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 SMARTLOG(1)                                                     SMARTLOG(1)
 User commands                                                 User commands

                              November 18, 1997

      smartlog - logfile maintenance utility

      smartlog [-a] [-d directory] [-n] [-q] [-v]

      smartlog was written to prevent logfiles from growing out of bounds.
      It will manage archives with sliding histories of log messages.  It
      collects the logfiles spread all over the system in one directory and
      gives you various possibilities to process these archives.

      smartlog reads its rc file and writes messages to its logfile.  By
      default, the rc file has the name $HOME/.smartlog/smartlogrc and the
      logfile has the name $HOME/.smartlog/logfile.  If $HOME/.smartlog does
      not exist it will be created automagically unless you have chosen an
      alternative directory using option -d (--dir).

      The rc file consists of lines which have one of the following forms:

      var=value assign value to var
      var= reset var to its default value
      var=def   same
      var=default    same
      logfile=value{:var=value}     see below
      # comment

      Blank lines are allowed to increase readability.  You must not use any
      quote characters, spaces or tab stops within assignments, except for
      the date, bsh, ash and nsh fields (no singlequotes allowed at all).
      If an invalid line was detected smartlog will stop any further actions
      to protect following archives, you may turn this off using option -a
      The global defaults may be changed in smartlog.def.
      The value of a variable (e.g. arch) will be referred to as variable-
      value (arch-value).

      arch, archive
           defines an alternate archive file name instead of the default.
           No .SLA suffix will be appended to this name.  The notation
           arch=*whatever will append whatever to the current value of arch.
           To unset this field you can assign an empty string or the literal
           none.  The default is to use dir-

      ash  ash-value is a bourne shell command which will be executed after
           any action or the literal none for no command.  You may use pipes

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 SMARTLOG(1)                                                     SMARTLOG(1)
 User commands                                                 User commands

                              November 18, 1997

      bsh  Similar to ash, but the command, if any, will be executed before
           any action.

      comp, compress
           This can be set to any word starting with y or n (case
           insensitive).  Simple occurance of the keyword means yes.  If
           set, the archive will be compressed.  When used with shift an
           integer value is interpreted as the first archive to be
           compressed, otherwise (if set to yes) all archives will be
           compressed. You can turn this on or off as you like, archives are
           handled pertinently.

      date this defines another value for date, default is @date@

           make the current settings the defaults.  Use with care, because
           incorrect default values will make efficient working very hard!

      dir  dir-value specifies the archive directory.  During the
           installation the default was set to @dir@. All archives will go
           here unless you set local.

      ext  selects a new extension which is appended to compressed archives.
           If set to auto it will be set according to the given compress
           binary: ext-value is .Z for compress(1), .gz for gzip(1), .z for
           zip(1), .C for compact(1), .F for freeze(1) or .SLAZ if none of
           those can be matched.
           Using auto is very useful if you want to work with different
           compression programs.  If you use only one, it is recommended to
           set ext for performance reasons.
           Compressing and uncompressing works independently of the chosen
           Warning: Some compression programs insist on a certain extension
           and will refuse to uncompress files with a different extension.

      hold is the number of generations you want to hold in the archive.  If
           used with shift, hold will be the maximum number of archives to
           be created.

           is the file you want to archive e.g. /var/smail/log/logfile
           (wildcards allowed).  You should use absolute pathnames,
           otherwise you may run into trouble.  Unlike other variable
           assignments, logfile allows further assignments on the same line,
           seperated by colons.  The scope of these assignments is limited
           to this line only and does not change their global values.
           If you use wildcards note that every match will get its own
           archive unless you set arch which will join all matching logfiles
           in one archive. Be sure hold is not defined too small, you may

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 SMARTLOG(1)                                                     SMARTLOG(1)
 User commands                                                 User commands

                              November 18, 1997

           loose archive information then.

           place the archive file in the directory of the logfile and do not
           create it in dir-value.  This can be set to any word starting
           with y or n (case insensitive).  Simple occurance of the keyword
           means yes.

      mode usually the logfiles' modes and ownerships will be used for
           archives.  mode allows you to use alternative settings.  The
           format is mode=[uid].[gid]/[modemask] where [uid].[gid]/ or
           /[modemask] may be omitted.  * maybe used at any of the three
           positions to use the corresponding value of the logfile.  Default
           is to use mode=*.*/*.

      nsh  The value of nsh is a bourne shell command which will be executed
           if no action is performed.  This happens when the logfile has a
           size below size-value bytes.  Again, the literal none can be used
           to execute no command.

