packages icon

 XBMBROWSER(1)                                                 XBMBROWSER(1)
                                 26 May 1995

      xbmbrowser - view and manage X bitmap and X pixmap files.

      xbmbrowser [ -options... ] [ directory ]

      xbmbrowser will show you all the bitmaps or pixmaps in the directory
      if it is specified otherwise it will look in the current directory.
      Note that if the program can not change directory to the directory in
      the command line it will exit and print an error message.

      Once started the User can change the directory being displayed by

           +    Editing the displayed current directory string on the main
                application window.

           +    Selecting a directory from a popup menu, by pressing a mouse
                button over the displayed current directory string. This is
                the recommended method when you are moving around a
                directory tree that you know very well.

           +    Clicking with the first (left-most) mouse button on a
                directory file symbol.

           +    Or even through one of the user configurable popup menu
                actions (See below).  This is usfull to define a specific
                directory that you wish to change to regularly.

      This latest version of xbmbrowser will also display small symbols for
      all the other files and directories present in the displayed
      directory. These symbols can be turned of if desired either through
      command line options, resources, or interactivly within the program.

      You can perform a many different operations on bitmap (or pixmap) file
      that is being displayed, or even any of the other files in the current
      directory. These operations include, Rename, Copy, Delete, Edit and
      Set it as the background root window pattern.

      These operations are initialized from a default library configuration
      file "/usr/lib/X11/xbmbrowser/", or from the users own
      version of this file ".xbmbrowserrc" in the user's home directory.

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                                 26 May 1995

      Xbmbrowser will take all the normal Xtoolkit options as well as the
      following command line options. All but the -cf option can also be
      turned on and off as and when required from an "Options" menu (middle
      button along the top of the main application window) or its default
      set via X resource.

           -cf "file"

           -config "file"
                Load the menu configuration from the given file instead of
                either the users rc file ".xbmbrowserrc" or the library
                configuration file

                This controls the two different styles in which xbmbrowser
                can display the icons. The first -solid option uses a solid
                background with the icons displayed in shaped windows. This
                option is generally only usful on color displays and is by
                default enabled if this is the case.  You can override this
                automatic setting with the X resource below.

                Resource: XbmBrowser.solid_bgnd: True

                This other option is just the oppisite of the -solid option
                above.  Display a stipple (checker board grey pattern) as
                the background and display the icon images in boxed (un-
                shaped) windows. This option is the original default of
                xbmbrowser. It also produces a better display on monocrome
                displays and as such is automatically selected as the defult
                for such displays.  You can override this automatic setting
                with the X resource below.

                Resource: XbmBrowser.solid_bgnd: False

                Display (or not) the filenames under the icon or symbols

                Resource: XbmBrowser.label_all: False

                Only display (or not) the actual icons (bitmaps and pixmaps)
                found in the current directory.  In other words do not

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                                 26 May 1995

                display and file symbols for directories or other files
                found in the current directory. This option is provided to
                allow the user to turn of the display of a large number of
                file symbols that can appear at times, and return xbmbrowser
                back to the `older' version style.

                Resource: XbmBrowser.icons_only: False

                Display (or not) directory symbols for any sub-directories
                found. The ".." directory symbol will also be removed.

                Resource: XbmBrowser.show_dir: True

                Display (or not) any pixmaps which failed to load properly.
                This Pixmaps usally couldn't be displayed as they were
                unable to allocate enough colors on the current display. To
                display these, try quiting some other applications, removing
                any root background image you may have on your display, or
                even delete or move other pixmaps in the current directory

                Resource: XbmBrowser.show_xpmbad: True

                Display (or not) the other files found in the current
                directory. As part of the attempt to load these files as
                icons for display, xbmbrowser has determined weather or not
                these files are either binary, plain text, or some other
                special file type.  It will use an appropiate file symbol to
                show the user its findings.  NOTE: Picture Image formats
                such as gif and jpeg will appear as binary files.

                Resource: XbmBrowser.show_other: False

                Include in the display (or not) the UNIX hidden (or `dot')
                files found in the directory. Note that this only allows
                these hidden files to be shown, other options (above) may or
                may not permit these files to be visible. EG: hidden
                directories will not be visible in the display if either
                hidden files or directories are not visible.

                Resource: XbmBrowser.show_hidden: False

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                                 26 May 1995

           -R or -recursive
                This option can slow xbmbrowser enormously. When it is
                turned on, initially by this command line option, or
                interactively through the "Options" menu, xbmbrowser will
                recursively scan and display all the files in the
                directories under the current directory.  This directory
                search can take a very very long and could result in system
                limitations crashing the program.  As such this option will
                be automatically turned off any time xbmbrowser successfully
                changes the current directory.

