XVIEWGL(1L) XVIEWGL(1L) 12th Mar 1991 NAME xviewgl - display GRASP library files under X11 SYNTAX xviewgl [-d del] [-f] [-F] [-i] [-s] [-t] [-x n] [-y n] file [script] Where file is either the name of a directory containing an unpacked GRASP library, the name of a GRASP library file ending in ".gl", or the name of a GRASP script ending in ".txt". If file is a directory or GRASP library name, you may specify script , the name of a script to use within the library or directory. The default is to use the first script encountered. DESCRIPTION Xgl is an X11-based viewer for GRASP libraries. GRASP is an animation package popular on IBM PCs. It is a near-complete implementation of GRASP V1.10 , with many features from later versions of GRASP. In order to see the colors properly, you may need to set input focus to xviewglusing the -i option. The xviewgl window will accept the following input in addition to any requested by GRASP files: <space> will pause the animation, <esc> will exit xviewgl , and any other key will break out of a single delay. OPTIONS -d del Sets minimum delay to del hundredths of a second. This option is useful for viewing files designed for viewing on slow PCs. -F Attempts to play friendly with the colormap. Colors are allocated from the highest number down so as to minimize the diruption of other applications' colors. -f Attempts to "fix up" the aspect ratio according to the screen type. -i Install colormap. -q Quiet mode. Don't beep for sound effects. -s Synchronize display. For debugging. -t Trace. Display each line before executing. -x n These options allow you to specify x and y scaling factors. -y n Only integer values are allowed. - 1 - Formatted: February 11, 2025 XVIEWGL(1L) XVIEWGL(1L) 12th Mar 1991 KNOWN BUGS Monochrome support is latent, but I don't have a monochrome system, so I can't get it working. Feel free to hack around in windows.c to try to get it going. I am looking for information on .DFF and BSAVE images. Any help or specifications may lead to my adding support for them. I am also interested in adding support for any of the standard variables GRASP supports, and for info on commands (like DLOAD and PUTDFF) which I don't understand. Any documentation or command descriptions would be helpful. (I have seen the GRASP v1.10 docs, so I don't need them...) AUTHOR Brad Daniels <daniels@bigred.enet.dec.com> - 2 - Formatted: February 11, 2025