HALO(1) X Version 11 HALO(1) 1/11/96 NAME halo - start and manage X programs (session manager light) SYNOPSIS halo [-toolkitoption ...] [-option ...] DESCRIPTION The program starts the window manager, some initial comands and waits for one or more of its children before it terminates. The program is typically started by xdm from Xsession (or .xsession). When the configured child exits Halo kills the rest of its children before exiting. OPTIONS Halo accepts all of the standard X Toolkit command line options along with the additional options listed below: -verbose causes halo to print what it is doing. X DEFAULTS The application class name is Halo. windowManager (class WindowManager) This resource specifies the Window manager the user wishes to run. waitFor (class WaitFor) Specifies which of its children halo should wait for before exiting. Excact match is performed. The special token WINDOW_MANAGER means wait for the window manager. waitForAll (class WaitForAll) If set to true, all programs in the waitFor list have to be terminated before you will be logged out. It it is set to false, you will be logged out if only one (any one) of the programs in the waitFor list terminates. Delay (class delay) Delay specified in seconds to sleep between starting each child. cmds (class cmds) A ; separated list of sh commands to start. This resource is typicaly default configured to some minimal set of programs. notCmds (class NotCmds) A ; separated list of programs in cmds, addCmds or sysCmds you do not wish to start. Excact match is performed so xfoo will not match xfoo -name bar. - 1 - Formatted: January 15, 2025 HALO(1) X Version 11 HALO(1) 1/11/96 addCmds (class AddCmds) A ; separated list of commands you wish to start in addition to what your system manager have globaly configured in cmds. sysCmds (class SysCmds) A ; separated list of sh commands to start. This resource is typicaly used by your System Manager to start programs you ought to run. Users should not modify this resource. (but rather use the notCmds resouce if the dislike some of the programs started from here.) terminateCmds (class TerminateCmds) A ; separated list of commands you wish to run when you are logging out. This commands are given 30 seconds to finish before you are logged out. verbose (class Verbose) Same as -verbose. Causes halo to print what it is doing. SIGNALS The resources will be re-read, removed programs killed and new programs started when halo receives the HUP signal. All started processes will be killed before halo terminates on receipt of the INT or TERM signals. BUGS (or features) All program are executed with the command sh -c 'exec program' which means that contructions like a && b cannot be used as program. This can be fixed with resources like this halo.windowManager: sh -c 'xhost +`hostname` && exec mwm' There is no way to put a ; in a command. Only single line resources are supported. AUTHOR Hans Petter Holen, USIT - University of Oslo, Anders Ellefrud - Ifi - University of Oslo, Lars Haakedal - USIT - University of Oslo, Odd Einar Aurbakken - USIT - University of Oslo. - 2 - Formatted: January 15, 2025