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 XTENT(1)                                                           XTENT(1)
                                19 July 1993

      xtent - X* resource based specification language

      X Window System is a trademark of the Massachusetts Institute of

      xtent  [ X-resource-file ] [ -input X-resource-file ] [ -class
      process-class-name ]

              Use the contents of X-resource-file as the source for the

      -input X-resource-file
              Use the contents of X-resource-file as the source for the

      -class process-class-name
              Use process-class-name as the X class for this process.  If no
              input file is specified, input is assumed to come from
              standard input.

      xtent is an interpreter that is used to construct X Toolkit (Xt) based
      applications.  The syntax of input programs follows that of the X
      resource database.  See the Xlib manual for a complete description of
      the X resource syntax.  xtent extends the X resource database
      semantics to include all of the X Toolkit functions for creating and
      manipulating widgets.  See the X Toolkit manual and the xtent
      reference manual for a complete list of functions.  An application
      developer must have copies of the xtent manual, the X Toolkit manual,
      and the programmers reference manual for the widget set that is to be
      used.  These are required for looking up the details of the graphics
      objects and the function calls.  This man page, as with the man page
      for any language processor, primarily gives the options for invoking
      the processor, in this case an interpreter.  The following few
      paragraphs will give a small bit of detail on what xtent accepts as
      input.  This is not a substitute for the manuals mentioned above.  X
      resource entries resemble C structured data types.  The following
      example will help to demonstrate this point.

           red: #FF0000

           A.B.x: 10
           A.B.y: 9
           A.B.color: green
           A*Sensitive: True
      The first line sets the variable red to the string #FF0000.  The next
      four lines create a B structure within a structure A.  The B structure

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 XTENT(1)                                                           XTENT(1)
                                19 July 1993

      includes x and y values and a color.  The last entry says that under
      the A structure, any element named Sensitive in any structure will be
      set to True by default.  X resources are at a much higher level of
      abstraction than C code.  The following piece of resource code is a
      good example:

              *font: 6x13B
      This line will result in the font 6x13B being used wherever a font is
      required, but not explicitly specified.  Of course, this sort of
      parameterization is inherently declarative.  The resource mechanism is
      definitely limited in terms of its use as a programming language.  The
      majority of the X community uses resources only for specifying
      parameters to widgets, Xt graphics objects.  The parameterization,
      however, has a simple object-oriented style that can be extended for
      programming.  Consider the following line:

              xtent.allowShellResize: True
      This line allows the toplevel window (actually shell widget) to be
      resized when it is required by the application.  The sense of the line
      is to set a variable, allowShellResize, associated with the
      application xtent to True.  Notice that this implies that the string
      True will be converted to an appropriate type.  In object-oriented
      terms, one could also say, that the allowShellResize procedure
      associated with the object xtent is called with or sent the message
      True.  This object/message notion can also be written in a style more
      closely matching that of C++:

              object.procedure: message (or arguments)
      Using this syntax and semantics xtent includes all of the procedures
      required to do Xt level specifications (and then some).
      XtCreateManagedWidget(), one of the functions used to create widgets,
      might be used in an application as follows:

             xtent.Hello.XtCreateManagedWidget: xmPushButton
      The line causes a widget with the name ``Hello'' to be created.  The
      parent widget is the toplevel widget for the xtent application.  The
      widget class is xmPushButton.  The C interface to the X toolkit uses
      the following function call to create the widget.

              Hello = XtCreateManagedWidget ("Hello",
                                             args, arg-count);
      The C based XtCreateManagedWidget() interface has five parameters:
      object name, object class, parent object, argument array, and arugment
      count.  Using xtent, the name is given on the left hand or object side
      of the expression.  As widget names are hierarchical, the parent
      widget name is included in the widget name, and so it does not have to
      be provided.  (The widgets in Xt applications form a tree-like data
      structure.  The toplevel or shell widgets have child widgets, which
      may also have children.  A pushbutton widget, within a form widget,

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 XTENT(1)                                                           XTENT(1)
                                19 July 1993

      within the toplevel xtent widget might be specified by the following
      string, xtent.form.button or .form.button.)  In the C version, the
      args array is for setting widget parameters.  The resource
      parameterization mechanism handles that in xtent.  On a function by
      function basis, xtent can be argued to be conceptually simpler.  The
      one line xtent entry above is all that is required to specify a
      complete (one widget) Xt program.  The same program written directly
      in C using the X toolkit takes about a page and a half of code.  Using
      X alone takes 5 or 6 pages.  Some Xt functions require more than one
      argument.  In those cases, xtent uses a syntax that is similar to that
      used by C.

              .image.XtTranslateCoords: (25, 33, x, y)
      The line above calls the function XtTranslateCoords() for the widget
      xtent.image.  The line above is used to translate widget specific
      coordinates into display specific coordinates.  XtTranslateCoords
      always takes four arguments.  However, some functions, for example
      XtGetValues take a variable number of arguments.  These VARARGS style
      functions are handled as they are in C.  Arguments are simply added by
      separating the arguments by commas.  xtent is best used for
      manipulating widgets, but it can be used to handle other the arbitrary
      programming tasks.  See the sections of the xtent reference manual
      describing functions for program control, calculations, string
      manipulation, and input and output.  The usual ``Hello World!''
      example can be written as follows:

              .XtPrint: Hello World!

      See X(1) and xrdb(1) for a discussion of X resources.

      xtent complains when it cannot open a program or source file, when
      common syntax errors occur, when object or function names cannot be
      found, when illegal comparisons are made, or type conversions cannot
      be accomplished.

      Errors that occur within the widget set usually result in segmentation
      violations.  xtent catches these errors, prints that it caught the
      segmentation violation signal, and exits.  All other deadly signals
      are handled in the same manner.

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