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Worktimer is a product of R and R Computing services and 
Copyright (C) 1996 Ralph L. Meyer, 39 Nelson Avenue, Spotswood, NJ 08884

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

Send bug reports or suggestions to: OR
R. L. Meyer, 39 Nelson Ave., Spotswood, NJ 08884 

Worktimer is a Linux/UNIX/DOS command-line work or activity timing utility.

The tar'd-gzipped file comes with a Linux ELF compiled binary of
worktimer.  If you're running an earlier non-ELF version of Linux, or
another UN*X, you'll want to remake the file.  Enter the directory
where you put the files in the .tgz file when you untarred it and run
make (after checking to make sure the make file compiler name is the
same as yours.  If you haven't any intention of messing with the
source file to add any little niceities you wish were there (see the
GNU License accompanying to find out what you have to do if you do
mess with the sources!) and doing any debugging, get rid of the -g
after the DEBUG = in the Makefile. Then you'll compile the program
without any debugging information (and save yourself some disk space
in the executable.  You can put the binary in your $HOME directory,
and run it from there (providing your $HOME directory is in your
PATH).  If you're root, you can copy the binary to /usr/local/bin or
whereever else you want to keep it.  If you put it in /usr/local/bin,
make sure you set the permissions so others can use it - a 'chmod 755'
will do the trick.

  worktimer ActivityName[Enter]  worktimer -on[Enter]
  worktimer -off[Enter]		      worktimer -off ActivityName[Enter]
  worktimer -c[Enter]            worktimer -i[Enter]
  worktimer -t HH:MM:SS ActivityName[Enter]

'ActivityName' names the activity you wish to time.  Worktimer appends the
date, time, and time elapsed of an activity timed to a file in the $HOME
directory named worktimer.timesheet.  It creates this file if none is present.
'worktimer -on' starts timing without an 'ActivityName', but an 'ActivityName'
must be supplied to turn worktimer off, recording the activity. 'worktimer -off'
turns timing off and records the activity named when worktimer was turned on.
'worktimer -off ActivityName' is used when turning off timing if 'worktimer
-on' was used to start timing. 'worktimer ActivityName' will work as well in 
this case.  'worktimer -c Comment' puts a comment in the record. 'worktimer
-i' puts on screen information on the activity that is presently being timed.
'worktimer -t HH:MM:SS ActivityName' considers the time HH:MM:SS the length of
time spent working on the activity named, and records that.

  	Note that an 'ActivityName' can contain blanks and up to 120 

  	Worktimer is not a daemon, but operates by saving start time, date, 
and activity information in the file $HOME/worktimer.temp which it creates 
on startup and deletes when 'turned off'.  If one activity is being timed 
and worktimer is called with another 'ActivityName', Worktimer records 
the activity already being timed and resets itself, starting to time the 
new activity named.

  	Worktimer also creates a double quoted, comma delimited spreadsheet 
or database importable file in the $HOME/ directory named: 
worktimer.spreadsheet. A line timing something looks like this:
"entering 9 books in bib databases","08/18/1997","17:11:43","08/18/1997","17:41:33","00:29:50","0.497"

The same entry in the worktimer.timesheet file will look like this:
Project/Activity: entering 9 books in bib databases
Time in:  08/18/1997 @ 17:11:43.
Time out: 08/18/1997 @ 17:41:33.  Elapsed time: 00:29:50 or 0.497 hours.

        In everyday usage, entering 'worktimer' with no parameters or the
parameter 'help' or '-help' or '?' will get a usage screen with directions
similar to the above information, but in more summary form.

	NOTE NOTE NOTE: Worktimer 1.0 was written using the BSD UNIX support
for long filenames.  If a form of UNIX is used that, like DOS, uses short
filenames, at the moment.....  geeez, too bad!!! :-)  I do intend to tweak 
it it for UNIX short filenames, but haven't yet gotten around to it. -RM  

	To compile the program for DOS (Ugh!), in worktimer.C, unremark the 
#define OS_DOS and remark out the #define OS_UNIX near the top of the source
file. Then use your favorite DOS compiler.  Oh, yes, you'll have to diddle
with the Makefile -- by changing the name of the compiler to whatever you
are using in DOS.