packages icon

              _  ___________  / /
             | |/_/ ___/ __ \/ /
            _>  </ /__/ /_/ / /
           /_/|_|\___/\____/_/  V1.7

       -- yet another color-viewer --

  available at and mirrors as:

  XCol is a program to edit occurrences of color-names in text-files
  (i.e. C-source or the Xdefault-file). It shows the available colors
  in a color-sorted way and you can change the textfile by selecting
  new colors with the mouse.
  Even without editing a textfile, it gives you a good impression
  of the available colors (the colors defined in the 'rgb.txt'-file
  of the server).
  Alternatively you can use your own rgb.txt-file or an XCMS-database
  as the source of the colors.
  Have fun.

        __  __     __                __     __  __                 _
       / / / /__  / /___ ___  __  __/ /_   / / / /___  ___  ____  (_)___ _
      / /_/ / _ \/ / __ `__ \/ / / / __/  / /_/ / __ \/ _ \/ __ \/ / __ `/
     / __  /  __/ / / / / / / /_/ / /_   / __  / /_/ /  __/ / / / / /_/ /
  _ /_/ /_/\___/_/_/ /_/ /_/\__,_/\__/  /_/ /_/\____/\___/_/ /_/_/\__, /
 /__________________________________e-mail: Helmut.Hoenig@hub.de______/