool-2.0.8 The GNU Portable Shell Tool 17 Apr 2018
slang-2.3.1a A multi-platform programmer's library 20 Sep 2017
slang-2.3.2 A multi-platform programmer's library 17 Oct 2019
slang-2.3.3 A multi-platform programmer's library 13 Sep 2022
smpeg-0.4.5 SDL MPEG player library 20 Apr 2018
snort- A libpcap based packet sniffer and logger 5 Oct 2020
snort-2.9.20 A libpcap based packet sniffer and logger 10 Jun 2022
snprintf-2.2 A portable implementation of snprintf species 6 Nov 2017
splint-3.1.2 Tool for checking security and coding mistakes 19 Apr 2018
sqlite-3.26.0 SQLite is an embedded SQL database engine 2 Oct 2020
sqlite-3.46.1 SQLite is an embedded SQL database engine 15 Aug 2024
subversion-1.14.0 Version control system similar to CVS 29 May 2020
subversion-1.14.3 Version control system similar to CVS 3 Jan 2024
subversion-1.14.4 Version control system similar to CVS 8 Oct 2024
sudo-1.9.16 Package to allow commands to be run as the superuser 11 Sep 2024
sudo-1.9.3p1 Package to allow commands to be run as the superuser 30 Sep 2020
swig-3.0.12 Integrates scripting languages with C 21 Sep 2017
swish_e-2.4.7 Simple Web Indexing System for Humans - Enhanced 30 Apr 2018
sylpheed-3.7.0 An e-mail and news reader client based on GTK+ 2 Feb 2018
t1lib-5.1.2 Library to generate bitmaps from Adobe (TM) Type 1 fonts 30 Apr 2018
tar-1.29 GNU version of tar, a tape file archiver 29 Aug 2017
tar-1.32 GNU version of tar, a tape file archiver 27 Feb 2019
tar-1.35 GNU version of tar, a tape file archiver 18 Jul 2023
tcltk-8.5.19 Tool Command Language and a Toolkit of widgets 21 Aug 2017
tcp_wrappers-7.6 The TCP/IP network services wrapper package 12 Sep 2017
tcpdump-4.9.1 A tool for network monitoring and data acquisition 7 Sep 2017
tcpdump-4.9.3 A tool for network monitoring and data acquisition 10 Oct 2019
tcpdump-4.99.5 A tool for network monitoring and data acquisition 2 Sep 2024
tcpflow-0.21 Capture transmitted data on TCP flows 20 Jun 2018
tcptrace-6.6.7 A TCP connection log analysis tool 9 Oct 2017
tcsh-6.20.00 C shell with filename completion and command line editing 27 Sep 2017
tcsh-6.22.02 C shell with filename completion and command line editing 10 Dec 2019
tcsh-6.24.13 C shell with filename completion and command line editing 13 Jun 2024
termcap-1.3.1 Application programmer interface to the termcap data base 15 Aug 2017
texi2html-1.82 Convert texinfo files to HTML 2 Mar 2018
texinfo-6.7 GNU documentation system 21 Sep 2020
texinfo-7.1.1 GNU documentation system 9 Sep 2024
tiff-4.0.8 Graphics library for the manipulation of TIFF image files 2 Oct 2017
tiff-4.1.0 Graphics library for the manipulation of TIFF image files 14 Nov 2019
tiff-4.6.0 Graphics library for the manipulation of TIFF image files 18 Sep 2023
tiff-4.7.0 Graphics library for the manipulation of TIFF image files 20 Sep 2024
tiff2png-0.92 A program to convert tiff files into png files 17 Oct 2017
time-1.9 Time is a program that measures many of the CPU resources 14 Mar 2018
tinyproxy-1.10.0 An small HTTP proxy server 14 Nov 2019
tinyproxy-1.11.2 An small HTTP proxy server 29 Aug 2024
tkdiff-5.0 A graphical front-end for the diff utility 19 Oct 2020
tkdiff-5.7 A graphical front-end for the diff utility 29 Aug 2024
tusc-8.1 Traces the system calls a process invokes in HP-UX 11 7 Sep 2017
txt2man-1.5.6 Converts flat ASCII text to man page format 18 May 2018
unbound-1.12.0 A validating, recursive and caching DNS resolver 13 Oct 2020
unbound-1.21.1 A validating, recursive and caching DNS resolver 14 Oct 2024
unbound-1.22.0 A validating, recursive and caching DNS resolver 21 Oct 2024
uncrustify-0.64 Source code beautifier for several languages 11 Mar 2020
units-2.14 Gnu unit conversion program 23 Oct 2017
units-2.20 Gnu unit conversion program 1 Oct 2020
units-2.23 Gnu unit conversion program 11 Mar 2024
unzip-6.0 List, test or extract from a ZIP archive file 16 Aug 2017
uucp-1.07 This is the complete source code for a Unix UUCP package 2 May 2018
vile-9.8 Vile is a text editor which is extremely compatible with vi 18 Oct 2017
