packages icon

 SWM(1)                                                               SWM(1)

      SWM - a (S)mall (W)indow (M)anager for X11

      swm [options...]

      SWM is a Small Window Manager for X11. SWM is optimized for small
      displays with a recommended minimum resolution of 640x480 pixels and
      consumes less than 860k of RAM (depends on your configuration).

      Titlebar left-click
           Raises window and moves it while the mouse button is pressed.

      Titlebar middle-click (if SHADE is enabled)
           Shades the window up/down.

      Titlebar right-click
           As above, but does not raise the window. Allows you to move
           windows in background.

      [x] Closebox left-click
           Closes the window.

      [x] Closebox middle-click
           Lowers the window.

      [x] Closebox right-click
           Allows you to resize the window while the mouse button is

      [+] Maximizebox left-click
           Resizes the window to full screen.

      [+] Maximizebox middle-click
           Does nothing in this release.

      [+] Maximizebox right-click
           If the window was maximized, this resizes the window to the
           former size/position.

      [#]/[s] Stickybox left-click (if GNOME is
           Toggles the window sticky/unsticky.

      [#]/[s] Stickybox middle-click (if GNOME is
           Switches to the pevious desktop taking the window with you.

      [#]/[s] Stickybox right-click (if GNOME is
           Switches to the next desktop taking the window with you.

                                    - 1 -      Formatted:  December 26, 2024

 SWM(1)                                                               SWM(1)

      Window border left-click
           Resized the window while the mouse button is pressed, without
           raising it.

      Window border middle-click
           Raises the window and moves it while the mouse button is pressed.

      Window border right-click
           Moves the window while the mouse button is pressed, without
           raising it.

      Root-window button 1|2|3
           executes ~/.swm/button1, button2 or button3. If no other program
           grabs the background.

      SWM functions can be enabled/disabled with Num-Lock, Caps-Lock or
      Scroll-Lock.  SWM will pass all received keys to the application
      window if one of these locks is enabled.

           Rises the next window.

      Alt-F3 (if MWM compliance is enabled)
           (Un)hides the titlebar

           Closes the window with the current input focus.

      Ctrl-Tab (if GNOME is enabled)
           Switches to the next desktop.

      Alt-PageUp (if GNOME is enabled)
           Raises the window to a layer above.

      Alt-PageDown (if GNOME is enabled)
           Lowers the window to a layer below.

      -display display
           Run swm on the X11 display display.

      If you find some - mail me. :-))

      Robert Sperling <>.

                                    - 2 -      Formatted:  December 26, 2024