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 ABACUS(1)                          V5.5                           ABACUS(1)
                                20 June 1999

      xabacus - Abacus X widget

       [-geometry [{width}][x{height}][{+-}{xoff}[{+-}{yoff}]]] [-display
      [{host}]:[{vs}]] [-[no]mono] [-[no]{reverse|rv}] [-{foreground|fg}
      {color}] [-{background|bg} {color}] [-{border|bd} {color}] [-rail
      {color}] [-bead {color}] [-rails {int}] [-spaces {int}] [-base {int}]
      [-tnumber {int}] [-bnumber {int}] [-tfactor {int}] [-bfactor {int}] [-
      [no]torient] [-[no]borient] [-delay msecs] [-[no]demo] [-[no]script]
      [-demopath {path}] [-demofont {fontname}] [-demofg {color}] [-demobg

      This is an implementation of the classic Chinese abacus.

      The device has two decks.  Each deck, separated by a beam, normally
      has 13 rails on which are mounted beads.  Each rail on the top deck
      contains 2 beads, and each rod on the bottom deck contains 5 beads.
      Each bead on the upper deck has a value of five, while each bead on
      the lower deck has value of one.  Beads are considered counted, when
      moved towards the beam separating the decks.

      There are books on how to use an abacus, but basically all it does is
      add and subtract, the rest you have to do in you head.  There are
      techniques like using your thumb and forefinger which does not apply
      with mouse entry.  Also with multiplication, one can carry out
      calculations on different parts of the abacus, here it is nice to have
      a long abacus.

      This device has two decks ("new & improved" models have auxilliary
      decks stacked above the principal decks that enable multiplication,
      division and square-root (honest!) computations to be performed with
      equal ease as addition and subtraction).

      Check out to find out more.

      Click "mouse-left" button on a bead you want to move.  The beads will
      shift themselves to vacate the row and column that was clicked.  Click
      "mouse-right" button, or press "C" or "c" keys to clear the abacus.
      Press "I" or "i" keys to increment the number of rails.  Press "D" or
      "d" keys to decrement the number of rails.  Press "Q", "q", or "CTRL-
      C" keys to kill program.  The abacus may be resized.  Beads will
      reshape depending on the room they have.  Demo Mode: In this mode, the
      abacus is controlled by the program.  When started with the demo
      option, a second window is presented that should be placed directly
      below the abacus-window. Descriptive text, and user prompts are
      displayed in this window.

                                    - 1 -       Formatted:  October 18, 2024

 ABACUS(1)                          V5.5                           ABACUS(1)
                                20 June 1999

      Pressing 'q' during the demo will quit it.  Clicking the left mouse-
      button with the pointer in the window will restart the demo (beginning
      of current lesson).

      -geometry {+|-}X{+|-}Y
              This option sets the initial position of the abacus window
              (resource name "geometry").

      -display host:dpy
              This option specifies the X server to contact.

              This option allows you to  display on a color screen as if
              monochrome (resource name "mono").

              This option allows you to see the abacus window in reverse
              video (resource name "reverse").

      -{foreground|fg} color
              This option specifies the foreground of the abacus window
              (resource name "foreground").

      -{background|bg} color
              This option specifies the background of the abacus window
              (resource name "background").

      -{border|bd} color
              This option specifies the foreground of the border of the
              beads (resource name "borderColor").

      -bead color
              This option specifies the foreground of the beads (resource
              name "beadColor").

      -rails int
              This option specifies the number of rails (resource name

      -spaces int
              This option specifies the number of spaces (resource name

      -base int
              This option specifies the base used (default is base 10)
              (resource name "base").

      -tnumber int
              This option specifies the number of beads on top (resource
              name "topNumber").

                                    - 2 -       Formatted:  October 18, 2024

 ABACUS(1)                          V5.5                           ABACUS(1)
                                20 June 1999

      -bnumber int
              This option specifies the number of beads on bottom (resource
              name "bottomNumber").

      -tfactor int
              This option specifies the multiply factor for the beads on top
              (resource name "topFactor").

      -bfactor int
              This option specifies the multiply factor for the  beads on
              bottom (resource name "bottomFactor").

              This option specifies the orientation of the beads on top
              (resource name "topOrient").

              This option specifies the orientation of the beads on bottom
              (resource name "bottomOrient").

      -delay msecs
              This option specifies the number of milliseconds it takes to
              move a bead or a group of beads one space (resource name

              This option specifies to run in demo mode.

              This option specifies to log application to /fIstdout, every
              time the user clicks to move the beads. The output is a set of
              deck, rail, and beads added or subtracted, and then this can
              be edited and used to create new demos (resource name

      -demopath path
              This option specifies the path for the demo, possibly
              /usr/local/lib (resource name "demoPath").  It initially looks
              for Lesson1.cmd.  If it finds that, then looks for
              Lesson2.cmd, etc. -demofont fontstring This option specifies
              the font for the explantory text that appears in the secondary
              window, during the demo.  The default font is 18 point Times-
              Roman (-*-times-*-r-*-*-*-180-*). The alternate font is 8x13.

      -demofg color
              This option specifies the foreground of the abacus demo window
              (resource name "demoForeground").

      -demobg color
              This option specifies the background of the abacus demo window
              (resource name "demoBackground").

                                    - 3 -       Formatted:  October 18, 2024

 ABACUS(1)                          V5.5                           ABACUS(1)
                                20 June 1999

      X(1), xrubik(6), xskewb(6), xdino(6), xpyraminx(6), xoct(6),
      xmball(6), xmlink(6), xpanex(6), xcubes(6), xtriangles(6),

      (Reg.) Copyright 1994-99, David Albert Bagley Luis Fernandes,
      <> wrote an independent program (xabacus 1.00) with a
      demo mode and postscript file.  I tried, with his permission, to take
      the best features of both into one program with xabacus-5.5.

      Send bugs (or their reports, or fixes) to the author:
           David Albert Bagley,     <>

      The latest version is currently at:

                                    - 4 -       Formatted:  October 18, 2024