vile-9.8u Vile is a text editor which is extremely compatible with vi 27 May 2021
vim-8.0 VIm is a text editor that is upwards compatible to Vi 17 Jan 2018
vim-8.2 VIm is a text editor that is upwards compatible to Vi 13 Dec 2019
vim-9.1 VIm is a text editor that is upwards compatible to Vi 4 Jan 2024
vttest-20140305 A test suite for VT100 terminals 19 Oct 2017
vttest-20200920 A test suite for VT100 terminals 23 Sep 2020
vttest-20240708 A test suite for VT100 terminals 30 Aug 2024
w3m-0.5.3 A pager with WWW browsing capability 27 Mar 2018
wcd-6.0.3 Wherever Change Directory chdir extension 18 Oct 2019
wcd-6.0.5 Wherever Change Directory chdir extension 21 Jul 2023
wdiff-1.2.2 Uses diff to compare files on a word per word basis 13 Mar 2018
webalizer-2.23.08 A web server log file analysis program 28 Mar 2018
wget-1.19.1 Retrieve files from Web sites 8 Sep 2017
wget-1.20.3 Retrieve files from Web sites 10 Apr 2019
wget-1.24.5 Retrieve files from Web sites 18 Mar 2024
wget2-2.1.0 Retrieve files from Web sites 25 Oct 2023
which-2.21 Program to show the full path of a command 18 Jun 2018
whichman-2.4 Search utility for man pages 27 Apr 2018
wireshark-2.6.20 A network traffic analyzer for Unix 5 Oct 2020
wv-1.2.9 Microsoft Word to HTML and LaTeX converter 12 Apr 2018
wxGTK-2.8.12 GTK+ port of the wxWidgets GUI library 21 Mar 2018
x11perf-1.6.0 X11 server performance test program 20 Oct 2017
x11perf-1.6.1 X11 server performance test program 21 Nov 2019
xbill-2.1 A Motif-based game to stop little men installing Wingdows 6 Apr 2018
xdaliclock-2.44 A melting digital clock for X11 21 Nov 2019
xdelta3-3.0.11 Xdelta3 is a binary delta generator 19 Oct 2017
xerces_c-3.2.3 Validating XML parser written in C++ 22 Apr 2020
xerces_c-3.3.0 Validating XML parser written in C++ 21 Oct 2024
xforms-1.2.4 A GUI toolkit based on Xlib for X Window Systems 16 Mar 2018
xfractint-20.04p14 A fractal generation program 9 Dec 2019
xfractint-20.04p16 A fractal generation program 26 May 2021
xgalaga- X-based colourful Galaxians-style shoot-em-up 23 Oct 2017
xhippo-3.5 A simple GTK based playlist application 4 Jun 2018
xmahjongg-3.7 An ancient Chinese board game 28 Mar 2018
xmedcon-0.16.2 Medical Image Conversion Utility for nuclear medicine 10 Dec 2019
xmedcon-0.17.0 Medical Image Conversion Utility for nuclear medicine 6 Apr 2021
xmountains-2.9 An X11-based fractal landscape generator 9 Dec 2019
xmris-4.0.5 A version of the Mr Do video arcade game 26 Oct 2017
xorgproto-2023.2 Includes and configs for various X extensions 27 Jun 2023
xpdf-3.04 A viewer for Portable Document Format (PDF) files 30 Apr 2018
xterm-330 A terminal emulator for the X Window System 5 Oct 2017
xterm-361 A terminal emulator for the X Window System 15 Oct 2020
xterm-394 A terminal emulator for the X Window System 3 Sep 2024
xvi-2.50.3 A portable multi-file text editor 17 Oct 2017
xxHash-0.8.0 An extremely fast hash library running at RAM speed limits 29 Jul 2020
xxHash-0.8.2 An extremely fast hash library running at RAM speed limits 6 Dec 2023
xz-5.2.3 Data compression library and command line tools 15 Aug 2017
xz-5.2.4 Data compression library and command line tools 29 Nov 2018
xz-5.4.6 Data compression library and command line tools 18 Apr 2024
zip-3.0 Archiver and compressor popular on MS-DOS systems 5 Sep 2017
zlib-1.2.11 A general purpose compression library based on gzip 29 Nov 2021
zlib-1.2.12 A general purpose compression library based on gzip 30 Mar 2022
zlib-1.2.13 A general purpose compression library based on gzip 17 Oct 2022
zlib-1.3 A general purpose compression library based on gzip 19 Aug 2023
zlib-1.3.1 A general purpose compression library based on gzip 26 Feb 2024
zlib_ng-2.2.1 Next generation zlib-compatible compression library 11 Jul 2024
zlib_ng-2.2.2 Next generation zlib-compatible compression library 23 Sep 2024
zsh-5.8 Shell combining the best of ksh and csh into one 24 Feb 2020
zsh-5.9 Shell combining the best of ksh and csh into one 17 May 2022
zstd-1.4.5 A fast lossless compression library 6 Jul 2020
zstd-1.5.6 A fast lossless compression library 28 Mar 2024