
A collection of passphrase entry dialogues

They utilise the Assuan protocol as described by the aegypten project and provide either a curses or GTK+ user interface.

There are run-time dependencies that need to be installed first. Why not use depothelper to install them all in one go?

Run-time dependencies:
atk bzip2 cairo expat fontconfig freetype gettext glib2 gtk+2
harfbuzz libXft libXrender libassuan libffi libgpg_error libiconv libpng libunistring
ncurses pango pixman zlib          
Build-time dependencies:
atk bzip2 cairo expat fontconfig freetype gettext glib2 gtk+2
harfbuzz libXft libXrender libassuan libffi libgpg_error libiconv libpng libunistring
make ncurses pango pixman xorgproto zlib      
Operating System Architecture Package Type Package Size Date Archived View Contents? Download
HP-UX 11i v3
(HP-UX 11.31)
64-bit Itanium 2Gzipped
Binary Depot
267 K16 Jul 2024YesHTTP FTP
HP-UX -Tarred/Gzipped
Source Code
1.04 MB16 Jul 2024YesHTTP FTP