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 ZIMG(1)                      Johannes Zellner                       ZIMG(1)

      zimg - render 2d data of arbitrary format

      zimg [options] [file ...]

      The zimg program generates png images from arbitrary formatted 2-D
      ascii or binary data. Optionally, jpeg, ppm or pgm images can be
      generated instead of png.

      If no input files are given, zimg reads from stdin.

      If the input file ends in .gz, .bz2, .z or .Z and your operating
      system supports the popen() call, the file is filtered through gunzip,
      bunzip2 or uncompress, respectively.

      If an input file is not accessible, the availability of the file with
      the suffixes .gz, .bz2, .z or .Z appended is checked (multiview).

      If no command line options are specified, zimg assumes plain ascii
      input, where the dimensions of the image are taken from the first two
      convertable integers and comment lines are marked by a hash `#' mark
      at the very first column of each line.  If ascii data is read the
      first lines are parsed for zimg modelines until the first data point
      is read. See below in the section MODELINES.

      Currently the `ESRF data format' (edf and ehf) is the only binary
      input format which is detected automatically by zimg (if this option
      was not disabled at compile time). In the case of ehf, the data is
      read from a different file as specified by the tag EDF_BinaryFileName.

      If the size was not specified and no binary option was selected, the
      first bytes of the source file are examined to check if the source is
      already a png file. This works only on systems where there's no
      difference between reading ascii and binary data (UNIX).  If the
      source file is a png, all options except the colormap, labelling and
      output options are ignored. This is mainly useful for labelling a png
      file later (or a png file that was not created by zimg).  It can also
      be used to just convert png to jpeg.  Or you can specify a different
      colormap, to change the colormap entries of the source png.  Note that
      this check for source png's is not available if zimg was linked with
      an older libgd version.  If the source is a png, the --dump-colormap
      switch dumps the colormap entries of the png file instead of the zimg

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 ZIMG(1)                      Johannes Zellner                       ZIMG(1)


      In almost all cases you'll need to specify at least a few command line
      options to tell zimg something about the input format and specify the
      output style.

      Note, that the order of command line options is important: in the case
      of mutually exclusive options the last one wins;  in the case of a
      switch which turns an option on, a second occurence of this switch
      turns the option off again.  Example: -x -x does nothing. This is
      useful for overwriting options which were set in the resource files
      ~/.zimgrc and .zimgrc (see section FILES).  If an options overwrites
      another option (e.g. in `--red --blue', the second switch would
      overwrite the first), this is silently ignored.

      Some switches can be defined more than once and are position
      dependent.  These switches include

      This means that in
               zimg --relative=10-60 --differentiate
      the relative scaling applies to the raw data, but in
               zimg --differentiate --relative=10-60
      the relative scaling applies to the differentiated data.

      Spaces separating the single-letter options from their parameters are

      The availability of some options are compile-time dependent.  Use the
      --help option to get a list of valid options for your binary version
      of zimg.

      -r, --size=width[,height]
           specifies the width and height of the 2-D data. If height is not
           given it is set equal to width. The separator 'x' (instead of
           ',') can be used also for backwards compatibility.

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 ZIMG(1)                      Johannes Zellner                       ZIMG(1)

      -M, --matrix
           Input is assumed to be in ascii matrix format. The ascii input
           file should have the data in rows and columns. The number of rows
           is the image dimension in vertical direction. The number of
           columns is the image in horizontal direction.  The dimension of
           the data can be overwritten by the --size switch.

      -p, --pattern=pattern
           Mark comment blocks.  This option is used when reading
           unformatted ascii data. Each line will be truncated at pattern.
           This options might be used repeatedly to specify more than one
           comment pattern.  This option was not really tested and might be
           still buggy.  For the future it is planned to include also
           regular expressions.

