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 XmToolbar-1.0(1)                                           XmToolbar-1.0(1)

      XmToolbar -The Toolbar widget class

      #include <Toolbar.h>

      Toolbar is a manager widget that manages its children in either rows
      or columns ans shows one tooltip label while mouse cursor is inside
      its children.

      Following are some important considerations in using Toolbar:

      o   There is no effect when using XtSetValues to change the XmNx and
          XmNy resources of a child, because the Toolbar itself decides the
          XmNx and XmNy resources of a child.

      Tab inherits behavoir and resources from  Core, Composite, Constraint
      and XmManager classes.

      The class pointer is xmToolbarWidgetClass.

      The class name is XmToolbar.

 New Resources
      The following table defines s set of widget resources used by the
      programmer to specify data. The programmer can also set the resource
      values for the inherited classes to set attributes for this widget.

      c s s s lfCW l.  XmToolbar Resource Set Name Class     Type Default
      XmNorientation XmROrientation unsigned char  XmHORIZONTAL
      XmNspacing     XmRSpacing     Dimension 0
      XmNgroupSpacing     XmRGroupSpacing     Dimension 5
      XmNmarginWidth XmRMarginWidth Dimension 0
      XmNmarginHeight     XmRMarginHeight     Dimension 0
      XmNentryCount  XmREntryCount  int  XmENTRY_UNSPECIFIED
      XmNtipFontList XmRTipFontList XmFontList     NULL
      XmNtipForeground    XmRTipForeground    Pixel     dynamic
      XmNtipBackground    XmRTipBackground    Pixel     dynamic
      XmNtipBorderWidth   XmRTipBorderWidth   Dimension 1
      XmNtipPosition XmRTipPosition unsigned char  XmNOTIFY_BOTTOM_RIGHT
      XmNtipDistance XmRTipDistance Dimension 10
      XmNtipNotifyDelay   XmRTipNotifyDelay   int  1000

      The direction for laying out the children. Default is XmHORIZONTAL.

                                    - 1 -         Formatted:  April 24, 2024

 XmToolbar-1.0(1)                                           XmToolbar-1.0(1)

      Other possible value is XmVERTICAL.

      The space between two children. Default value 0.

      The spacing between two children when 2nd child is the first child of
      a new group. When a child has its XmNnewGourp value TRUE, Toolbar uses
      this value for spacing. Default value 5.

      The spacing between an edge of Toolbar widget and its nearest child.
      Default value is 0.

      The maximum number of children should be layed out in one direction.
      While XmNorientation is XmHORIZONTAL, this direction is horizontal and
      for XmVERTICAL, it's vertical.

      The fontlist for tooltip label.

      The foreground and background color of tooltip label.

      The border width of tooltip label. default value is 1.

      The relative position where tooltip should be posted with respect to
      the notified child. The possible values are:

      o XmTIP_BOTTOM_RIGHT - Position the tooltip ate the right and bottom
        of notified child. This is the default.

      o XmTIP_BOTTOM_LEFT - Position the tooltip at the left and bottom of
        notified child.

      o XmTIP_TOP_RIGHT - Position the tooltip at the right and top of
        notified child.

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 XmToolbar-1.0(1)                                           XmToolbar-1.0(1)

      o XmTIP_TOP_LEFT - Position the tooltip at the left and top of
        notified child.

      The distance between the tooltip label and the nearest edge of
      notified child. default value is 10.

      The delay of the posting the tooltip after mouse cursor entering in a
      child widget. The value is in milli-seconds and default value is 1000.

      tab_child is the current child of the XmTab selected and tab_label is
      corresponding tab label.

 Constraint Resources
      Toolbar defines the following constraint resources for its children:

      c s s s lfCW l.  XmToolbar Constraint Resource Set
      Name Class     Type Default
      XmNnotifyable  XmRNotifyable  Boolean   TRUE
      XmNtipLabel    XmRTipLabel    XmString  NULL
      XmNnewGroup    XmRNewGroup    Boolean   FALSE
      XmNconfigurable     XmRConfigurable     Boolean   FALSE

      The boolean value to mention whether or not this child will be
      notified by posting the tooltip.

      The label for tooltip when this child will be notified.  Point to note
      that, if XmNnotifyable is TRUE and XmNtipLabel is NULL (default
      value), the child won't be notified.

      If TRUE, this child is treated as the first entry of next group.
      Therefore, XmNgroup is used instead of normal spacing (XmNspacing).
      Default is FALSE.

      If TRUE, Toolbar widget decides the size of the child. This is defaut
      value. Otherwise, the child holds its preferred size.

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 XmToolbar-1.0(1)                                           XmToolbar-1.0(1)

      Core, Composite, Constraint, XmManager.

      Author: Pralay Dakua (

                                    - 4 -         Formatted:  April 24, 2024