g2 - graphic library (C) 1999 Lj. Milanovic, H. Wagner Version 0.xx License Information =================== This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. See INSTALL for information on how to install g2 see the html documentation in the doc/ subdirectory for a function reference What is g2 ? ============ Short version (if you are in hurry): - 2D graphic library - Simple to use - Supports several types of output devices (currently X11, gd (PNG, JPEG), PostScript) - Concept allows easy implementation of new device types - Virtual devices allow to send output simultaneously to several devices - User definable coordinate system - Written in ANSI-C - Tested under Digital Unix, AIX, Linux, VMS and Windows NT - Fortran interface Long version: g2 is a simple to use graphics library for 2D graphical applications written in Ansi-C. This library provides a comprehensive set of functions for simultaneous generation of graphical output on different types of devices. Presently, following devices are currently supported by g2: X11, gd (PNG, JPEG), PostScript (xfig and Win32 are in developement). One major feature of the g2_library is the concept of virtual devices. An arbitrary number of physical devices (such as PNG, or X11) can be grouped to create a so-called virtual device. Commands sent to such a virtual devices will automatically issued to all attached physical devices. This allows for example simultaneous output to a PNG file and a Postscript file. A virtual device in turn can be attached to another virtual device, allowing to construct trees of devices. Virtual devices can also be useful when using different user-coordinate systems. E.g. one X11 window showing an overview of a graphical output, and a second window showing a zoom of a more detailed area of the graphic. Drawing in both windows is performed by one single command to the virtual device. /-------> PNG: g2_attach(id_PNG,... ----------------------- g2_plot---> | Virtual device: id |--------> X11: g2_attach(id_X11,... ----------------------- \-------> PS: g2_attach(id_PS,... If you don't need or like the concept of virtual devices, simply ignore it. CONTACT ======= You can contact the authors and contributors by e-mail (/ is @ and - is .): Ljubomir Milanovic ljubo/users-sourceforge-net Horst Wagner wagner/users-sourceforge-net Tijs Michels (spline implementation) tijs/users-sourceforge-net or visit g2 home page on: http://g2.sourceforge.net/