
The GNOME System Monitor

It displays information about all the programs running on your computer. Gtop produces one or more constantly-updated windows which show you snapshots of the state of your system. The display can show you which processes are currently the most active and what they are doing how much memory is available and how much is in use and how much of the filesystem is full or empty.

There are run-time dependencies that need to be installed first. Why not use depothelper to install them all in one go?

Run-time dependencies:
audiofile db esound gettext glib gnome_lib gtk+ imlib indent
jpeg libgtop libpng ORBit tiff gettext libXpm libiconv zlib
Build-time dependencies:
ORBit audiofile db esound gcc gettext glib gnome_lib gtk+
imlib indent jpeg libgtop libpng make tiff xpm zlib
Operating System Architecture Package Type Package Size Date Archived View Contents? Download
HP-UX 11.00
32-bit PA-RISC 1.1Gzipped
Binary Depot
109 K22 Mar 2001YesHTTP FTP
HP-UX -Tarred/Gzipped
Source Code
907 K22 Mar 2001YesHTTP FTP