      -n, --column=number
           read column number (ascii input). Multiple columns can be
           selected by using this option repeatedly.  Currently this is
           limited to the 32 first columns.  If number is omitted, the data
           of all columns will be used.

           skip this amount of lines when reading ascii data.  Skip bytes,
           if reading binary data. Note that the unit is bytes, irrespective
           of the input type (short ..). If the optional size argument is
           missing, the option is reset to its default. This default
           behavior is as follows: for binary data, all available data is
           read from the input stream and the header size (which will be
           skipped) is then calculated as the difference between the size of
           input data and the size of the image as specified by the -r
           switch. Or in short: the last <width>x<height> items of the input
           stream will be taken.  If you don't like this feature you can
           disable it explicitly by using the switch `--skip=0'.  For ascii
           data no skipping will be done by default.

           apply switches, if the input filename matches regexp.  Especially
           useful if used in a .zimgrc file. The separator character can be
           any character which is not present in regexp, for example --
           options=#/usr/local#switches.  See also the --input-filter
           switch.  --options is only available if your system provides the
           POSIX regular expression functions regcomp / regexec (check zimg
           -V for availability).

           filter input files thru filter. If filter contains a %s, it is

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 ZIMG(1)                      Johannes Zellner                       ZIMG(1)

           substituted with the file name, else the filename is appended to
           the filter. This switch is especially useful if used in a .zimgrc
           file. Example: --options='/.int$/--input-filter=int < %s'.  See
           also the --options switch. --input-filter is only available if
           your system supports the popen() call (check zimg -V for

      -o, --output=path
           normally zimg writes to stdout. You don't ever need this option,
           if you redirect stdout to you destination file or pipe. If more
           than one input file is given, path should be an existing
           directory where the output files should be stored. In this case
           the output names are constructed from path, the input file name
           and a suffix ".gif", ".png", ".jpg", "ppm" or "pgm" depending on
           the gd version which was used at compile time and eventually the
           -j, -P, --ppm or --pgm switch.  Using - for path will force
           stdout also for multiple input files; however, this makes sense
           only with ppm and pgm output image formats because png and jpeg
           formats do not allow multiple images in one file (only the first
           one would be read).

           binary input data is big-endian. This option overwrites --swap
           and can be overwritten by --swap and --little-endian.  This
           switch does nothing if the machine where zimg runs is also big-
           endian, otherwise the words get swapped.

           binary input data is little-endian. This option is the opposite
           of big-endian, overwrites --swap and can be overwritten by --swap
           and --big-endian.  This switch does nothing if the machine where
           zimg runs is also little-endian, otherwise the words get swapped.

           swap bytes when reading binary input. This might be necessary
           when using binary files from different platforms. If zimg runs on
           a little-endian machine (e.g. Intel) --swap assumes the binary
           input data created by a big-endian machine and vice versa.  All
           three switches --swap, --big-endian and --little-endian overwrite
           each other and therefore it is recommended to use only one of
           these switches.

      -f, --float
           read binary float (normally 4 bytes) data.

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 ZIMG(1)                      Johannes Zellner                       ZIMG(1)

      -d, --double
           read binary double (normally 8 bytes) data.

           read signed char data.

           read signed short data.

           read signed int data.

           read signed long-int data.

      -c, --unsigned-char
           read unsigned char data.

      -s, --unsigned-short
           read unsigned short data.

      -i, --unsigned-int
           read unsigned int data.

           read unsigned long int data.

           input data is binary complex float. (ascii parsing of complex
           numbers is not implemented yet. The value of the switch
           determines how to display the complex numbers. The default is abs
           or the alias length (the length of the complex number).

           Like --complex-float, but for complex double binary input data.

           use a red scale color map.

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           use a blue scale color map.

      --grey, --gray
           use a grey scale color map.

      -m, --colormap[=path]
           use custom colormap from the file path. The file must hold r g b
           triplets with values ranging from 0 to 0xff (255). There must be
           exactly one triplet per line, where empty lines and lines
           beginning with a hash `#' mark are skipped. The maximum number of
           colors is defined in zimg.h and it is currently 240 (16 colors
           are reserved for "LINE COLORS").  The colormap file is searched
           in the current directory, then in ~/.zimg/cmap, then in
           /usr/local/share/zimg/cmap.  If the optional argument number is
           omitted, the colormap is reset to the default.