                Resource: XbmBrowser.recursive: False

                This option was provided at the request of Steve Kinzler to
                allow xbmbrowser to scan the directory tree structure of his
                ``picons'' collection (See  SEE ALSO  below).

      Other than those associated with command line others the following
      resources are also available and usful in your .Xdefults or other
      resource control files.

           XbmBrowser.shape_syms: True
                Controls if the non-icon file symbols are to be displayed in
                a shaped window or as a boxed symbol. Note that by default
                this is initially set equal to the value of the
                XbmBrowser.solid_bgnd: (see -solid commandline option above)
                unless overridden by your own resource setting (IE: True on
                color displays False on monocrome).

           XbmBrowser.label_syms: False
                Label only the file symbols. The XbmBrowser.label_all:
                resource (see -(no)label commandline option above) can
                override this value if it is True.

           XbmBrowser.sym_foreground: black

           XbmBrowser.sym_background: wheat
                The colors to display file symbols and their labels on the

           XbmBrowser.icon_foreground: black

           XbmBrowser.icon_background: white
                The colors to display bitmap icons and their labels with.

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                                 26 May 1995

           XbmBrowser.icon_transparent: linen
                This is the color used for the transparent (or `None')
                pixmap color when not using a solid background color (and
                shaped windows). It is also the color of the pixmaps label.

           XbmBrowser.solid_background: grey
                The the solid background color to use.

           XbmBrowser.stipple_background: pale green
                This is a very light color to use with the foreground color
                (usally black) when creating the background stipple pattern.
                This color is usally not used as the stipple pattern is
                normall used on monocrome display only.

                ASIDE: The forground color of the stipple pattern currently
                is set to whatever the border color of the iconbox widget is
                set to.  If you don't want it to be black you can change it
                with the resource XbmBrowserconbox.borderColor.  In a future
                release you may be able to set this color and maybe the
                stripple pattern used, just like the other resources above.

      Suggestion. Try setting the icon_background, icon_transparent, and
      solid_background all to the same color such as grey. This will make
      the background color of the bitmaps and pixmap labels the same as the
      solid background color, thus removing the square boxes around these
      items.  This is more like a typical WWW client display.

      Unfortunately if you do this, you will loose the visual information on
      the true bitmap sizes being used. You can temporarally regain this
      information however by switching to stripple (non-solid_background)
      mode which turns off shaped windows.

           XbmBrowser*IconLabel.labelTop: True
                This resource will cause xbmbrowser to place any and all
                Labels above the images displayed instead of below as is
                normal. This is not strictly a xbmbrowser resource but one
                for the unusal Widget it uses to handle the display of the
                Bitmaps and Pixmaps.

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 XBMBROWSER(1)                                                 XBMBROWSER(1)
                                 26 May 1995

      This version of xbmbrowser has a user definable menu of commands that
      can be executed for displayed bitmaps pixmaps and other files.  There
      is a default library configuration file, usally located in
      "/usr/lib/X11/xbmbrowser/" (check with your system
      programmers) or you can have your own config file called
      ".xbmbrowserrc" in your home directory. I suggest that you copy the
      library file "/usr/lib/X11/xbmbrowser/", which is a
      heavily commented version of the default library file, to your home
      directory as ".xbmbrowserrc" and then edit it to suit your needs.

      Each line of this file consists of either :-

           # comment line
                A comment line which is completely ignored. Comments can
                appear at the end of any (non-continued) line.

           menu "main"

           menu "main" "Main Menu"
                Add any new menu elements (see below) to this menu. Only
                specific menus are allowed and will be titled using the
                optional second argument.  The menus, if defined, will be
                poped up when the appropriate mouse button is pressed on a
                displayed icon ot file symbol.  If the menu is not defined
                the program will `beep' the user.  The following are the
                menus which the user may define:-

                "main"        The menu which pops up when the "Main Menu"
                              button when pressed. Generally this is used a
                              menu of directories the user likes to visit.
                              Warning no file is selected by the user when
                              using this menu so some substitutions may be
                              empty strings. (See Substitions below)

                              Note: this menu must be defined. If it isn't a
                              warning message is printed and a default menu
                              containing only a QUIT button is created.

                "global"      A menu of global actions which will popup when
                              either the first two mouse buttons are are
                              pressed on a displayed icon or file symbol or
                              any mouse button on the background of the icon
                              area. If the pointer was not over a displayed
                              icon or symbol, no filename, basename, or
                              suffix will be defined. (See function
                              `selected()' below)

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                                 26 May 1995

                              NOTE: If button 1 (leftmost or select mouse
                              button) is pressed on a directory symbol, the
                              browser will automaticaly decend into that
                              directory, instead of poping up the global

                "bitmap"      Display this menu on any displayed X bitmap
                              with the right most (menu) mouse button.

                "pixmap"      As "bitmap", but for any X pixmap (or pixmap
                              which failed to load).

