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 MDATE(1L)                                                         MDATE(1L)
                                  June 1995

      mdate - get the time of day from a remote host

      mdate [ -a|-s ] [ -c count ] [ -d ] [ -t tol ] [ -w wait ] host ...

      Mdate requests the time of day from host, which may be a host name or
      an IP address.  If more than one host is specified, they are queried
      in order until a response is received.  It calculates the time of day
      on the host and the estimated time difference between remote and local
      host.  A positive difference means the remote host is ahead of the
      local host.

      The superuser can set the local time of day to agree with the time on
      the remote host to within a small error.

           If the caller is the super-user and the time difference is large
           enough, then mdate will use adjtime(2) or settimeofday(2)
           respectively to synchronise the local host's time with the remote
           host. The -a flag is only allowed if adjtime(2) is actually

      -c count
           Repeat the call count times.

      -d   Print verbose output for debugging. More -d flags increase the

      -t tol
           Change the tolerance to tol quanta (default=3).

      -w wait
           Wait for n seconds before calling the server, where n is a
           pseudo-random number in the range 0 < n < wait

      Mdate is intended to be used as a simple device for keeping several
      machine clocks in sync over a small size local area network. It is
      based on the older programs rdate and in.timed . The most important
      change is that mdate uses ICMP timestamps. This makes it far more
      accurate than rdate. Over short distances (say, within a building)
      mdate can synchronise to within about 10 milliseconds, which should be
      close enough for most purposes. The  disadvantage is that you have to
      be super-user to use mdate even just for testing.

                                    - 1 -       Formatted:  January 15, 2025

 MDATE(1L)                                                         MDATE(1L)
                                  June 1995

      Before starting to compile mdate, the installer should determine the
      quantum, which is the smallest time interval that the local machine
      can measure. I have provided a supplementary program called tick to
      help with this. You should then edit the source file site.h to define
      quantum correctly.      A time difference is deemed to be significant
      if it exceeds tolerance  *  quantum and mdate will not alter the local
      time if the estimated difference is less than this amount. The -t flag
      changes the tolerance (default=3).

      The -c flag makes mdate call the remote host count times. This has 2
      purposes. It can be used to probe the system's behaviour:  mdate -d -d
      -c10 host This prints a small table. Also ICMP is not a reliable
      protocol, so if some calls fail to get through, you can increase the
      chance of success by making repeated calls. As the distances get
      larger, the round-trip times get larger and more variable. By
      repeating the call you have a much better chance of getting an
      accurate value.  mdate does not attempt any statistical analysis of
      the resulting data. It merely accepts the time difference that goes
      with the shortest trip time.

      By default, mdate prints nothing except error messages. It is intended
      to be called automatically by cron and (on our machines) cron seems to
      get confused by output.  The -d flag makes mdate print a line
      indicating success or failure. A 2nd and 3rd -d increase the

      To keep a log, use just one -d and pipe the output to a file or to
      logger (or syslog ). It is advisable to do this at least for the first
      few days: there may be bugs; also the log will help to estimate your
      clock's rate of drift.

      mdate is intended as a lightweight mechanism for keeping time in a
      small local network. The normal setup is to name one machine as local
      server. This gets its time from a national timeserver: you should
      first ask permission from that server's manager. Then all the other
      local machines would do something like: mdate -c5 -w100 local-server
      and you would use cron to make this happen at regular intervals.

      If the clients all start pestering the server at once, there is a
      danger that the server or net or both will overload. The flag -w wait
      spreads the load. If this flag is present, mdate will wait for a
      pseudo-random number of seconds in the range 0 ..  wait . We suggest a
      wait about 5 times the number of clients.

      With these additional features, mdate should be able to keep time to
      within about 0.001 sec for local networks of up to around 100
      machines. If you have more, you should either arrange a hierarchy of
      timeservers or install a more elephantine protocol such as xntp.

      The multiple-host feature can be used to provide backups if one server
      is down. Suppose there were 2 prospective local servers A and B and a

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 MDATE(1L)                                                         MDATE(1L)
                                  June 1995

      national server N . Then A might do mdate (args) N (say, at 1AM) and B
      might do mdate (args) A N at 2AM and the clients would do mdate (args)
      A B at 3AM.

      Mdate checks the return status of system functions and uses perror to
      print error messages (which are usually not very informative). Errors
      specific to Mdate include the following;

      packet too short.
           means we received something that looked like a truncated ICMP

      huge difference.
           A huge difference is a time difference > about 2 hours. This is
           almost certainly caused by a bug in Mdate , or maybe the server
           has gone mad.  If any machine is really that far out, set its
           date manually.

      time unchanged.
           This should be either because the time diff was too small to be
           significant or because the caller did not specify either -a or

      Exit status is 0 on success, otherwise 1.

      Since the ICMP timer wraps around at midnight you may get a "huge
      difference" error if you run mdate shortly before or after. You should
      try very hard to avoid using mdate near midnight.  Note this is
      midnight GMT not local time.

      Some machines do not respond to ICMP time requests; they cannot act as
      servers but you might be able to run mdate on them.

      You have some protection against servers crashing (use multiple
      hosts); some protection against servers going wild (the huge
      difference check) but no protection at all against servers that drift.

      Mysterious loss of accuracy. If mdate measured a round-trip time of 3
      msec, this ought to mean that the subsequent settimeofday is that

      R.M.Damerell, Maths Dept, Royal Holloway College, Egham, Surrey, UK.

      Program uses parts of rdate.c (by Dartmouth College) and ping.c (Mike
      Muuss, US Army Ballistic Research Lab modified by Berkeley). Their
      copyright notices are reproduced in full in the source code. Program
      is offered free of charge, "AS IS" with absolutely no guarantees.

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 MDATE(1L)                                                         MDATE(1L)
                                  June 1995

      Bug reports etc to RMD at this address: (but no
      promise to fix).

      adjtime(2), gettimeofday(2), settimeofday(2), tick(1), utimed(1),

                                    - 4 -       Formatted:  January 15, 2025