      -m, --colormap[=red[,green[,blue]]]
           create a colormap using predefined colormap formulae.  red, green
           and blue must be integers between -36 and 36.  If blue and/or
           green are missing, they're set to green or red respectively (so a
           gray colormap value can be created by specifying red only).  The
           numbers select one of the predefined formulae which are used to
           map the z value to a color intensity.  Negative numbers invert
           the color intensity. Currently the following formulae are defined
           where x ranges from [0, 1]: If the optional argument number is
           omitted, the colormap is reset to the default.  Note: these
           formulae are the same as in gnuplot (version 3.8 and later),
           where you can try and test them using commands [set|show|test]

               0    x = 0
               1    x = 0.5
               2    x = 1
               3    x = x    (identity)
               4    x = x * x
               5    x = x * x * x
               6    x = x * x * x * x
               7    x = sqrt(x)
               8    x = sqrt(sqrt(x))
               9    x = sin(90 * x)
              10    x = cos(90 * x)
              11    x = fabs(x - 0.5);
              12    x = (2 * x - 1) * (2 * x - 1);
              13    x = sin(180 * x);
              14    x = fabs(cos(180 * x));
              15    x = sin(360 * x);
              16    x = cos(360 * x);

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              17    x = fabs(sin(360 * x));
              18    x = fabs(cos(360 * x));
              19    x = fabs(sin(720 * x));
              20    x = fabs(cos(720 * x));
              21    x = 3 * x;
              22    x = 3 * x - 1;
              23    x = 3 * x - 2;
              24    x = fabs(3 * x - 1);
              25    x = fabs(3 * x - 2);
              26    x = (1.5 * x - 0.5);
              27    x = (1.5 * x - 1.0);
              28    x = fabs(1.5 * x - 0.5);
              29    x = fabs(1.5 * x - 1.0);
                       if (x <= 0.25)
                           return 0;
                       if (x >= 0.57)
                           return 1;
                       x = x / 0.32 - 0.78125;
                       if (x <= 0.42)
                           return 0;
                       if (x >= 0.92)
                           return 1;
                       x = 2 * x - 0.84;
                       if (x <= 0.42)
                           x *= 4;
                           x = (x <= 0.92) ? -2 * x + 1.84 : x / 0.08 - 11.5;
                       x = fabs(2 * x - 0.5);
                       x = 2 * x;
                       x = 2 * x - 0.5;
                       x = 2 * x - 1;

      -b, --cbox, --colorbox[=n]
           draw a labelled colorbox right to the image. If the number of
           labels n isn't given, it is calculated automatically according to
           the image and font heights. Labelling can be turned off by
           specifying --colorbox=0.

      --cbox-fmt, --cbox-format=format
           format is a c sprintf format string for floats, e.g. %3.6g (see
           the sprintf(3) manual), which is used for formatting the colorbox
           legend. Turns on --cbox implicitely.

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           Print string next to the colorbox (e.g. a unit for the colorbox
           numbers).  Turns on --cbox implicitely.  string can be a
           multiline string, see for example the --label switch.

           dump a colormap to stdout as it can be read back with the -m
           switch.  This can be useful for manually editing and reading back
           the colormap.  The --dump-colormap switch disables most of the
           other switches -- no processing of data files is done. The only
           exception is if the source files are png files: in this case not
           the (specified) colormap of zimg, but the color entries of the
           source png are dumped.

      -I, --invert
           invert the selected color map.

      -x, --xor[=color]
           do an exclusive or with the specified color (defaults to white).
           For the gray scale color map this equivalent to the --invert

           apply a discrete differentiation (1'st derivative) to the data.
           This is a position dependent switch

      -u, --curvature
           display the curvature (2'nd derivative) of the data.  This is a
           position dependent switch

           wipe out hot spots. The average and sigma of the nearest
           neighbors of each pixel are calculated. If the pixel's value is
           greater than (`threshold' * sigma + average), it will be set to
           the average of the neighbors.  This is a position dependent

      -z, --crange=min,max
           sets data range for the color mappings to min to min. Default is
           autoscaled color range according to the image data values.  The
           partial notations --crange=min, and --crange=,max can be used,
           denoting the missing limiting value to be autoscaled.

