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 KP(1)                         KP Version 0.93                         KP(1)
                                19 March 1994

      kp - Keyboard Practicer for the X Window System

      kp [toolkitoption ...] [{-,+}{showkeytop,kt}] [{-,+}{shownextkey,nk}]
      [{-,+}{ignorecases,ic}] [-dvorak] [-qwerty] [-physical {dvorak,qwerty}]
      [-vendor {Sun,HP,DEC,PC,Kinesis}] [file]

      Kp is a program which runs under the X window system. It is intended
      to be used to practice touch-typing.

      This program is designed to make it easy for the user to get used to
      keyboards.  The program window consists of two panes---the practice
      text and the virtual keyboard.  The cursor moves on the practice text
      as the user hits the key.  The virtual keyboard usually shows which
      key the user has just hit and what the user should type next.

      The main difficulty of touch-typing is to ``forget'' about the physi-
      cal keyboard---as long as you watch the keytops, you won't master
      touch-typing.  Using kp, the user can focus on the screen and forget
      about the keytop symbols on the real keyboard.

      In addition, kp has two useful features---virtual Dvorak support and
      filtering.  Dvorak is an alternative keyboard layout to the conven-
      tional Qwerty, and there are enthusiastic supporters (the author being
      one) all over the world.  Kp lets you practice Dvorak while using
      Qwerty on other windows.  The virtual keyboard aids the user to
      ``feel'' the Dvorak keyboard, without having to look up her typing
      textbook's back cover.

      Kp allows you to ``filter'' the words in the practice text, i.e.,
      select only words that contain certain letters.  Thus, the user can
      start from the keys she is most familiar with and incrementally extend
      the keyset until she masters the full keyboard.  This is particularly
      useful for Dvorak keyboards, since the middle row contains the most
      frequently used keys and the user can learn very quickly and easily by
      starting from the middle row.

      Kp has a user-friendly menu-oriented interface to change configura-
      tions and select practice text files.  A good practice text is your
      favorite manual page (use the one in the cat? directories, not the
      nroff source in man?), and kp will remove the underscores and doubles-
      trikes for your convenience.

      Kp tries to guess what your keyboard looks like by looking up the
      keycode/keysym translation table.  It currently knows about PC, HP,
      Sun and DEC keyboards, Qwerty or Dvorak.  When it doesn't understand
      what keyboard it's looking at, it assumes a Sun keyboard.  However, it
      doesn't really need this information except for the layout of special
      symbols.  I'll probably drop this support in the next release (it's

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 KP(1)                         KP Version 0.93                         KP(1)
                                19 March 1994

      not very likely that what people want to practice with kp are special

      In addition, there are some xmodmap files that you can use to remap
      your keyboard to Dvorak in the xmodmaps/ subdirectory of the source
      distribution.  They come with Qwerty counterparts but they are not
      very well tested (I don't use Qwerty!) so use them with care.

      In addition to specifying the practice file (which can be any ASCII
      file) from the command line, and all standard X toolkit options, kp
      supports the following command line options.  If the option begins
      with a `+' instead of a `-', think it as appending a ``do not'' in
      front of the name of the option.  (I know this is very strange consid-
      ering the mathematical meanings of the two symbols but that's the way
      they are in Unix.)

      The options can also be set via the resource names given in
      parentheses in the description of each option, and also can be changed
      when the program is running via the Options menu.

           (.showKeyTop) Show all the keytop symbols on the virtual key-
           board.  When turned off, only show the key most recently typed,
           and the next key, if -shownextkey (see below) is specified.

           (.showNextKey) Show the next key to type in reverse video.

           (.ignoreCases) Do not care whether a letter is lowercase or up-
           percase.  When this option is turned on, the program will ignore
           cases almost everywhere, not only when you type practice text---
           it doesn't reverse the shift key when displaying the next key to
           type, collect words with both uppercase and lowercase versions
           for filtering, etc.

           (.keyboard) Selects the virtual keyboard.  When specifying via
           resources, "true" denotes Dvorak (no flames for this please).

      -physical keyboardtype
           (.physicalKeyboard) Overrides the keyboard type detection routine
           of kp.  Valid arguments are "dvorak" and "qwerty".

      -vendor vendorname
           (.vendor) Overrides the vendor detection routine of kp.  Valid
           arguments are "Sun", "HP", "DEC", "PC" and "Kinesis".  Note that
           Kinesis keyboards are never detected automatically, since there

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 KP(1)                         KP Version 0.93                         KP(1)
                                19 March 1994

           is no way the software can distinguish between them and ordinary
           PC keyboards.

      Most menu entries should be self-explanatory (that's what menus are
      for).  The only (possibly) item that is not clear is the Filter entry
      of the Options menu.  If you pull the menu further to the right and
      select the Filter entry, kp will produce a dialog popup in which you
      can type in characters that you want to proctice.

      Kp will then display only the words that consist entirely from those
      characters.  (Note that case significance is an issue here; if you are
      in ``case insensitive'' mode, both uppercase and lowercase versions of
      the letter is used, but if you are in ``case sensitive'' mode, only
      the characters that match exactly to your string are used.

      Unfilter will negate the effects of the filter.  Note that kp won't
      forget the the characters of choice so that you can use them again.

      Starting from ``DISPLAY'', kp understands standard X environment vari-
      ables.  It has no special variable for itself.


      Satoshi Asami of the Computer Science Division, Department of Electri-
      cal Engineering and Computer Sciences, University of California,
      Berkeley.  He wrote this program for his term project in a user inter-
      faces course.

                                    - 3 -         Formatted:  April 24, 2024