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 RAY(1)                               1                               RAY(1)
                               August 17, 1987

      ray - a reasonbly intelligent ray tracing program

      progname [ -i inputfile ] [ -o outputfile ] [ -t ] [ -j # of samples ]
      [ -f ] [ -r resolution ]

      This program is an attempt at writing a reasonably useful raytracer
      for further experimentation, and for generating some generally nifty

      It reads Eric Haine's NFF file format files as input.  NFF is fairly
      straightforward, if you desire more explanation on the format, then
      obtain his set of routines.  They are available for download via
      anonymous ftp from ( in the pub

      The -t flag makes the ray tracer output a period after every scanline
      for those of you who get impatient, or who are wondering if it is
      still working.

      Use -i file to specify an NFF input file to render.  If no input file
      is specified, it reads from standard input.

      Use -o file to specify an output file.  If unspecified, the raytracer
      writes its image on the file "out.pic".

      Normally the raytracer performs no antialiasing.  Images tend to look
      choppy.  A cheap but imperfect solution is to specify the -f flag,
      which tells the raytracer to make the pixel value the average of the
      four pixels.  A more expensive but nicer way to antialias is to use
      the -j #samples flag.  This uses jittered sampling to determine the
      value of a pixel, with a constant number of samples per pixel.  A
      pretty good value for the number of samples is sixteen, but the image
      will take sixteen times as long to render.

      The -r flag allows you to override the resolution which is specified
      from within the NFF file.   It is often useful when you don't want to
      edit the NFF file to get a more or less detailed image than you
      specified in the file.

      Mark VandeWettering

      Bugs!  Of course there are bugs!  Report them to

                                    - 1 -      Formatted:  December 26, 2024