packages icon

 (3)                     Version Unknown To Mankind                      (3)
 Free Widget Foundation                               Free Widget Foundation


      This is a very basic implementation of a valuator (scrolling) widget
      that uses a thumbwheel as a metaphor. The thumbwheel is placed
      vertically by default. The edge is turned towards the viewer and
      sticking out. It can be turned up or down (or left-right) with the
      mouse or with the up/down arrow keys.

      With the mouse, there are two modes of operation: continuous and
      discrete. Continuous movement is the result of pressing a mouse button
      and dragging the mouse up or down. This is best for large, sweeping
      movements. The default arrangement causes the left mouse button to
      make the largest movements, the middle button makes the wheel turn
      about half as fast and the third mouse button turns the wheel at a
      quarter speed.

      Discrete movements are good for finer control. By clicking the mouse
      just below or above the wheel, the wheel turns a fixed distance (the
      step size) in that direction. Here again the middle and right buttons
      make the wheel turn half or a quarter of the step.

      When the mouse is kept pressed for longer than a certain interval, the
      wheel is repeatedly stepped, until the mouse is released.

      With the keyboard, only discrete steps are possible. The default
      translations assign the normal step size to the up and down keys, and
      the smaller steps to the same keys combined with with Shift and

      The picture of a thumb wheel is not integral to the widget, although a
      default picture is provided. The picture (or rather series of
      pictures) is an Image resource. To archieve a realistic `turning'
      effect, at least three slightly different pictures must be provided.

    Public variables
      center box; cBsss lB|lB|lB|lB l|l|l|l.  XfwfThumbWheel
      Name Class     Type Default
      XtNnumberOfPictures XtCNumberOfPictures int  0
      XtNpictures    XtCPictures    ImageList NULL
      XtNvertical    XtCVertical    Boolean   True
      XtNclickArea   XtCClickArea   Dimension      7
      XtNminValue    XtCMinValue    int  0 XtNmaxValue    XtCMaxValue    int
       100 XtNvalue  XtCValue  int  0 XtNstep   XtCStep   int  1

                                    - 1 -         Formatted:  April 20, 2024

 (3)                     Version Unknown To Mankind                      (3)
 Free Widget Foundation                               Free Widget Foundation

      XtNinitialDelay     XtCInitialDelay     int      500
      XtNrepeatDelay XtCRepeatDelay int  50
      XtNsensitivity XtCSensitivity int  2
      XtNscrollCallback   XtCScrollCallback   Callback  NULL
      XtNscrollResponse   XtCScrollResponse   XtCallbackProc

           The widget is formed by the images that represents the wheel. The
           wheel includes areas where the mouse can be clicked for small,
           discrete movements. The size of the image thus determines the
           size of the widget. There can be any number of images, but for
           realisticly looking movement at least three slightly different
           pictures are needed. numberOfPictures gives the number of
           imagess, pictures must be an array of at least that many images.

           A default set of pictures is provided when the pictures array is
           left undefined.

           Note for application programmers: the array is not copied to
           private memory, so the array must stay valid for as long as the
           widget exists and changes to elements of the array have
           unpredictable results.

           In the current implementation, these resources cannot be set with


           The wheel can be either horizontal or vertical. The default is
           vertical. Note that the setting of vertical should correspond to
           the set of pictures.

                                    - 2 -         Formatted:  April 20, 2024

 (3)                     Version Unknown To Mankind                      (3)
 Free Widget Foundation                               Free Widget Foundation

           A small area along the top and bottom (or left and right) of the
           widget is reserved for clicking the mouse, in order to get
           discrete movements. clickArea is the number of pixels to reserve
           for this area.

           The wheel can be turned through a range of values (integers),
           indicated by minValue and maxValue. By default they are 0 and
           100.  value is the current value, which must lie between the two
           (inclusive).  Note that minValue may be greater than maxValue,
           but in that case step (see below) should be negative.

           Note for programmers: the information that is passed to callback
           function always contains a value between 0 and 1, regardless of
           minValue and maxValue.



           When the user clicks on the areas below or above the wheel
           itself, or when the user drags the wheel with the mouse, the
           wheel is turned in fixed increments (or fractions thereof, see
           the translations). The default step size is 1.

                                    - 3 -         Formatted:  April 20, 2024

 (3)                     Version Unknown To Mankind                      (3)
 Free Widget Foundation                               Free Widget Foundation

           When the user presses and holds the mouse for longer than
           initialDelay milliseconds in the areas above or below the wheel,
           the wheel is turned repeatedly every repeatDelay milliseconds.


           The sensitivity is the number of pixels the mouse has to move
           before the wheel turns. A small value such as 3, 2 (the default)
           or 1 is usually best.

           When the wheel is turned, the ThumbWheel widget calls the
           callback functions on the scrollCallback list. It does so with
           every change, but the information in the call_data argument is
           different depending on the event that caused the change. The
           call_data argument is a pointer to an XfwfScrollInfo structure.
           For a full explanation of this structure, refer to `SWIP', the
           Scrolling Widgets Interface Policy. The field that are of
           interest here are reason, flags and vpos.

