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See the file COPYING for the licensing agreement of this software.
See the file mirrordir.lsm for a description of this software.
See the file INSTALL for instructions on compiling and installing.
See the file ChangeLog and NEWS for announcements.

See the man page doc/mirrordir.1 for more details on using mirrordir.


This source may have been distributed without the files
due to potential infringement of US export regulations.

The configure script will autodetect whether these files are present. If
they are, then you have an `International' version of mirrordir. Due to
export regulations, you may not have these files, in which case you have
a `US' version of mirrordir. The two versions have identical behaviour,
however the US version has much slower en/decryption, since it runs from
downloaded scripts.

For creating a distribution that is sure not to infringe US export
regulations, merely truncate the above files to zero length, but do NOT
delete them. Everything else may be left identical.


To subscribe to the mirrordir mailing list, send an email message to
with the line
    subscribe mirrordir
in the body of the message.

Bug reports, comments and suggestions are welcome - send email to