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 XmTab-1.1(1)                                                   XmTab-1.1(1)

      XmTab -The Tab widget class

      #include <Tab.h>

      Tab is a container widget which shows the tabs at the top of it and
      shows the Tab widgets (it's children) accoring to the Tab.

      Following are some important considerations in using Tab:

      o   There is no effect when using XtSetValues to change the XmNx and
          XmNy resources of a child, because the Tab itself decides the XmNx
          and XmNy resources of a child.

      o   The children of Tab get managed/unmanaged automatically while tabs
          get selected/unselected. The user shouldn't manage/unmanage its
          children explicitly.

      o   TabWidget always shows only the managed children. Unmanaging a
          child causes removal corresponding tab at the top.

      o   If XmNresizeChildren is TRUE (default), XmTab resizes all it's
          children to same size. In such a case, the children behaves like
          the children of XmForm all XmNleftAttachment, XmNrightAttachment,
          XmNtopAttachment, XmNbottomAttachment set to XmATTACH_FORM.

      Tab inherits behavoir and resources from  Core, Composite, Constraint
      and XmManager classes.

      The class pointer is xmTabWidgetClass.

      The class name is XmTab.

 New Resources
      The following table defines s set of widget resources used by the
      programmer to specify data. The programmer can also set the resource
      values for the inherited classes to set attributes for this widget.

      c s s s lfCW l.  XmTab Resource Set Name Class     Type Default
      XmNmarginWidth XmRMarginWidth Dimension 3
      XmNmarginHeight     XmRMarginHeight     Dimension 3
      XmNresizeChildren   XmRResizeChildren   Boolean   TRUE

                                    - 1 -         Formatted:  April 19, 2024

 XmTab-1.1(1)                                                   XmTab-1.1(1)

      XmNtabFontList XmRTabFontList XmFontList     NULL
      XmNvalueChangedCallback  XmRCallback    XtPointer NULL

      Specify the margin width at the left and right of the window.

      Specify the margin height at the top and bottom of the window.

      Specify whether resizing of the children should be done. TRUE makes
      all children same size.

      Specify the font list of the tab label.

      This callback is called after selecting a tab. It passes a pointer of
      an instance of XmTabCallbackStruct where

      typedef struct {
                      int reason;
                      XEvent *event;
                      Widget tab_child;
                      XmString tab_label;

      tab_child is the current child of the XmTab selected and tab_label is
      corresponding tab label.

 Constraint Resources
      Tab defines the following constraint resources for its children:

      c s s s lfCW l.  XmTab Constraint Resource Set
      Name Class     Type Default
      XmNtabLabel    XmRTabLabel    XmString  NULL

      The string to be shown as tab-label. If XmNtabLabel is NULL (default),
      Tab shows the name of the child as tab label.

      Core, Composite, Constraint, XmManager.

                                    - 2 -         Formatted:  April 19, 2024

 XmTab-1.1(1)                                                   XmTab-1.1(1)

      Author: Pralay Dakua (

                                    - 3 -         Formatted:  April 19, 2024