jul sounds for James' Utility Library, its called that basically cos i cannot think of a better name. Anyway and now the formal stuff. This work is copyright James Hawtin (oolon@ankh.org) 2000/1/3 For versions suppied by source forge this library is distrubuted under the most resent LGPL Facilities Jstring ======= .) Fully reference counted strings class. .) Supports endl; as does iostream .) ostream functions are included. .) Sub classes Jstring_format & Jstring_data .) justification formating left, right, center. example Jstring hello; hello << format(center) << pad(50) << "[" << tag_start << "hello" << "world" << tag_end << "]" << endl; pipe_exec ========= Run commands in a pipe/tty, needs improvement. iotools ======= Expect pattern matching routinue buffered reads and writes, using classes. sendemail ========= A class using pipe_exec & jstring to send email messages, nice n easy. ToDo list: pipewrite, support both tty and pipes user selectable. support bsd style ttys. jstring: Conversion of other numbers as well as ints. fixed length strings. [ Not to be done ] return one line of a string and reduce buffer size. argv processing library.