UP(3) UP(3) UP up - user mode pipeline library SYNOPSIS #include <up.h> UP * upAllocate(); upAddDevice(UP *, ...); upSetupDone(UP *); UP_BOOL upReadWrite(UP, int timeout); upClose(UP *); DESCRIPTION The up library provides a user mode pipeline capability. A user mode pipeline is similar in concept to a normal UNIX pipeline in which various filter programs are used to transform a stream of data. But in this case, the pipeline is run in a single process by passing the data stream through various filtering modules to transform data. This avoids context switches, provides better error handling, avoids most uses of temporary files, and allows for the pipeline to be dynamically changed. A user mode pipeline can handle multiple files during the processing such as unpacking a tar archive, compressing each file separately, and then repacking the resulting files into another tar archive. In the following discussion, the various filtering modules are called devices even though the term is somewhat misleading since no hardware is involved. However, data is read from them and is sent to them, and so the term has some validity. A user mode pipeline consists of a list of two or more devices arranged from "left" to "right" in a straight line. The leftmost device is the "reading" device, and must generate data for the pipeline. The reading device can generate data from external sources such as files or standard input, or from internal data such as a string or data generated by the calling program. The rightmost device is the "writing" device and must consume data from the pipeline. The writing device can send data to an external source such as files or standard output, or to internal data such as a string to be read by the calling program. All devices in the middle of the pipeline (if any) are "filters" which pass the data through them, transforming the data as required. The interface to a device is uniform so that new types of devices can be easily added to the library. The interface provides for storing input and output into buffers which are shared between adjacent devices to minimize copying. The interface also provides synchronization between the devices for the correct transfer of file names, data, and end of files. - 1 - Formatted: March 13, 2025 UP(3) UP(3) MODES OF OPERATION Data in the pipeline can be processed using one of three different modes of operation. Which of these modes is used depends on the needs of the calling program and its sophistication. Firstly, data can be "written" to the left end of the pipeline by the calling program which will "push" the data through the pipeline to some output device which consumes it (such as writing it to a file). In this mode of operation, the calling program blocks until the pipeline processes enough data to make room for storing the program's new data. Secondly, data can be "read" from the right end of the pipeline, which will "pull" the data through the pipeline from some input device which generates it (such as reading from a file). In this mode of operation, the calling program blocks until the pipeline processes enough data to provide some to return to the calling program. Finally, data can be transferred "asychronously" through the pipeline by the calling program so that the program can generate input data if desired, consume output data if desired, and never block. This mode of operation makes use of the "poll" system call if necessary, and allows the calling program to run the pipeline in an event-driven manner. CREATING A USER MODE PIPELINE A user mode pipeline is based on the UP structure which is allocated by calling the upAllocate routine. The returned UP structure is then used for all further user mode pipeline calls. Once allocated, devices can be attached sequentially to the pipeline. The routines to add devices have names of the form upAddDevice, where Device is replaced by the desired device. The argument list for each of these devices varies depending on the needs of the device. Devices are added from "left" to "right". That is, the data in the pipeline will flow from the first device added to the last device added. The first device must be one of the devices which can read data from some external source. The last device must be one of the devices which can write data to some external source. Intermediate devices must be one of the devices which are filters, which read data from another device and write data to another device. Some devices require that the size of their data be known before the data is seen. (For example, this is true for the PipeTar device, because the headers for the files contain the file sizes.) If one of these devices is used, and the file size is not known from the previously added devices, then the special PipeFindSize device is automatically added before the device which requires it. The PipeFindSize device will buffer a file's data in memory or in a temporary file, and will then supply the actual file size with the file name to the next device. - 2 - Formatted: March 13, 2025 UP(3) UP(3) The automatically added PipeFindSize device uses default parameters for the amount of memory it can consume, and whether or not file sizes should sometimes be believed. You can explicity add your own PipeFindSize device in the pipeline in order to override these default parameters. When all of the devices have been added to the pipeline, the upSetupDone routine must be called. After this call, no further devices can be added to the pipeline, and the pipeline is ready to do I/O. RUNNING THE PIPELINE The usual way to run the pipeline is asychrounously by calling upReadWrite repeatedly until the pipeline is finished. Each call performs one cycle of I/O for the devices in the pipeline. The routine