           The field reason can be either XfwfSDrag, XfwfSMove, XfwfSUp,
           XfwfSDown, XfwfSLeft, or XfwfSRight. Callbacks with reason =
           XfwfSDrag are repeatedly called when the user drags the wheel up
           or down. An application may ignore them (to save time), because
           at the end of the drag there will always be a callback with
           reason = XfwfSMove. The reasons XfwfSUp and XfwfSDown (XfwfSLeft,
           XfwfSRight) are used when the user clicks on the areas above or
           below the wheel (repeatedly, if he holds the button down.)

           In all cases, the flags field has the value XFWF_VPOS for a
           vertical thumbwheel or XFWF_HPOS for a horizontal thumbwheel.

                                    - 4 -         Formatted:  April 20, 2024

 (3)                     Version Unknown To Mankind                      (3)
 Free Widget Foundation                               Free Widget Foundation

           The vpos (or hpos) field is a real number between 0 and 1. It
           indicates what the ThumbWheel widget suggests as the new position
           after the event. This value is computed by adding or subtracting
           the step from the current value and dividing by the total range.

           When the callback is called, the value resource has already been
           updated, so applications may use the value resource directly
           instead of the vpos or hpos field.

           In the SWIP there is a provision for scrollee widgets (i.e., the
           widgets that are controlled by the wheel widget) to call back to
           the wheel with their reaction to the scroll request as given by
           the scrollCallback above. The scrollResponse resource (which is
           read-only!) holds a pointer to a method function inside the wheel
           widget. Calling this function with an appropriate XfwfScrollInfo
           structure has the effect of updating the wheel to the values
           provided by the scrollee. For more information, see the SWIP.

           center box; cBsss lB|lB|lB|lB l|l|l|l.  Core
           Name Class     Type Default XtNx XtCX Position  0
           XtNy XtCY Position  0 XtNwidth  XtCWidth  Dimension      0
           XtNheight XtCHeight Dimension      0
           borderWidth    XtCBorderWidth Dimension      0
           XtNcolormap    XtCColormap    Colormap  NULL
           XtNdepth  XtCDepth  Int  0
           destroyCallback     XtCDestroyCallback  XTCallbackList      NULL
           XtNsensitive   XtCSensitive   Boolean   True
           XtNtm     XtCTm     XTTMRec   NULL
           ancestorSensitive   XtCAncestorSensitive     Boolean   False
           accelerators   XtCAccelerators     XTTranslations      NULL
           borderColor    XtCBorderColor Pixel     0
           borderPixmap   XtCBorderPixmap     Pixmap    NULL
           background     XtCBackground  Pixel     0
           backgroundPixmap    XtCBackgroundPixmap Pixmap    NULL
           mappedWhenManaged   XtCMappedWhenManaged     Boolean   True
           XtNscreen XtCScreen Screen *  NULL

                                    - 5 -         Formatted:  April 20, 2024

 (3)                     Version Unknown To Mankind                      (3)
 Free Widget Foundation                               Free Widget Foundation

      The scroll.h file contains the definition of XfwfScrollInfo and some
      other things. It is exported so that applications do not have to
      import it.


      Presses of each of the three mouse buttons are translated to calls to
      the turn action. The argument indicates how fast to turn as a
      percentage of the step size. An omitted argument is equivalent to 100

      <Btn1Down>: turn()

      <Btn2Down>: turn(50)

      <Btn3Down>: turn(25)

      <BtnUp>: stop_turning()

      None<Key>Up: up()

      !Shift<Key>Up: up(50)

      !Ctrl<Key>Up: up(25)

                                    - 6 -         Formatted:  April 20, 2024

 (3)                     Version Unknown To Mankind                      (3)
 Free Widget Foundation                               Free Widget Foundation

      None<Key>Down: down()

      !Shift<Key>Down: down(50)

      !Ctrl<Key>Down: down(25)

      up    The up action has an optional argument percentage. It subtracts
           step*percentage from the value resource and changes the displayed
           picture. The change in picture is not (yet) related to the change
           in value.

      down  The down action adds step*percentage to the value resource.

           The turn action looks at the position of the mouse and if it is
           in the top or bottom (left or right, if horizontal) area of the
           widget it turns the wheel in discrete, timed steps, as long as
           the button remains pressed. If the mouse is elsewhere, the
           position is remembered and while the mouse remains pressed, the
           wheel is turned an amount proportional to the distance that the
           mouse moves from its initial position.

           The optional argument gives the percentage of the step that the
           wheel is turned with every event.


                                    - 7 -         Formatted:  April 20, 2024

 (3)                     Version Unknown To Mankind                      (3)
 Free Widget Foundation                               Free Widget Foundation


           The stop_turning action removes the timer.

                                    - 8 -         Formatted:  April 20, 2024