
An automated Makefile generator

It was inspired by the 4.4BSD make and include files, but aims to be portable and to conform to the GNU standards for Makefile variables and targets.

There are run-time dependencies that need to be installed first. Why not use depothelper to install them all in one go?

Run-time dependencies:
autoconf bison db expat flex gawk gdbm gettext gmp
libiconv libunistring m4 make mpfr ncurses openssl perl readline
termcap texinfo              
Build-time dependencies:
autoconf bison db expat flex gawk gdbm gettext gmp
libiconv libunistring m4 make mpfr ncurses openssl perl readline
termcap texinfo              
Operating System Architecture Package Type Package Size Date Archived View Contents? Download
HP-UX 11i v3
(HP-UX 11.31)
64-bit Itanium 2Gzipped
Binary Depot
1.00 MB15 Jul 2024YesHTTP FTP
HP-UX -Tarred/Gzipped
Source Code
2.48 MB15 Jul 2024NoHTTP FTP