This is version 3.3.11 xbrowse is an image browsing tool that works over the Internet. xbrowse uses progressive transmission to facilitate browsing large images over the limited bandwitdh supplied by the Internet. For more information see the xbrowse man page. In order to compile xbrowse, you will need The X Window System (X11R5, R6 or R6.1) and UNIX. To run xbrowse, you will need a workstation that is `on the Internet'. For the impatient: type `xmkmf; make Makefiles; make depend; make; make install'. To test xbrowse, type `xbrowse'. Do not worry about error from makedepend saying that some include files coud not be found. Compiling xbrowse: Any user can compile xbrowse and do so in just about any directory. However, the user who installs xbrowse should ideally have write permission for the directories where X11 binaries, application library files, and application resource files are stored on the target system. If the person building xbrowse does *not* have these permissions, then they can edit either Imakefile or Makefile.dist and install xbrowse and its associated files in directories where they do have write permission. To modify the Imakefile so that xbrowse and its associated files are installed in a special set of directories, change the definitions of BINDIR, LIBDIR, and MANDIR in the Imakefile. In the Imakefile, these definitions are currently commented-out (since xmkmf supplies default values for them). By uncommenting the definintions and supplying your own values you will override the system defaults. NB: When running `xmkmf' or `make depend' you will get some warnings about files not found, ... ignore these since those warnings. Also, during compilation of the FileComp widget, you will see one or two warnings; ignor them. If you use site specific directories for your X11 application library, then you should edit XBrowse.ad so that xbrowse will look in the correct directory for the palette files (normally, X11 stores application specific library files in `/usr/lib/X11/<app name>/'). Scan the begining of XBrowse.ad for `palette_path' and make sure it is defined correctly. If xbrowse cannot read its palette file, then it will print an error message to that effect and use the default system palette. Generally the system palettes are unusable with imagery. xbrowse-3.3.9 has been compiled on the following machines: Machine OS X version Compiler(s) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ DECstation 5000/240 Ultrix 4.3 X11R5 gcc DEC Alpha OSF/1.3, 3.0 X11R5 cc, gcc Sparc SunOS 4.1.3 X11R5,R6 gcc, gcc-2.7.2 SGI IRIX X11R5 cc To compile, type `xmkmf' followed by `make Makefiles', `make depend' and `make'. Once you are satisfied with the build, type `make install'. If you don't have imake, then follow the directions in Makefile.dist to tailor it to your system, then type `make' and `make install'. If you compile this code on any machine/OS combination not listed above, please send me email (jimg@dcz.gso.uri.edu) describing what you did and/or any lingering problems you have. Using xbrowse: xbrowse contains fallback resources (incorporated into the xbrowse source code at compile time via George Ferguson's ad2c program) so it is not necessary to install the XBrowse application defaults resource file for xbrowse to work. However, if you do install the application defaults (this happens automatically when you type `make install' - assuming you have the privs to write to you app-defaults directory) you will still get the typical sort of X11 client behavior re: resources. The tar file contains the source code for xbrowse, various files used by the program (the X11 resource file, ...) and other files such as this one. In the diectory `palettes' there are several files which can be used as palettes for xbrowse. We use the file named `color'. In this palette, white represents very cold areas (0-4 C) and red represents hot areas (30 C). xbrowse can be used to browse our ~20,000 image archive of AVHRR data. To access this archive, run xbrowse without either the `-list' or the `-path' options. xbrowse will prompt you for the start and end dates of the images you wish to look at (e.g., if you entered 01/25/85 and 02/25/85 as the start and end dates, then xbrowse would begin sequentially displaying all the images in the archive that fall between those dates). The archive starts on 1 April 1979 and continues to the present. Each image in the archive covers the area from latitude 60.575N longitude 96.222W to latitude 9.399N longitude 33.768W. The images use a linear projection and the resolution of the data is 5km/pixel. In addition, Jim Bisagni maintains an archive of data for the Gulf of Main which can be accessed via xbrowse. To look at that archive use the `-server' command line option and give `dcz.gso.uri.edu' as the machine name. Copyright 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994 University of Rhode Island. Portions of the program Copyright 1992 Robert Forsman, (FileComp dialog boxes) Copyright (C) 1989 by Jef Poskanzer. (pgm image file library) Mr Poskanzer's copyright notice: Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting documentation. This software is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. Thanks to RAMO@uvphys.phys.UVic.CA for the RS6000 patches and binary.