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From aiai!festival!uknet!pipex!uunet!sparky!chris Mon Aug  9 15:03:27 BST 1993
Article 1868 of comp.sources.x:
Path: aiai!festival!uknet!pipex!uunet!sparky!chris
>From: (Amir Vafaei)
Newsgroups: comp.sources.x
Subject: v20i105:  xclipboard - Load, save and print the X clipboard, Part01/02
Message-ID: <csx-v20i105=xclipboard.132054@sparky.Sterling.COM>
Date: 5 Aug 93 18:25:48 GMT
References: <>
Sender: (Chris Olson)
Followup-To: comp.sources.d
Organization: Sterling Software
Lines: 608
X-Md4-Signature: 8b75319bcc26950bb3a710e362116642

Submitted-by: (Amir Vafaei)
Posting-number: Volume 20, Issue 105
Archive-name: xclipboard/part01
Environment: X11
Supersedes: xclipboard: Volume 20, Issue 56

The xclipboard program is used to collect and display text selections 
that are sent to the CLIPBOARD by other clients.  It is typically used to
save CLIPBOARD selections for later use.  It stores each CLIPBOARD selection
as a separate string, each of which can be selected.  


for sites that can not use the Imakefile, I have created a Makefile.unx.  
Edit the INCLUDES and LIBS to reflect your site's directory paths.