accepts a timeout value in milliseconds similar to select, so that the call does not need to block if that is not wanted. A value of -1 means an indefinite wait, whereas a value of 0 means no wait at all. If there is an error, then the upReadWrite routine returns UP_FALSE. If there is no error, then the upIsFinished routine needs to be called to see whether or not the pipeline is finished. If it is not finished, then you can call upReadWrite again to perform more I/O. When the pipeline is finished, you call upClose to close all of the devices and free their resources. It returns UP_TRUE if there were no problems. After the pipeline is closed, it can be re-used by new devices just like when it was first allocated. If the pipeline is no longer needed, calling upFree will close the devices (if necessary) and free the UP structure. LIST OF FUNCTIONS Function Description upAddReadEndpoint Add a device to allow reading from the pipeline upAddWriteEndpoint Add a device to allow writing to the pipeline upAddReadNull Add a device which reads no data upAddWriteNull Add a device which writes no data - 3 - Formatted: March 13, 2025 UP(3) UP(3) upAddReadFd Add a device which reads data from a file descriptor upAddWriteFd Add a device which writes data to a file descriptor upAddReadDirectory Add a devices which reads files from a directory upAddWriteDirectory Add a device which writes files into a directory upAddReadString Add a device which reads data from a string upAddWriteString Add a device which writes data to a string upAddReadFile Add a device which reads data from a file upAddReadFileList Add a device which reads data from a list of files upAddWriteFile Add a device which writes data to a file or a sequence of files upAddProcessString Add a device which sends data through an external process upAddProcessArgs Add a device which sends data through an external process upAddProgress Add a device which provides progress information upAddLogFile Add a device which logs information upAddCat Add a device which concatenates its input files into one output file upAddGnuZip Add a device which compresses its input files using GZIP upAddGnuUnzip Add a device which uncompresses its intput files using GUNZIP upAddCompress Add a device which compresses its input files using COMPRESS - 4 - Formatted: March 13, 2025 UP(3) UP(3) upAddUnCompress Add a device which uncompresses its input files using UNCOMPRESS upAddUUDecode Add a device which uuencodes its input files into one output file upAddUUEncode Add a device which uudecodes its input file into output files upAddArchive Add a device which archives its input files using AR upAddUnArchive Add a device which unarchives its input file using AR upAddTar Add a device which tars its input files using TAR upAddUnTar Add a device which untars its input files using TAR upAddList Add a device which produces a listing of the files upAddGrep Add a device which searches for lines which match a regular expression upAddFindSize Add a device which calculates the true size of files upAddFilter Add a device which selects which files are transferred through it upAddRemoveData Add a device which transmits file names and status but removes the file data upAddFindFileData Add a device which reads the data for the file names sent through it upAddMakeFileList Add a device which reads a file name list to produce empty output files upGetVersion Return the version of the up library upAllocate Allocate a new pipeline - 5 - Formatted: March 13, 2025 UP(3) UP(3) upClose Close a pipeline upFree Close and free a pipeline upSetupDone Mark a pipeline ready for use upReadWrite Run one cycle of I/O for a pipeline upPoll Wait for the pipeline to have some I/O upPollList Return a list of polling entries needed by the pipeline upRead Read data from the right end of a pipeline upWrite Write data to the left end of a pipeline upFlush Flush data through a pipeline upCanRead Return whether data can be read from the right end of a pipeline upCanWrite Return whether data can be written to the left end of a pipeline upIsFinished Return whether the pipeline has finished upSetSystemPath Set the PATH list to be used when securely executing external programs upGetSystemPath Return the PATH list used when securely executing external programs upSetTemporaryDirectoryPath Set the directory to be used for creating temporary files upGetTemporaryDirectoryPath Return the directory to be used for creating temporary files - 6 - Formatted: March 13, 2025 UP(3) UP(3) upClearError Clear the error information from the pipeline upGetErrorCode Get the error code for a pipeline error upGetDeviceCount Return the number of devices which are in the pipeline upGetErrorString Return a string describing the last error for the pipeline upPrintError Print the latest error on the pipeline to stderr upGetWarningCount Return the count of warnings which have occurred for the pipeline upGetMaximumWarnings Return the maximum number of warnings which can be printed to stderr upSetMaximumWarnings Set the maximum number of warnings which can be printed to stderr upSetDebugFlags Set debugging flags for printing of internal pipeline status SEE ALSO up(1) - A utility which creates and runs a user mode pipeline according to the supplied arguments. LICENSE The up library is licensed under the GNU Lesser Public License. This means that you may freely use this library in your own program, using whatever license you wish for your program, and with no restrictions on the distribution or use of your program. However, any modifications to the up library itself are covered by the license. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA AUTHOR David I. Bell dbell@canb.auug.org.au - 7 - Formatted: March 13, 2025