packages icon

This is the history of changes for XawPlus:

Version		Comment
1.0		First release based on Xaw sources of the X11R5
		distribution. 3D extensions and XPM support for the
		label widget and all his children added.
1.1		3D extensions for the panel widget implemented.
		Default background color set to grey75 for all
		widgets. Scrollbar got a sunken border.
1.1.1		Some bugfixes in LocPixmap.c. LocPixmap.c was
		compilable with gcc 2.5 under Linux with X11R5
		but not with gcc 2.7.2 under linux with XFree3.2A
1.2		Parameter list of the initialize, the set values and
		the constraint set values method in all widget
		sources completed.
		Most (but not all) compiler warnings fixed.
		The SimpleMenu widget is now 3D styled.
		The SmeLine widget now draw a 3D styled line.
1.3		Representation of insensitive text labels in
		the label widget changed to a 3D styled shaded text.
		Description of resources in the header files of the
		simple widget and its children completed
		Cleaned up the header files of the sme object group.
		New highlight an shadow color resources for the
		Sme object implemented: These resources are required
		for the SmeLine and SmeBSB objects.
		Representation of insensitive text labels in
		the SmeBSB object changed to a 3D styled shaded text.
1.4		Vertical scrollbar in Text widgets moved from the
		left to the right side.
		The scrollbars of the Viewport are now placed on the
		right side and the bottom of the window by default.
		Bug in the IconList widget fixed: The selection was
		too large in multi column mode.
		Width of the selection in the List widget changed:
		The selection has now a fixed length like in the
		IconList widget.
		The default background color of the Porthole widget
		is now grey75 (as described).
		The SmeBSB widget now provides bitmap and pixmap
		support for the left and right bitmaps. New
		resources for the required clip masks added.
1.4.1		Bugfixes:
		Resize problem in the Command widget fixed. Since
		the underlying Label don't know about the real width
		and height of the widget, setting a label resource
		if the Command widget is realized, shrinks the widget.
		Command handles this problem now through resizing
		in its set values method.
		The Label widget now displays multiline text labels
1.5		Help function for the Command widget and its
		children added. Command becomes a set of new
		resources to supply this facility.
1.5.1		Extension of the makefile to create a shared XawPlus
		library on ELF systems.
		Helper positioning optimized.
2.0		Bugfixes in Add3dExt and Command to draw buttons
		correctly. QueryGeometry method for the Command
		widget implemented.
		New KDE like style of the Command widget.
		Add3dExt becomes the new methods XawFlatButton() and
		XawFlatRectangle() for the new Command style.
		Changes for the Toggle widget to
		support the new highlight style of Command.
		Concept to call Add3dExt drawing methods changed:
		All widgets call the methods now directly and not
		via pointer in the instance record. 
		Integration of the Scrollbar widget from Xaw3d
		Release 1.4: Adaption to XawPlus, a few but not all
		bugs fixed, the arrows now have a sunken shape when

I prefer the following resources in my .Xdefaults :

! General
*Box.borderWidth:		0
! Xaw[3d|Plus|95] widgets
*Text*background:			ivory
*Text.Scrollbar*background:		grey75
*Text.TransientShell*background:	grey75
*Text.TransientShell*Text*background:	ivory
*Text.TransientShell*Toggle.background: grey75

*Porthole.background:		grey75
*Tree.background:		grey75
*SimpleMenu.background:		grey80
*DrawingArea.background:	ivory
*List.background:		ivory
*Form.background:		grey75
*Box.background:		grey75
*Paned.background:		grey75
*Label.background:		grey75
*Dialog.background:		grey75
! Application specific widgets
*FontGrid.background:		ivory
*Ghostview.background:		ivory
*Bitmap.background:		ivory
*Clock.background:		ivory
*vt100.background:		ivory
*Scrollbar*background:		grey75