packages icon


This widget is similar to the XmScale widget, but the widget's appearance is
different. (I think that the MOTIF2.0 XmScale widget will be able to have this
graphical appearance).

The widget may be used both for output or input (i.e you can drag the slider
and set the current value).


    value: current slider value. 
    minimum: minimum value for the slider. 
    maximum: maximum value for the slider. 
    orientation: XmVERTICAL, XmHORIZONTAL 
    processingDirection: XmMAX_ON_RIGHT, XmMAX_ON_BOTTOM, XmMAX_ON_LEFT,
    dragCallback: called when the user drags the slider. 
    valueChangedCallback: called when current value is changing. 
    troughShadowThickness: shadow resource for the slider

feel free to send me any comments, requests, suggestions,... - Groupe Bull