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 XmHTML(1)                         V1.1.0                          XmHTML(1)
                                8 APRIL 1999

      XmHTML - XmHTML Widget Set


      XmHTML is a Motif widget capable of displaying HTML 3.2 documents.
      Features include a very good HTML parser (which is as also available
      as a Widget) with excellent document verification and repair
      capabilities (the best I've ever seen), built in support for X11
      bitmaps, pixmaps, GIF87a & GIF89a (using a patent free LZW decoding
      method), animated gifs, JPEG (baseline and progressive) and PNG (all
      features supported), anchor highlighting, text justification, full
      HTML <FRAME> support, HTML frames and many more. It also comes with
      four examples demonstrating possible use of the XmHTML widget. XmHTML
      is currently in Beta stage and publically available.

      XmHTML, a high performance Motif Widget capable of displaying HTML 3.2
      confirming text. Amongst it's many features are the following:

                  builtin image support for X11 bitmaps, X11 pixmaps,
                GIF87a, GIF89a, JPEG and PNG;

                  GIF images are decoded using a patent free scheme;
                  builtin support for animated GIF89a and animated GIF89a
                with NETSCAPE2.0 loop extension.

                  XmHTML supports all GIF89a disposal methods;
                  image support covers all X11 visual types and display

                  delayed image loading;
                  progressive image loading;
                  builtin scrolling interface (both keyboard and mouse);
                  anchors can be displayed as pushbuttons;
                  anchor can be highlighted for enhanced visual feedback;

                  capable of displaying text/html, text/plain and standalone

                  supports the full HTML 3.2 standard; as well as the
         HTML 4.0 <FRAMESET> tags;

                  an extensive set of callback resources;

                  full text justification;

                                    - 1 -         Formatted:  April 26, 2024

 XmHTML(1)                         V1.1.0                          XmHTML(1)
                                8 APRIL 1999

                  smart and user-definable font mapping;

                  can work with a predefined palette (which it can even
                create for you);

                  builtin quantizer using Floyd-Steinberg error diffusion;

                  four different dithering methods allow one to achieve an
                optimum balance between performance and image quality;

                  HTML Table support;

                  Support for HTML4.0 Events;

                  fully compatible with LessTif;

                  comes with an extensive set of documentation (manual
                pages Programmers and Reference Guide and           a
      collection of examples);

      For more information see

      Koen D'Hondt & Niels Hilbrink <>

      Mehdi Lavasani <>

                                    - 2 -         Formatted:  April 26, 2024