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 ZIMG(1)                      Johannes Zellner                       ZIMG(1)

      -l, --logarithmic[=scale]
           use a logarithmic color scale where scale must be strictly
           positive. The data is scaled to the range 0 - scale, then the
           log1p () is taken. The default for scale is 1. The best way to
           understand this is to compare the results for different scale
           values.  This is a position dependent switch

      -a, --fabs
           take the absolute value of the input data. The long option --fabs
           was named after the c function fabs(), because the --absolute
           switch is used for absolute scaling (see below).  This is a
           position dependent switch

           set everything below min to min and every thing above max to max.
           The partial notations --abs=min, and --abs=,max can be used. If
           both min and max are given, a - can be used as separator instead
           of the ,.  This is a position dependent switch

           same as above, but min and max are to be given relative (in
           percent) to the data's min and max.  This is a position dependent

      -N, --no-data, --nda=[val|@percent[,color]]
           set data points which are equal to val to the color color
           (default: black). If val isn't specified, or if @percent is
           specified instead of val, the nda value is determined
           automatically from the border values: The border value which
           occurs most frequently will be the NDA value.  The value @percent
           if given, must be 0 < @percent <= 100.  If @percent > 1 it is
           divided by 100, so @75 is equivalent to @0.75. The @percent value
           gives the fraction of nda border values compared to the number of
           border pixels which must be reached at least for the
           automatically determined nda value to be valid. Example: suppose
           your image is 100 x 200 pixels large, so the number of border
           pixels is 600 - 2 = 598.  If you specify --nda=@.75 and the most
           frequent border value occurs 350 times, the nda feature won't be
           applied, since 350 is smaller than 0.75 * 598.

      -e, --expr=string
           filter data through the c-style string expression string.  This
           feature is compile-time dependent and only available, if zimg -V
           shows the string dynaload.  The expression string string will be
           compiled on the fly by "cc -c -O -o".  The expression is wrapped
           in a function which will be called for each data value z (double)

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           with the current x (unsigned int), width (unsigned int) and y
           (unsigned int), height (unsigned int) values supplied. Example:

               # zimg -e "cos(z) - (width - x)" ...

      -R, --expr-source=file.c
           Use file.c as input file name for compiling the expression.  If
           the switch --expr is not given, --expr-source should point to an
           existing file which holds the c source for the expression
           function. If the switch --expr is given, it will be wrapped in a
           c function and stored in the file.c given by --expr-source. If
           --expr-source is not given, the expression given by --expr will
           be stored in a temporary c-file which will be deleted after the
           expression evaluation.

           The switch --expr-source can be used for reusing the expression

               # zimg -e "cos(z) - (width - x)" -R myfunc.c
               # zimg -R myfunc.c ... file.dat

           Use as output file name for compiling the expression.  If
           none of the switches --expr and --expr-source is given,
           should exist and be a valid object file which was probably
           compiled before by zimg. Shared objects are searched in the
           current directory, then in the directory ~/.zimg/expr, then in
           /usr/local/lib/hpux32/zimg/expr and then in the search path of
           your dynamic loader (refer to the manual pages of dlopen() or
           shl_load(), depending on the implementation).  If --expr-object
           is not given, the expression given by --expr or --expr-source
           will be compiled to a temporary shared object file which will be
           deleted after the expression evaluation.

           If at least one of the switches --expr or --expr-source are
           given, the expression will be compiled to This can be
           used for compiling a shared object file for later use:

               # zimg -e "cos(z) - (width - x)" -O
               # zimg -O ... file.dat

           For complicated expressions it might be useful to create the c-
           source for the expression with an editor and compile it 'by
           hand'. Please refer to the manual page of your c-compiler for how
           to create shared object files (for gcc it is the switch -shared).
           The shared object must export a function zimg_expression with the
           zimg_expression_t as given in zimg.h. Example:

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               #include <zimg.h>

               zimg_expression(unsigned int x, unsigned int y,
                   float z, const zimg_expression_info_t* info)
                   unsigned int height = info->height;
                   return z - (float)x * (float)(height - y);

      -S, --scale=xy

      -S, --scale=x,y
           Scaling of the image. If only one number is given, it is used for
           both directions. Any non-numeric character may be used as

      -C, --crop[=left-rightxtop-bottom]
           crop the raw data to the specified size. Note that the numbers
           given apply to the raw data, not to the eventually enlarged or
           binned image.  If the optional argument is omitted, the data is
           cropped automatically: all data with the same value as the border
           is cropped.

