packages icon
# ms2html       --- convert (pseudo) troff -ms text to HTML
# $Id: ms2html,v 1.2 1995/04/13 17:31:52 scg Exp $
# Converts an annotated text file into HTML
# The annotations are based on troff -ms macros,
# but may be generated in a variety of ways.
# For example, a Framemaker template (
# can be applied to an existing document to
# insert the annotations for every paragraph type.
# A Framemaker template that implements the annotations is in:
# A Table of Contents and links to references and numbered sections
# are automatically generated.
# Each of the following commands should appear on a line by itself
# (although arbitrary white space is tolerated, to facilitate
# translation from Framemaker files):

# Standard troff -ms:
#       .TL     Title
#       .ST     Subtitle
#       .AU     Author
#       .AI     Author's Institution
#       .AB     Abstract
#       .NH1    Numbered Section
#       .NH2    Numbered Subsection
#       .NH3    Numbered Subsubsection
#       .NH4    Numbered Subsubsubsection
#       .SH1    Unnumbered Section
#       .SH2    Unnumbered Subsection
#       .SH3    Unnumbered Subsubsection
#       .SH4    Unnumbered Subsubsubsection
#       .LP     Left Paragraph
#       .PP     Indented Paragraph
#       .IP     Indented Paragraph
#       .QP     Quotation
#       .FS     Footnote
#       .DS     Display Start
#       .\"     Comment

# Non-standard:
#       .BC     Block - Centred
#       .BH     Block - Hang Indented
#       .BU1    Bullet Item (level 1)
#       .BU2    Bullet Item (level 2)
#       .BU3    Bullet Item (level 3)
#       .BU4    Bullet Item (level 4)
#       .LL     Left Label (Bold .LP)
#       .NS     Start Numbered Paragraph
#       .NN     Next Numbered Paragraph
#       .MD     Math Definition
#       .ML     Math Lemma
#       .MP     Math Proposition
#       .MT     Math Theorem
#       .PR     Proof
#       .UR     Unnumbered Reference
#       .RF[1]  Reference

# In addition, the following are understood:
#       [RF:1]  A cross reference:
#       \fB     start bold text
#       \fI     start italic text
#       \fC     start typewriter text
#       \fR     return to Roman text (also \fP)
#       \.      dot (at beginning of line)
# NB: note that .B and .I are not valid commands since they would
# start a new "paragraph" (this script splits text at command lines).
# Just convert ".B text" to "\fBtext\fR".
# Author: Oscar Nierstrasz -- -- June 1993
# This script and friends can be found at:

# Revision 1.2  1995/04/13  17:31:52  scg