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 XPROMPT(1)                                                       XPROMPT(1)
                               29 January 1989

      xprompt - prompt a user for input

      xprompt [ X toolkit options ] [-rlen number] [-ibw number]
              [-grab] [-nograb] [-pfn fontname] [-rfn fontname]
              [-re] [-nre] [-tf filename] [-w wordchars]
              [-warp] [-nowarp]
              -p prompt [-r reply] [-p prompt [-r reply]] ...

      Xprompt pops up a window containing a prompt and an optional default
      reply.  If more than one prompt argument is given, the cursor-down key
      and the return key select the next prompt and the cursor-up key
      selects the previous prompt.  The program exits normally by typing
      <ctrl> D or pressing any mouse button inside the reply area of the
      window.  The replies are printed to stdout, one per line.  Most
      standard editing characters (e.g., Delete, Backspace, <ctrl> U, cursor
      movement) are available.  These default key bindings may be changed.

      Xprompt can be aborted by typing <ctrl> C.  In this case, no output is
      generated and an exit code of 1 is returned by the program.

      The default is to position the window in the middle of the screen and
      to grab keyboard input so that the cursor need not be positioned
      inside the text area.  If no height or width geometry is provided,
      xprompt will calculate it based on the length of the prompt, the reply
      length, and the fonts being used.  If a height (or width) is provided
      it is interpreted in terms of the character height (or width) in the
      reply font.

      The following command line flags are recognized:

      -rlen number
              Specifies the maximum length of the reply.  The default is 80

      -ibw number
              Specifies the border width for the box bounding the text area.
              The default is 1.

      -nograb The cursor must be in the text portion of the window for input
              to be accepted.

      -grab   The cursor may be anywhere but input is directed to the text

      -r reply
              Insert reply into the text area as the default reply.

                                    - 1 -       Formatted:  January 15, 2025

 XPROMPT(1)                                                       XPROMPT(1)
                               29 January 1989

      -pfn fontname
              Specifies the font to be used for the prompt string.

      -rfn fontname
              Specifies the font to be used for the reply string.

      -re     After all prompts have been seen, the return key causes the
              program to exit normally (i.e., it becomes a synonym for
              <ctrl> D).

      -nre    The return key will not terminate the program.  This is the

      -tf filename
              Specifies a file containing text translations, one per line,
              to override the defaults.  Xprompt recognizes the following
              functions in addition to those predefined:

                  The program terminates and returns an exit status of 1.
                  The default binding is Ctrl<Key>C.

                  Erases the entire reply.  The default binding is

                  By default, a word is considered to consist of one or more
                  alphanumeric characters.  Non-word characters following
                  the cursor are deleted, then word characters are deleted
                  up until the next non-word character or the end of line.
                  There is no default binding.

                  All replies are printed and the program terminates with an
                  exit status of 0.  The default bindings are Ctrl<Key>D,
                  <Btn1Down>, <Btn2Down>, and <Btn3Down>.

                  The next prompt is displayed.  The list of prompts is
                  circular, so the first prompt is displayed after the last.
                  The default bindings are Ctrl<Key>J, Ctrl<Key>M,
                  <Key>Down, and <Key>Linefeed.

                  If all prompts have been seen and returnExit is TRUE,
                  finish-prompt() will be called otherwise next-prompt()
                  will be called.  The default binding is <Key>Return.

                  The previous prompt is displayed.  The last prompt is

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 XPROMPT(1)                                                       XPROMPT(1)
                               29 January 1989

                  considered to be previous to the first.  The default
                  binding is <Key>Up.
      The resource textTranslations may also be used to specify

      -w wordchars
              The string wordchars specifies the characters that make up a
              word for the purpose of the erase-word() function.  The string
              is in a format similar to that used by the tar(1) command:

              a)  A backslash followed by 1, 2, or 3 octal digits stands for
                  the ASCII character corresponding to the octal value.  The
                  value is limited to 8 bits.

              b)  A backslash followed by a non-octal digit character stands
                  for the character.

              c)  Other ASCII characters stand for themselves.

              d)  The range of characters between two characters, <c1> and
                  <c2>, is specified by a sequence of the form <c1>-<c2>
                  when <c1> comes before <c2> in the ASCII character set.
      The default is "a-zA-Z0-9".

      -warp   Warp the cursor into the text area and return it to its
              original position before exiting.

      -nowarp Don't warp the cursor.  This is the default.

      The standard X toolkit options and resources are accepted.  For
      example, the default font can be changed by the standard -fn fontname
      flag or by the resource XPrompt*Font.  In addition, the following
      resources are understood:

      Rlen (class Integer)
              Specifies the maximum length of the reply.

      insideborderWidth (class BorderWidth)
              Specifies the border width for the box bounding the text area.

      Grab (class Boolean)
              Specifies whether keyboard input should be focussed on the
              text area regardless of where the cursor is.

      replyFont (class Font)
              The font to use for the reply string, overriding XPrompt*Font.

      promptFont (class Font)
              The font to use for the prompt string, overriding

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 XPROMPT(1)                                                       XPROMPT(1)
                               29 January 1989

      returnExit (class Boolean)
              Specifies whether the return key should allow normal
              termination if all prompts have been seen.

      textTranslations (class String)
              Text widget translations.

      textTranslationFile (class String)
              The name of a file containing text widget translations.

      Warp (class Boolean)
              Warp the cursor into the text area.

      wordChars (class String)
              The set of character that make up a word for the purpose of
              the erase-word() function.

      If xprompt is invoked from a Bourne shell script, the following hack
      can be used to quickly grab multi-reply output:

          reply=`xprompt -p "Prompt1" -p "Prompt2" -p "Prompt3"`
          set $reply
          echo "First reply is: $1"
          echo "Second reply is: $2"
          echo "Third reply is: $3"

      On normal completion 0 is returned.  If the program is aborted, 1 is


      Barry Brachman
      Dept. of Computer Science
      University of British Columbia

      Valuable suggestions by Rick Morrison and Bob Mende.
      Conversion to X11R5 by Casey Leedom.

      The reply is limited to a single line.  The user is responsible for
      ensuring that a proper window size is chosen.

                                    - 4 -       Formatted:  January 15, 2025