packages icon

 XIP(8)                                                               XIP(8)
                               Friday 12, 1999

      xip - displays ip packets using X window.

      xip [-cf xip_conf_file] [-i dev] [-s snaplen] [-p] [-t to_ms] [-O] [-r
      tcpdump_fname] [-c count] [-n] [-B] [-F] [-h] [-v] [-dm] [-dmv]

      Xip is a protocol analyzer and tester. It's a kind of graphical
      tcpdump(8) with possibility of changing packet values and resending
      them. It could be also designed by term "human ip stack".

      Graphical representation of a packet is intended to have a complete
      view at a glance. Note that it is also customizable (e.g ability to
      change colors and fonts).

      GUI is composed of a big scrolled drawing area called "packet box".
      All packets captured with libpcap(3) are displayed here first using a
      mini-representation (unless -B is activated). They can then be
      magnified by mouse button 3.

      Once packet is magnified, you can do actions by clicking on links with
      mouse buttons 1 or 2. If you click with mouse button 2, a new window
      is created as result of operation. These actions can be changing
      fields values, checksuming packets, extracting patterns, saving,
      loading packets and so on. If you click on mouse button 3, it popups a
      contextual menu which operates on pattern pointed by mouse.

      By default, xip acts like tcpdump(8) (same options, etc.).

      The options to xip are:

      -cf xip_conf_file
                     Defines configuration file. See detailed section.

      -i dev         Defines device (or interface) used to capture packets.

      -s snaplen     Defines snap length as in tcpdump(8).

      -p             Does not set interface dev in promiscuous mode.

      -t to_ms       See tcpdump(8).

      -O             Does not optimize bpf programs. See tcpdump(8).

      -r tcpdump_fname
                     Reads a tcpdump(8) file (.dmp).

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                               Friday 12, 1999

      -c cnt         Reads only cnt bytes from tcpdump_fname.

      -n             Does not convert addresses (for example, host addresses
                     and port numbers) to names. Note: This option is
                     limited to standard internet features.

      -B             Displays big packets.

      -F             Forces pcap stuff to fork. This is intended to use by
                     systems which don't have a kernel bpf filter. Because
                     pcap handler is called each time a packet arrives, it
                     leads X server crazy. This solution works but pushes
                     this problem away.

      -h             This option shows a short usage.

      -v             This option produces more output of program. This is a
                     debug option.

      -dm            This option causes all the memory allocations done by
                     program to be registered and checked. This is a debug
                     option. Must be compiled with DEBUG_MALLOC.

      -dmv           This option causes all the memory allocations done by
                     program to be printed out stderr. This must be combined
                     with -dm. This is a debug option. Must be compiled with

      expression     is a bpf program. See tcpdump(8).

      binEditorPath  is path of a binary editor (e.g emacs(1) or beav(1)).
                     Default value is emacs. Use M-x hexl-mode.

      <pattern>Color defines color of <pattern>. There is one resource per

                     is default color used when no pattern specific color is

      bodyColorName  is color specified in BODY tag of each packet.

                     is background (bit|pix)map used in BODY tag of each
                     packet. It can be internal:xipicon.xbm, either
                     internal:gray.xbm or any xbm or xpm files (if compiled
                     with libXpm(3)). Note that extension of file is
                     important for resolver.

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                               Friday 12, 1999

                     is background color of the controls part of packet.

      pktHelpOffset  defines pixel offset of packet help.

      pinMode        if True, packet help is sticky.

      helpMode       if False, disables packet help.

      scrollMode     lets last packet always visible by scrolling "packet

                     scrolls smoothScrollOffset pixels by smoothScrollOfset

                     starts smooth-scrolling when scroll space is less than
                     this value. This allows scrolling to be fast if "packet
                     box" viewport has to move from top to bottom by
                     subsequently dividing scroll space by two and to be
                     smooth when we have reached this limit.

                     see smoothScrollMode.

                     Popups sub-pattern specific menus.

                     Applies xip_method to packet. If new_window is "True",
                     then result of action is a new packet.

      delete()       Deletes packet.

                     Sets specified field to value or ask for a value.

                     Extracts specified pattern or duplicates packet.