           This can be set to any word starting with y or n (case
           insensitive).  Simple occurance of the keyword means yes.  If
           set, every time smartlog runs on the logfile, the archives will
           be shifted one position (archive.1->archive.2 ...
           archive.n->archive.n+1) and the logfile becomes archive.1.  There
           will be no .SLA suffix in shifting mode.  If not set, there will
           be only one archive with a delimiter seperating the generations
           inside the file.

      size only logfiles greater or equal size-value bytes will be archived.

      tmp  selects an alternate directory for temporary files.  During
           installation the default was set to @tmp@.

      zap  zap-value is the name of an uncompression program (should
           correspond to zip-value).

      zip  specifies the name of a compression program.

      -a, --always
           continue processing the rc-files even if an invalid line was
           detected.  (debugging option, not recommended)

      -d, --dir
           use alternate directory instead of $HOME/.smartlog.

      -n, --noexec

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 SMARTLOG(1)                                                     SMARTLOG(1)
 User commands                                                 User commands

                              November 18, 1997

           do not execute but show the work (debugging option).

      -q, --quiet
           work silently, only warnings and errors are reported to the

      -v, --verbose
           makes smartlog work very noisy.  Parsing and working are well

      # all assignments are local in the next line
      # the next lines reset var to the default (flexible syntax)
      For a detailed description have a look at

      smartlog requires the environment variable HOME to be set properly.
      Make sure it is if you use cron(8).

           main program

           rc-file parser

           does the real work

           the initial settings for smartlog

           some examples

           the smartlogrc for my own system

           users' personal rc-file

           users' logfile of smartlog-activity

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 SMARTLOG(1)                                                     SMARTLOG(1)
 User commands                                                 User commands

                              November 18, 1997

           list of archives created during the last run.  This file contains
           all necessary informations for showlog(1) and should not be
           deleted or modified.

      Archives are converted if you switch between standard and shifting
      mode.  Overhanging shift-archives and generations will be deleted
      (depending on hold). This will NOT work if you changed local or arch,
      too.  Converting will fail on a changed ext-value as well.  On ANY
      converting the date-informations will be lost.

      You have to uncompress all your archives if you change any of the zip,
      zap or ext-fields.  If you don't, smartlog will definitely produce
      corrupt archives.

      If a variable is set more than once in a logfile-line the last value
      will be used.

      If you use hold=value within a logfile-line you may simply write
      something like logfile=/do/not/panic:14

      There will be no operation on logfile and archives if the logfile is
      no regular file or has a size lower than size-value bytes; if set nsh
      will be executed then.

      After archiving it the logfile will be cleared (well, the whole stuff
      wouldn't make any sense if not :-).

      Using absolute pathes in smartlogrc (for logfile, zip, zap, dir, tmp
      and date) is highly recommended.

      There is no way to quote hashes (#), they always introduce comments.

      You must not use identical archivenames in the same directory!  (The
      archivename does NOT include suffices or shiftlog-extensions!)
      Disobeying will result in panic-exits or corrupt archives.  Take
      extreme care if you set arch, make sure it will not be active for the
      wrong group of logfiles.

      Detection of invalid lines causes smartlog to stop all actions to
      protect following archives from being corrupted. It is highly
      recommended not to deactivate this (-a).

      smartlog has very detailed error messages. Initial errors such as
      missing files etc. will be printed to stderr and smartlog exits back
      to the shell with status 1 for program failure or status 64 for usage

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 SMARTLOG(1)                                                     SMARTLOG(1)
 User commands                                                 User commands

                              November 18, 1997

      failure.  Errors occuring during work will be reported in the logfile
      ($HOME/.smartlog/logfile).  Since error messages are self explaining I
      will list only the worst one with some suggestions to fix the trouble.

      double archive file1 & file2
           archives with the same basename exist in the same place, remove
           one of them or use different directories.  An intelligent arch
           setting may help you up as well.  Warning: The checks for non
           unique archive file names may not catch all cases.

      smartlog (c) 1994-1997 by Michael 'Bytewurm' Weber
      ( (idea, realisation and main
      coordination), Wolfgang Stumvoll (awk parser, getmode, general advice)
      and Stephen R. van den Berg (shiftlog routines, general advice).  Send
      any reports, suggstions etc. to Michael 'Bytewurm' Weber

      showlog(1), syslogd(8)

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