      -A, --align=horizontal[xvertical][,bordercolor]
           align to an integer multiple of the specified pixels. If vertical
           is omitted, it it set to horizontal. Example: -A16 will pad the
           resulting image so that its (both) dimensions are multiples of
           16.  This is useful, if the images are used to create an mpeg
           sequence for example (otherwise mpeg_encode will cut the images
           down so that the dimensions are multiples of 16). The data is
           centered within the resulting image. The optional argument
           bordercolor must be given as 6-digit hexadecimal number, where
           the first digits are the red value, the second two digits the
           green value and the last two digits the blue value (so the color
           values for each color are between 0 and ff).  Note that zimg will
           try to choose a color out of the existing color map which comes
           close to what you've specified, but depending on the color map
           you might not get exactly what you've requested.  See also the
           --textcolor switch.  If the bordercolor is not given, the image
           border color is chosen to be the most frequent color of the
           original data's border.

           draw contour lines. This option is still experimental. Optional
           arguments are probably subject to future changes. The optional

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           argument `log' distributes the contour levels logarithmically
           over the image.  The optional argument bg=color forces contour-
           only drawing i.e. colors the background with the specified color.
           This color must be given as 3 or 6 digit hex value or by the
           special keyword 'black'.  fg=color uses the specified color as
           contour line color.  bg and fg and should not be used together.
           The contour algorithm is pretty fast and does not spline when
           enlarging the image.

           write an interlaced image. --interlace is off by default.  If you
           write a jpeg image using the --jpeg switch, the --interlace
           switch will be interpreted to write a progressive JPEG.

      -g, --gif
           write a gif instead of a png image. This switch is only available
           if libgd supports both png and gif.

      -j, --jpeg[=quality]
           write a jpeg instead of a png image. quality must be an integer
           number between (inclusive) 0 and 100. If quality is omitted, an
           appropriate default quality is used.  Jpeg is only available, if
           zimg was compiled with libgd >= 1.8.  If you have set image
           interlacing using the --interlace switch, this switch is
           interpreted to write a progressive JPEG.  Some programs (e.g.,
           Web browsers) can display progressive JPEGs incrementally; this
           can be useful when browsing over a relatively slow communications
           link, for example.  Progressive JPEGs can also be slightly
           smaller than sequential (non-progressive) JPEGs.

      -P, --ppmorpgm
           write a portable pixmap (ppm) or portable graymap (pgm) instead
           of a png image according to --gray palette. These image formats
           are useful when piping zimg's output directly to other programs
           (filters). Further, as there can be just a single png or jpeg
           image in one png or jpeg file, but several ppm or pgm images in
           one ppm or pgm file, it makes ppm and pgm output very useful for
           producing image movies from a series of input data files, see
           examples below.

           write a portable pixmap (ppm) instead of a png image.

      -P, --pgm
           write a portable graymap (pgm) instead of a png image; this

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           should be used only together with --gray option, otherwise a
           function of r,g,b values of a pixel is calculated as its gray

      -t, --label=[+-][+-]y,string
           print string at the specified position of the FINAL image.
           'Final' means the image size with all padding and scaling
           applied.  The string can be a multiline string separated by '\n',
           e.g. "this\nis\nmultiline\ntext".  x and y can be negative
           coordinates, in which case they're interpreted as offsets of the
           right and bottom text bounding box from the right and bottom
           border of the image respectively.  If you specify for example --
           label=-1-1,string, the string is entirely visible, having the
           lower right border of its bounding box in the bottom right corner
           on the image.  Long multiline strings should preferably be passed
           by specifying this option several times (e.g. for each line
           separately) because of limitations of the option parser.  See
           also STRING ESCAPES.

           same as the --label option, but prints the string vertically.
           See also STRING ESCAPES.

           print string outside the image region black on white. The legend
           is either placed right or botto. of the image depending on the
           ratio of the resulting total image (smaller ratio wins).  The
           string can be a multiline string separated by '\n', e.g.
           "this\nis\nmultiline\ntext".  The extra space needed for the
           legend is reserved automatically.  Long multiline strings should
           preferably be passed by specifying this option several times
           (e.g. for each line separately) because of limitations of the
           option parser. The string can be reset to zero length (e.g. for
           multifile input together with modelines) by using --legend w/o
           string argument.  See also STRING ESCAPES.