                     Extracts specified pattern or duplicates packet to
                     "packet box".

                     Truncates packet to specified pattern.

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                               Friday 12, 1999

                     Saves packet to file or ask for a file name.

                     Loads packet from file or ask for a file name.

      sum()          Checksums packet.

      adapt_len()    Adapts various length to current lengths.

                     Cuts packet to cut buffer. If fine, cuts whitout sub-

                     Pastes cut buffer to packet. If fine, replaces pattern
                     by cut buffer.

      edit()         Calls an external editor (see binEditorPath resource).

      reply()        Make a possible reply for packet. E.g swaps ip.src and
                     ip.dst, increments, ...

                     Calls an external binary which modifies packet. Note:
                     Xip launches process reassigning stdin and stdout to
                     packet input and packet output respectively in using
                     ".pkb" format.

                     Show opts or switch.

      Configuration file is a set of variables definitions in the form var =

      Spaces, tabs and returns are ignored but it is possible to backslash
      them. It is also possible to specify a string containing spaces in
      quoting with the " character. The sequences \n, \r and \t are also

      Comments are specified with traditional # and are valid up to end of
      line. Empty lines are also ignored.

      tmpl_bufsiz = [0[xX]]nnnnn (number)
                     is size of buffer used to compute template strings.
                     Default value is 16 * BUFSIZ.

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                               Friday 12, 1999

      html_bufsiz = number
                     is size of final HTML buffer. Default value is 16 *

      htmlize_bufsiz = number
                     is size of buffer used to transform packet field values
                     to an HTML form. Default value is 16 * BUFSIZ.

      pat_data_bytes_per_line = number
                     is number of bytes displayed per line by "data"

      pat_udp_perform_sum = [true|false]
                     tells udp pattern to perform checksum or not.

      pat_udp_guess_mode = [true|false]
                     tells udp pattern to guess it's sub-patterns according
                     its source port or destination port.

      pat_verb_level = [all|nbstuff|pkt]
                     is a debug feature. E.g pat_msg and typ_msg prints
                     respectively messages relative to their class.

      ghost_ip = A.B.C.D
                     is default ip address of ip-stack. Packets are sent
                     using this address.

      ghost_ether = xx[:-]xx[:-]xx[:-]xx[:-]xx[:-]xx
                     is default ethernet address of ip-stack used for arp

      plugins = plugin_path1;plugin_path2;...;plugin_pathn
                     defines the pathes of all the plugins.

      pat_base = number
                     sets base used when printing numbers. Default is 10.

      nbgethost_timeout = number
                     sets maximum timeout allowed when resolving hostnames
                     or ip addresses.

      etheraddr_dec_walk = [true|false]
                     if true, prints ethernet addresses with a "-" instead
                     of a ":".

      pat_pad_nbytes = number
                     defines number of bytes of pattern "pad". It is used
                     mainly as a debug feature to unalign packets (and test

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                               Friday 12, 1999

      pat_pad_sub_pat = pat
                     defines layer that pattern "pad" should deserve.
                     Default is "ether".

      xip_do_opts = [true|false]
                     tells xip to manage options. Note that it is also
                     configurable at packet level.

      The following variables involves progress of program. All of them are
      debug variables.

      XMG_VERB_LEVEL debugs Xmg part.

      PAT_VERB_LEVEL debugs patterns part. See configuration variable

      XIP_VERB_LEVEL debugs xip part.

      ${HOME}/.xiprc is loaded and saved automatically. or Xip  is a resource file. Try xrdb -merge

      .pkt files     describe packets in a portable and readable manner.

      .pkc files     describe packets collections.

      .pkb files     describe packets in a portable and binary manner (not
                     readable). This format is not mainly intended to be
                     used in files but mostly in network or pipe streams.

      .dmp files     are tcpdump files.

      SIGINT         Controls flow from controling terminal.
                     Sometimes, flow of packets is so fast we can't do
                     anything on GUI as XWindow is busy. In such cases we
                     use SIGINT as an emergency option.

      A value of 0 means that everything was allright. A value of 1 means
      that there was an error.

      libpcap(3), tcpdump(8).

      Martin Gall (

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