packages icon

 OCLOCK++(1)                    X Version 11                     OCLOCK++(1)
                                  Release 4

      oclock++ - display time of day

      oclock++ [-option ...]

      Clock simply displays the current time on an analog display. It
      optionally plays sounds on the quarter hour and chimes on the hour on
      a Sun SPARCstation.

      -fg foreground color
              choose a different color for the both hands and the jewel of
              the clock

      -bg background color
              choose a different color for the background.

      -jewel jewel color
              choose a different color for the jewel on the clock.

      -minute minute color
              choose a different color for the minute hand of the clock.

      -hour hour color
              choose a different color for the hour hand of the clock.

      -backing { WhenMapped Always NotUseful }
              selects an appropriate level of backing store.

      -geometry geometry
              define the initial window geometry; see X(1).

      -display display
              specify the display to use; see X(1).

      -bd border color
              choose a different color for the window border.

      -bw border width
              choose a different width for the window border.  As the Clock
              widget changes its border around quite a bit, this is most
              usefully set to zero.

              causes the clock to not reshape itself and ancestors to
              exactly fit the outline of the clock.

      -hoursound filename
              choose sound to play on the hour.

                                    - 1 -      Formatted:  December 21, 2024

 OCLOCK++(1)                    X Version 11                     OCLOCK++(1)
                                  Release 4

      -quarterpastsound filename
              choose sound to play at quarter past the hour.

      -halfpastsound filename
              choose sound to play at half past the hour.

      -quarterofsound filename
              choose sound to play at fifteen minutes before the hour.

      -chimesound filename
              choose the sound to play as a chime on the hour. The number of
              times the sound is played corresponds to the hour that the
              time is.

      -volume percentage
              choose the volume with which all sounds are played. The
              default is 75%.

      Although the default colors for the Clock widget are black and white,
      the widget was designed in color; unfortunately, the toolkit makes
      specifying these colors in a device-independent manner difficult.  If
      you want to see the correct colors, add the following lines to your
      resource file:

      Clock*Background: grey
      Clock*BorderColor: light blue
      Clock*hour: yellow
      Clock*jewel: yellow
      Clock*minute: yellow

      The following resources and defaults control the sounds played by the

      Clock*hourSound: none
      Clock*quarterPastSound: none
      Clock*halfPastSound: none
      Clock*quarterOfSound: none
      Clock*chimeSound: none
      Clock*volumeSound: 75

      X(1), X Toolkit documentation

      Copyright 1989, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
      See X(1) for a full statement of rights and permissions.

      Keith Packard, MIT X Consortium

                                    - 2 -      Formatted:  December 21, 2024

 OCLOCK++(1)                    X Version 11                     OCLOCK++(1)
                                  Release 4

      Sound hacks by Mike Wagner, Siemens Corporate Research
      SPARCstation sound interface by Jef Poskanzer.
      SunOS 4.1.x patches and support for WM_DELETE_WINDOW hack by Greg

                                    - 3 -      Formatted:  December 21, 2024