      -F, --font=integer
           font size. Must be between (inclusive) 1 and 4. If the font size
           is not specified, it is chosen according to the image dimensions:
           a larger image gets a larger font size.  This switch selects one
           of 4 built-in fonts.  For pretty fonts you should rather use
           truetype fonts, see below.

      -F, --font=float,fontspec
           truetype font with the size given by the float parameter. The

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           font specification can be either a ttf file name (must end in
           .ttf or .TTF) or a fontconfig specification (only available if
           --version shows fontconfig). If a ttf file is specified, it must
           be an absolute or relative path like ./arial.ttf.  If the ttf
           file has no path specification (e.g. arial.ttf) it is searched in
           directories given by the environment variable GDFONTPATH.

               -F20,times:bold:italic      # only available if fontconfig is available

      -T, --textcolor=xxxxxx
           The xxxxxx must be given as 6-digit or 3-digit hexadecimal
           number, where the first digit(s) are the red value, the second
           two digit(s) the green value and the last two digit(s) the blue
           value (so the color values for each color are between 0 and ff).
           Note that zimg will try to choose a color out of the existing
           color map which comes close to what you've specified, but
           depending on the color map you might not get exactly what you've
           requested. Alternatively the color can be also specified by one
           of the predefined color names, see the section "LINE COLORS".  If
           the text color is not given, it will be chosen automatically and
           should give normally a high contrast.

           draw a line or polyline from x1, y1 to x2, y2 (and more vertices)
           on the FINAL image.  Example --line=+10+10+10+20 draws a
           horizontal line. All coordinates are absolute. Negative
           coordinates are interpreted from the right and bottom border

           same as --line, but all coordinates except x1 and x2 are
           interpreted relatively to x1 and x2.

      -L, --license
           Display some license information. zimg is published under the
           terms of a BSD type License.

      -V, --version
           Prints a version identifier for zimg to standard error. This is
           guaranteed to always contain the string "zimg" and the version
           number.  Additionally the string "png" or "gif" indicates the
           output format which depends on the gd driver which was compiled
           in. Compile time options as edf support are appended in brackets.

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 ZIMG(1)                      Johannes Zellner                       ZIMG(1)

      -v, --verbose
           switch on some informational output. Might not be too useful.

           print histogram like statistics of the processed data to stderr.

           Prints a help message to stderr and dies.

      The switches --label, --vlabel and --legend accept some string
      escapes. The replacement of these string escape takes place after the
      data has been read and processed. String escape start with a percent
      sign '%' followed by a single character which indicates the type of
      the substitution. The following string escapes are supported:

      %c   Current time in RFC822-conformant format.

      %f   The filename of the input file

      %m   The minimum of the processed data.

      %M   The maximum of the processed data.

      %i   The integral of the processed data (valid data points only, see
           also the --no-data switch).

           Will be substituted with the standard output of the shell command
           which is given between the opening { and the closing }.

      Some of the switches accept a color specification, e.g.  --no-data,
      --align, --contours, --textcolor and --xor.  These "line colors" are
      not chosen from the colormap which is used for rendering the data.
      Line colors can be specified either as 6-digit or 3-digit hex value or
      as one of the predefined strings "black", "white", "red", "green",
      "blue", "magenta", "cyan", "yellow".  In the case of a 6-digit hex
      value, the first two digits represent the red value, the second two
      digits the green value and the last two digits the blue value.  In the

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      case of a 3-digit hex value, the first digit represent the red value,
      the second digit the green value and the last digit the blue value.

      If the input data is ascii (or at least the header is ascii), zimg
      looks for modelines like some versions of vi or vim do. This is done
      only until the first data point is read. The format for modelines is
      as follows:
               <space>zimg:<zimg options>:
      You can have multiple modelines and even use a modeline to switch to
      binary input. Example:

               # zimg: -l10 -C50-550x200-450:
               # zimg: -m7,5,15 -t -r547x633 -s --swap:
      Note that in this case the order is important. Everything after the
      line containing the -s (unsigned short binary) is considered as binary
      data.  So exchanging the two modelines like in the next example would
      interpret the second modeline as binary data (which is probably not
      what you want):
               # zimg: -m7,5,15 -t -r547x633 -s --swap:
               # zimg: -l10 -C50-550x200-450:

      zimg my.dat > my.png
           This one of the most simple examples.  The file my.dat is assumed
           to hold the dimensions of your 2-D data as the first two
           convertable integers.  Everything before the first convertable
           integer is silently skipped, so it is also valid to have the
           dimension specifiers after a comment (hash) mark like this:
               # 128 128

      my.dat > my.png
           If your operating system supports the specification of an
           interpreter by preceding it with #! you can make your data file
           an executable like this (you probably have also to change the
           permissions of my.dat e.g. `chmod +x my.dat' on UNIX):

               # 128 128
               # zimg:--red:

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      zimg my.dat.gz | xv -
           pipe the output of zimg directly to your favorite image viewer
           (here: xv). The file will be filtered by gunzip.

      zimg --red -r1200x1200 --skip=2400 -S0.5 -s l408_01.image | xv -
           read binary data which hold 1200 x 1200 unsigned short data
           values.  Skip the first 2400 bytes.  Use the red scale color map.
           Scale the image down to 600 x 600 pixels and pipe it to xv.

           Note that the skip option is not really necessary as long as the
           data is located at the very end of the input file.  In this case
           the header size would be calculated by zimg.

      zimg my.png --xlabel=10,10,'love is like oxygen' --jpeg > my.jpg
           read the png as source image, apply a label and write it as jpeg.

      zimg -P -o- --crange=0,100 *.edf | animate -delay 50
           read all edf files, and animate them with delay of 50 ms.

      zimg -P -o- --scale=0.25 --gray *.edf | convert -delay 100 - movie.mng
           read all edf files, scale them down and convert them into a gray
           scale movie (mng is an animated png). Note that not using --
           crange makes color scaling (z-range) individually autoscaled in
           each image instead of using the same z-range for all images as in
           the previous example.

      zimg for displaying function expressions w/o input data

           First you've to create the c source which holds the function
           expression, for example sinc.c:

               #include <zimg.h>
               #include <math.h>
               zimg_expression(unsigned int x, unsigned int y,
                   float z, const zimg_expression_info_t* info)
                  double width = (double)info->width;
                  double height = (double)info->height;
                  double xd = (double)x - width * 0.5;
                  double yd = (double)y - height * 0.5;

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                  double value;
                  xd *= 10 / width;
                  yd *= 10 / height;
                  value = sqrt(xd*xd+yd*yd);
                  return value ? sin(value) / value : 1

           This expression can be displayed w/o any data file by using
           /dev/zero as input source. As the input data is not used at all,
           you can use the -c switch -- tell zimg to treat the input as
           bytes.  Furthermore you've to specify the dimension of the image
           with the -r switch:

           # zimg -c -r300 --skip=0 -Rsinc.c < /dev/zero | xv -

           The object file can now be reused in subsequent zimg
           runs, e.g.

           # zimg -c -r500 --skip=0 < /dev/zero | xv -

           Note, that you have to tell zimg explicitly not to skip the file
           header, otherwise it will read from /dev/zero infinitely as it
           thinks it is the data header.

      HOME When this variable is found, zimg looks there for a file with the
           name .zimgrc which may contain command line options.  If
           expression evaluation support is compiled in, object files are
           searched in the directory $HOME/.zimg/expr/.

           used to view stdout, if zimg detects that stdout goes to a
           terminal (which is probably not what you want). Defaults to "xv

      The following zimgrc resource files are read in this order:


      These files are read before command line parsing is done, so command line
      options given on the command line will eventually overwrite previously defined
      settings of the resource files.

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      The zimgrc recource files might contain command line options separated by
      any white spaces including newlines. Blank lines and everything behind a hash
      `#' mark is considered to be a comment.


      The official zimg web site at:

      Johannes Zellner <>

      This version of zimg was originally derived from the program z2ppm
      which was able to write portable pixmap (ppm) files.

      Thomas Boutell <>, the author of the gd driver.

 see also
      Petr Mikulik <> for the color code in getcolor.c,, the OS/2 port, and
        options --crange, -P, --ppm, --pgm, -o-.

      Levente Novak <> for the DOS/DJGPP port.

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