TIFFSPLIT(1) libtiff TIFFSPLIT(1) September 20, 2005 NAME tiffsplit - split a multi-image TIFF into single-image TIFF files SYNOPSIS tiffsplit src.tif [ prefix ] DESCRIPTION tiffsplit takes a multi-directory (page) TIFF file and creates one or more single-directory (page) TIFF files from it. The output files are given names created by concatenating a prefix, a lexically ordered suffix in the range [aaa-zzz], the suffix .tif (e.g. xaaa.tif, xaab.tif, ..., xzzz.tif). If a prefix is not specified on the command line, the default prefix of x is used. OPTIONS None. BUGS Only a select set of ``known tags'' is copied when splitting. SEE ALSO tiffcp(1), tiffinfo(1), libtiff(3TIFF) Libtiff library home page: http://www.simplesystems.org/libtiff/ - 1 - Formatted: December 7, 2024