                "directory"   Same again, but for directory symbols.

                "other"       Again, for any other file symbol (text,

                Just insert a line into the menu at this point.

           item "Delete"  confirm("Really delete %f?") \

                          exec("rm '%f'")   rescan()
                Insert a item into the current menu which will execute the
                sequence builtin functions (see below). As it is posible for
                a very long sequences to be required for some menu items,
                the menu lines can be continued onto the next line by
                `backslashing' (\) the return character at the end of the

                Each function may or may-not require some quoted string
                arguments, with the quote being either single or double,
                allowing the other quote to be used freely with the

                Each argument can contain any number of macro substitutions
                which consist of a % character followed by a single letter.
                A percent character can be substituted with %%.

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                                 26 May 1995

      The following builtin functions can be called (in sequence) from a
      menu item :-

                Exit xbmbrowser. Need I say more?

                Completely scan the current directory (Again). (See rescan()

                Do a fast rescan of the current directory. Note that X
                pixmaps which failed to load will NOT be loaded by this
                command, to avoid slowing the rescan() in a directory of
                unloadable X pixmaps. This occurance is actually common on a
                directory of pixmaps which do not follow a standard color

                To attempt to load these Pixmaps use either a full scan(),
                touch the failed pixmap when more colors are available, or
                convert that pixmap to a common color table.  Alturnatively,
                display the pixmap in a secondary image viewer (converting
                it if nessary).

                Change directory to the given directory. If the directory
                change succeeds xbmbrowser will automatically do a full
                scan() of the new directory.  If this fails, no scan() will
                be performed.

                Execute the given bourne shell command. Any output by the
                command executed will be to the standard output (or error)
                of xbmbrowser, usally the users terminal.

                Ask the user to confirm action before continuing the next
                function.  If the user presses ``cancal'' the current
                function sequence will be aborted.

                Ask the user for some input, giving the user the "initial"
                string to start with. The result entered by the user will be
                returned in the substitution marco %i (see below). The
                ``cancal'' button will abort the current function sequence.

                If the user pointer was NOT over an icon or symbol then
                abort the current sequence with a popup error.  This
                function is not usful in anything but the "global" menu, as
                in the other menus an icon is either always or never

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                                 26 May 1995


      The following are substition macros can be used within function
      arguments :-

           %d   The current directory of the browser.  Note that a the
                directory seperator '/' have been pre-added to this
                substition macro.

           %f   The filename of the icon (or file) selected by the user.

           %b   The basename (suffix removed) of the current filename.

           %s   The suffix of the current filename  EG: ".xbm"

           %i   The users input of the last input() function (see above).

           %h   The Users Home directory (do NOT use ~ in an argument for
                this).  Note that a the directory seperator '/' have been
                pre-added to this substition macro.

           %D   The Initial Startup Directory. This is either the directory
                XbmBrowser was started in or was given to it as an command
                line argument.

           %%   Substitutes a percent character, just in case you really do
                need it.

      NOTE: The full path of a selected file is %d%f. Also %b%s exactly the
      same as the %f substition.

      WARNING: the substitution macros %f, %b and %s will be an empty string
      if the users pointer was not over a display icon or file symbol. See
      the function selected() above.

           User's own menu configuration file.

           Default library menu configuration file.

           Verbose menu configuration file (with extra examples).  Note:
           Some of these files may be installed in different directories on
           your system, for example /usr/X11R6/lib/X11.  If you are not
           sure, please contact your local system programmers.

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 XBMBROWSER(1)                                                 XBMBROWSER(1)
                                 26 May 1995

      ``Anthony's Icon Library''
           This is a HUGE library of bitmaps and pixmaps of `icon' size. The
           library is sorted into sections based of size and intended usage
           of the icons.  All the pixmaps in the library follow a standard
           color table of 30 colors so you can use and view as many pixmaps
           as you require. It is for the coordination of this library that
           xbmbrowser was originally developed.

           The coordinator is Anthony Thyssen, and the last release is
           downloadable from or directly
           accessable (between releases) via the World Wide Web on

           Also in this library (under support) is a collection of scripts
           and a xbmbrowser config (rc) file to provided a much expanded set
           of menus for icon handling and conversion.

      ``PIcons'' bitmap collection
           A collection of bitmaps and pixmaps all 48 by 48 pixels in size.
           This collection is designed for use by mail and news readers, and
           as such is sorted into: news groups, logos, and people sorted by
           email address.  The icons is stored in a large directory
           structure making the recursive scan feature a must for viewing
           this collection.

           The coordinator is Steve Kinzler and the
           collection is downloadable from
  or on the WWW from

      Original Programmer
           Ashley Roll -- ( upto version 3.4 )

      Current Programmer & Original Idea for Program
           Anthony Thyssen -- ( version 4.0 and later

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