evilwm(1) evilwm(1) February 13, 2006 NAME evilwm - Minimalist Window Manager for X SYNOPSIS evilwm [ -display display ] [ -term termprog ] [ -fn fontname ] [ -fg foreground colour ] [ -fc fixed colour ] [ -bg background colour ] [ -bw borderwidth ] [ -snap num ] [ -mask1 modifiers ] [ -mask2 modifiers ] [ -altmask modifier ] [ [ -app name/class [ -g geometry ] [ -v vdesk ] [ -s ] ]... [ -nosoliddrag ] [ -V ] DESCRIPTION evilwm is a minimalist window manager based on aewm, extended to feature many keyboard controls, and otherwise altered to be more friendly. In evilwm, the focus follows the mouse pointer, and focus is not lost if you stray onto the root window. The current window border is shaded gold, with other windows left as a dark grey. You can use the mouse to manipulate windows either by click/dragging the 1 pixel border, or by holding down Alt and doing so anywhere in the client window. The controls are: Button 1 Move window. Button 2 Resize window. Button 3 Lower window. Most keyboard controls are used by holding down Control and Alt, then pressing a key. Available functions are: Return Spawn new terminal. Escape Delete current window. Hold Shift as well to force kill a client. Insert Lower current window. H, J, K, L Move window left, down, up or right (16 pixels). Holding Shift resizes the window instead. Y, U, B, N Move window to top-left, top-right, bottom-left or bottom-right - 1 - Formatted: September 10, 2024 evilwm(1) evilwm(1) February 13, 2006 of screen. I Show information about current window. Equals Maximise current window vertically (toggle). X Maximise current window (toggle). If compiled with virtual desktop support, these functions are also available: F Fix or unfix current window. 1--8 Switch virtual desktop. Left Previous virtual desktop. Right Next virtual desktop. In addition to the above, Alt+Tab can be used to cycle through windows on screen. To make evilwm exit, you have to kill the process. OPTIONS -display display specifies the X display to run on. -term termprog specifies an alternative program to run when spawning a new terminal (defaults to xterm, or x-terminal-emulator in Debian). -fn fontname specify a font to use when resizing or displaying window titles. -fg foreground colour frame colour of currently active window. -fc fixed colour frame colour of active fixed windows. -bg background colour frame colour of inactive windows. -bw borderwidth width of window borders in pixels. -snap num enable snap-to-border support. num gives the proximity in pixels - 2 - Formatted: September 10, 2024 evilwm(1) evilwm(1) February 13, 2006 to snap to. -mask1 modifiers -mask2 modifiers -altmask modifier override the default keyboard modifiers used to grab keys for window manager functionality. mask1 is used for most keyboard controls (default: control+alt), and mask2 is used for mouse button controls and cycling windows (default: alt). altmask is used to modify the behaviour of certain controls (default: shift). Modifiers may be separated with + signs. Valid modifiers are shift, lock, control, alt, mod1, mod2, mod3, mod4, mod5. -app name/class match an application by instance name and class (for help in finding these, use the xprop tool to extract the WM_CLASS property). Subsequent -g, -s and -v options will apply to this match. -g geometry apply a geometry (using a standard X geometry string) to applications matching the last -app. -v vdesk specify a default virtual desktop for applications matching the last -app. Note that desktops are numbered from 0. -s specify that application is to start with a sticky client window. -nosoliddrag draw a window outline while moving or resizing. -V print version number. BUGS The author's idea of friendly may differ to that of many other people. AUTHOR Ciaran Anscomb <evilwm@6809.org.uk>. aewm was written by Decklin Foster <fosterd@hartwick.edu>. 9wm was written by David Hogan <dhog@cs.su.oz.au>. SEE ALSO xterm(1), xprop(1) - 3 - Formatted: September 10, 2024