From Monday 13th November 2006 onwards,
it has been decided that the default compilers
that will be used to build binaries from source code packages will be
HP's ANSI C ("cc") and C++ ("aCC").
Prior to that aforementioned date,
such binaries were built with the GNU C ("gcc") and C++
("g++") compilers by default, but
for various reasons, particularly performance-related ones, all new packages
(or rebuilds of existing packages) will be built with HP's compilers.
In order to match our compiler build environment, users will need to install the HP ANSI C and C++ compilers and apply appropriate patches. Here's a list of our setup (as of 5th October 2010, patch information and downloads now require a software support contract and you must be logged into the appropriate ITRC account before clicking the patch links below):
HP-UX 11i v3 (HP-UX 11.31) - Itanium 2
HP-UX 11i v3 (HP-UX 11.31) - PA-RISC 2.0
HP-UX 11i v2 (HP-UX 11.23) - Itanium 2
HP-UX 11i v2 (HP-UX 11.23) - PA-RISC 2.0
HP-UX 11i v1 (HP-UX 11.11) - PA-RISC 2.0
Whilst new packages may still build with gcc/g++, we no longer build/test with gcc/g++ and cannot guarantee that packages dated from Monday 13th November 2006 onwards will build or run correctly if gcc/g++ is used. Over time, we will also be rebuiding existing gcc/g++-built packages with HP's compilers instead.