packages icon
///	This is AfterStep 2.00.beta1 README

You can find translated versions of this README in doc/languages.  If there's
no version corresponding to your language please write it and send it to me!
If your README is too different from this one please send me patches to
update it.


Please see the INSTALL file for installation notes.


The following libraries are not necessarily required to run and enjoy
AfterStep however, support for them is included within AfterStep and it's
various Modules.

 o  xpm		(
 o  jpeg	(
 o  png 	(

If you use a package management system (like those provided by the distributions
such as RedHat, Mandrake, Debian, etc.) you will need to get the appropriate
<libname>-devel rpm and not the actual source code mentioned above.


Themes are a simple 3 1/2 step procedure:
	1/2) mkdir ~/GNUstep/Library/AfterStep/themes
		(if it doesn't already exist    ^ )
	1) download <themename>.tar.gz into the above dir (or mv it into it)
	2) Update menu (start->Desktop->Update startmenu)
	3) Select the theme from the menu (start->Desktop->Theme->)


Several "looks" (theme-ish) are included within the distribution.  Any of
these can be started by selecting the name of the look from the menu.


There are several "feels" (key bindings and window reactions), background
Pictures, and Animations to try out as well.  These all work the same way,
by selecting them from the menu under Desktop. But if you want to use
*different* look & feel files for *each* desktop, just tell that to

If you wish to change or make additions to the startmenu, you will need to
first create the file, either under the share tree or in a created start dir
tree in the users ~/GNUstep/Library/AfterStep/start tree, then inform AfterStep
about the menu change by.

	(startmenu)->Desktop->Update startmenu


AfterStep has a few tools to play with which are in the tools/ directory.
The "Uninstall-Old-AfterStep" is a script to use to remove the old binaries
of 1.3.x and 1.4.x binaries, man pages and documents.  Simply read the top
portion of this script to find the usage.  Without any options, it will only
remove the core afterstep files, leaving the apps that used to be shipped
with the releases.


The "bughint" file can be run when finding and reporting bugs.  Please then
mail this plus any other relevant info (not a complete core file, please!) to .

Both "makeasclean" and "makeaspatch" are used to clean out the source tree and
making patches to the distribution (in a proper format). pagerconfig1_4to1_5
is a script to translate the 1.4.x pager config files to the newer 1.5.x


Now before asking any questions, be sure to read the FAQ that is included
in this distribution by clicking on the top Wharf button, or selecting
AfterStepDoc from the menu.  The doc/1.0_to_1.5 file lists several
differences along the way to 1.5.x and the README_new.options lists new


More informations	:
New development versions:
Help			:		mail
					Body: subscribe as-users <email>
Coders			:		mail
					Body: subscribe as-devel <email>
Bugs			:		mail
Chat			:		#afterstep on EFNet
Access to EFNet can be done by connecting to any efnet irc server : ; ;


In TODO/ you'll find stuff to be put in.  Feel free to add this to this
version : debug unreleased/ or unstable/.  You can also help Nwanua adding
new features to ascp!  Please also translate README to your language if it
hasn't been done yet.


If you happen to run AfterStep from a Debian package on a Debian distribution,
you might want to install the "popularity-contest" package so AfterStep will be
kept as the most often installed window managers and will thus be present on
the first disks of the CD and DVD sets.  You can install the
"popularity-contest" package by entering the following command at the prompt :
apt-get install popularity-contest


Check out the TEAM file.