smartlog - logfile maintenance utility, v3.5 (c) 1994-97 by Michael 'Bytewurm' Weber Michael.Weber@rising-systems.de smartlog was written to prevent logfiles from growing out of bounds. It will manage archives with sliding histories of log messages. It collects the logfiles spread all over the system in one directory and gives you various possibilities to process and view these archives. For installation edit the Makefile to your suits and type 'make install'. If you are updating from 2.3 or less it is highly recommended to read HISTORY. You should run smartlog via roots' crontab like this: 0 1 * * * /usr/bin/smartlog # run smartlog at 1am every day People claimed a feature to set archiving intervals. Use different crontab entries and directories (-d option) to realise this. Note: smartlog requires POSIX conform SH and AWK (gawk recommended). Files have been edited with 'fe' - a folding editor written by Michael Haardt. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- smartlog v3.5 is the final release for standalone systems. I am going to rewrite it in perl5 and will implement network capabilities. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Use smartlog at your own risk; the programmer cannot be held liable for any incurred damages, directly or indirectly due to the use or inability to use it. smartlog is copyright (c) by Michael 'Bytewurm' Weber, 1994-1997. You may use this program without charge for personal use and at work as long as you retain the copyright notes. Distributing smartlog under different conditions and any commercial use like charging for copying or selling it, alone or as part of a bigger product, needs a written license from me. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------