packages icon

 XFLAG(1)                       X Version 11                        XFLAG(1)
                                  Release 5

      xflag - display your favorite flag on your screen.

      xflag -n <PRC|ROC|ROT|USA> [-acr] [-s <fast|normal|slow>]

      Xflag draws the national flag of either ROC (Republic of China), PRC
      (People's Republic of China), USA (United State of America) or ROT
      (Republic of Taiwan) on a window.

      -a      animation mode. This mode is only implemented for ROT flag
              now. To activate/deactivate this mode, you just position your
              mouse pointer at the flag window and click the select button.

      -c      cycle mode. This option is valid only when animation mode is

      -n flag_name
              identify the nation of which the flag represents. xflag knows
              only about national flags of PRC', ROC', USA' and ROT's.
              Default is "ROC".

      -r      rsentment mode, preferred by dissidents; it would be most
              resentful while this mode is enabled in conjunction with
              xroach(1). Only PRC flag is implemented with this mode.

      -s fast|normal|slow
              set animation speed. The default is normal (which is about 15
              seconds per animation cycle on a SPARCstation 2). This option
              is valid only when animation mode is selected.

      Copyleft 1995 by Simon Yeh

      Simon Yeh (

                                    - 1 -         Formatted:  April 18, 2024