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 XFORECAST(1)                   X Version 11                    XFORECAST(1)
                                  Release 4

      xforecast - X window system interface to the weather program

      xforecast [toolkit options]

      Xforecast is an X Window System interface to the weather program.
      Xforecast will bring up a map of the USA and allow X users to click on
      cities (that appear as dots) to get the current weather forecast for
      that area.  The current (closest) city will change from a solid dot to
      a hollow dot, when the cursor is near.  In addition, the name of the
      city, state and 3 letter airport code will be displayed at the bottom
      of the screen.

      Typing a "q" or clicking on the top "quit" bar will cause xforecast to

      Clicking the left mouse button will popup a window containing the
      current weather for that city.

      Clicking the middle mouse button will popup a window containing the
      current weather for that state.

      Essentially, this is a wrapper for the weather program, a Perl script
      that queries the weather server at The University of Michigan.

      The application class name is xforecast.  The resources it uses are:

      popupwidth (class Width)
              Specifies the width of the popup window that contains the

      popupheight (class Height)
              Specifies the height of the popup window that contains the

      DISPLAY To get default host and display number.

      cities  List of city names and X,Y coordinates.

      Possibly the location of some of the cities. Occasionally a city will
      not be redrawn as solid, but this is usually fixed the next time a
      refresh happens.


                                    - 1 -          Formatted:  July 27, 2024

 XFORECAST(1)                   X Version 11                    XFORECAST(1)
                                  Release 4

      Copyright 1991, Frank Adelstein

                                    - 2 -          Formatted:  July 27, 2024