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 XSPREAD(1)                                                       XSPREAD(1)

      xspread - X Windows spreadsheet

      xspread [-h] [-c] [-m] [-n] [-r] [-x] [-fn font] [ file ]

          The program xspread is a public domain spreadsheet which runs
      under X Windows.  You must be using an X Windows terminal to be able
      to run this program.  We are working on makeing it use the ascii
      screen if it cannot find an X display to use.

      Xspread Reference Manual gives complete documentation for the program.
      The LaTeX source copy for this manual is in the file xspread.tex.

          Xspread supports many standard spreadsheet features.
          Among these are:
          * Cell entry and editing.
          * Worksheet size:  702 columns by unlimited rows.
          * File reading and writing.
          * File encryption.
          * Absolute and relative cell references.
          * Numeric and label (i.e.character string) data in
          * Left or right justification for labels.
          * Row and column insertion and deletion.
          * Hiding and unhiding of rows and columns.
          * Range names.
          * Manual or automatic recalculation.
          * Numeric operators (+, -, *, /, ^(exponentiation),
          * Relational operators (<, <=, >, >=, =, !=(not equal))
          * Logical (or, Boolean) operators (&(and), |(or),
          * Function references.
          * Graphs (XY, Bar, Stack Bar, Pie and Line graphs)
          * Matrix Operations (Transpose, Multiply, Add, Subtract
            and Inversion)
          * Cursor positioning with mouse
          * Menu item selection with mouse
          * References to external programs.  These are called
            external functions.

          The structure and operation of the spreadsheet is similar  to  but
      not  identical  with  popular spreadsheets such as Lotus 1-2-3 and its
      clones.  Like other spreadsheets, the workspace is arranged into  rows
      and  columns  of  cells. Each cell can contain a number, a label (i.e.
      character string), or a formula which evaluates to a number or label.

          You can start the program with or without specifying a file to  be
      read  in. This file must be a saved worksheet.  If a file is specified

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 XSPREAD(1)                                                       XSPREAD(1)

      on the command line, xspread attempts to locate and read in the  file.
      If  it  is  successful, xspread starts with the file's contents in the
      workspace.  If it is unsuccessful or  no  file  is  specified  on  the
      command line, xspread starts with the workspace empty.

          For a tutorial of the spreadsheet program, run  one  of  the  demo
      files:  demo,  demo_math,  demo_matrix, see the file Sample_Run in the
      doc directory.

      -c       Recalculation  is  done  in  column  order.    When   xspread
              recalculates, it will start at the top of the leftmost column,
              and recalculate the all the cells from top to  bottom.   Then,
              it  will  recalculate  the  next column in the same order.  It
              will continue in this fashion until it  has  recalculated  the
              rightmost  column.   Xspread  does  NOT  support natural order

              Default:  Row order recalculation.

      -h      Display command line help.

      -m      Start  with  manual  recalculation.   With  this  option,  the
              spreadsheet  will recalculate values only when the "@" command
              is  used.   With  automatic  recalculation,  the   spreadsheet
              recalculates values whenever a cells contents change.

              Default:  Automatic recalculation.

      -n      Standard Data entry mode.  In this mode the user must  specify
              if  the  data  entry  item  is  numeric or a label.  To single
              Xspread that the item is a number, the first character has  to
              be  a  "=".   To  specify  that the data is a label, the first
              character has to be a quote (").

              * If the first character is a numeral, a "+" sign,  or  a  "-"
              sign, the cell contains a number.

              * If the first character is a greater than sign (>), less than
              sign (<), or double quote ("), the cell contains a label.

              * If it is anything  else,  the  character  is  a  command  to

              With standard entry mode, you must use the first character  to
              tell xspread whether the cell is a number or a label.

              * If the cell is to be a number, the first character  must  be
              an "=" sign.

              * If the cell is to be a label, the first character must be  a

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              double  quote  ("),  less  than sign (<), or greater than sign

              Default:  Standard data entry mode.

      -r       Recalculation  is  done   in   row   order.    When   xspread
              recalculates,  it  will  start at the left of the topmost row,
              and recalculate all the cells from left to  right.   Then,  it
              will  recalculate  the  next  row  in the same order.  It will
              continue  in  this  fashion  until  it  has  recalculated  the
              bottommost  row.   Xspread  does  NOT  support  natural  order

              Default:  Row order recalculation.

      -x      Use encryption when reading and writing files.

              Default:  Do not use encryption.

          sc(1), bc(1), dc(1), crypt(1)

          Xspread saves only one value from any call to  external  functions
      via  @ext().   If  @ext()  is used more than once in a spreadsheet and
      external functions are enabled and then disabled,  the  last  returned
      value pops up in several places.

                                    - 3 -       Formatted:  January 15, 2025