xgetit(1) xgetit(1) April, 1992 xgetit xgetit - use anonymous FTP to get the file named in the primary selection buffer. SYNOPSIS xgetit DESCRIPTION xgetit will use anonymous FTP to get the file named in the primary selection selection buffer. The file will be copied into the current working directory. A window will appear telling you the status of the file transfer. Clicking on the DONE button causes the window to go away. OPTIONS xgetit accepts all the standard X Toolkit command line options. WIDGETS The hierarchy of the widgets composing xgetit follow. The widget class name is given first, followed by the widget instance name. XGetit xgetit Form form Command done AsciiString text SEE ALSO X(1) HISTORY Written by NASA/JSC/GM2/Ken Jenks, kjenks@gothamcity.jsc.nasa.gov Some code lifted from xpaste, written by John DiMarco at the University of Toronto (CSRI) - 1 - Formatted: December 26, 2024