packages icon
This is the Progress widget, for displaying the proportion of a task that is
complete. It has optional percentage and time-elapsed and time-to-complete

Progess is subclassed from XmPrimitive and Core. Its class pointer is
xrhpProgressWidgetClass. Its class name is XrhpProgress.

The Progress widget defines the following new resources:

	Name		Class		Type		Default		Access

	XmNmaxValue	XmCMaxValue	int		100		CSG
	XmNshowPercent	XMCShowPercent	Boolean		False		CSG
	XmNshowTime	XmCShowTime	Boolean		True		CSG
	XmNvalue	XmCValue	int		0		CSG
	XmNfont		XmCFont		XFontStruct *	XtDefaultFont	CSG

		The maximum value allowed for the XmNvalue resource. When
		XmNvalue == XmNmaxValue, the widget is shows 100% complete,
		and the progress bar will fill the widget.

		If set to True, the percentage complete will be shown as text
		centred in the widget.

		If set to True, the time taken so far is displayed on the left
		of the widget, and the estimated time remaining is shown on
		the right.

		The current value from 0 to XmNmaxValue, defining how much
		progress has taken place. When this value is set to 0, the
		elapsed time is set to zero.

		The font used to display the times and the percentage text.

Example usage:

#include "Progress.h"

		xrhpProgressWidgetClass, parent,
		XmNwidth, 200,
		XmNheight, 20,
		XmNmaxValue, 200,
		XmNshowPercent, True,
		XtVaTypedArg, XmNfont, XmRString, "-*-helvetica-bold-r-*--*-100-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1", 47,

The value of the widget can be set using XtVaSetValues(), or by the convenience

	XrhpProgressSetValue(widget, new_value);

(The convenience function causes less flicker than happens by using the set
values function).

Mail any bug reports to Dick Porter <>