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 GEXPR(1)                        GEXPR 2.0.2                        GEXPR(1)
                                  May 2001

      gexpr - handy shell calculator

      gexpr [ options ] expression

      gexpr is an expression parser that can be used as a simple command-
      line calculator, as in gexpr 'sin(pi/4)*sqrt(4)', or to add floating
      point math to shell scripts. It is meant to be an alternative to bc
      (1), being less powerful but lighter and much more intuitive. It also
      provides a few nice features of its own.

      If an expression is given as argument, it must be protected from the
      shell using quotes as in the example above. If you fail to do so,
      parentheses will be interpreted and the * character will be expanded
      by the shell, wreaking havoc. Using double quotes " " is necessary if
      you want to use shell variables within expression.

      gexpr supports the usual arithmetical operators  + - * / , the
      relational operators  < <= > >= == != , and all the standard C
      mathematical functions apart from frexp (3) and modf (3), which cannot
      be fully implemented since they actually return two values. In
      addition, gexpr provides the constants defined in math.h (M_PI, etc),
      the fact(n) function, which returns the factorial of n, and the rnd(n)
      function, which returns a random number between 0 and n.

      A nice feature of gexpr is the possibility of using other bases than
      10. For instance, this expression is allowed:

      $ gexpr "0x10 + 0b1010 + 010"
      $ _

      the prefix "0x" denotes numbers written in base 16, "0b" numbers in
      base 2, and "0" octal numbers.

      The command "base nn" is used to display the results in a base between
      2 and 16. Example:

      gexpr> base 16
      output base is now 16
      gexpr> 256 * 2
      gexpr> _

      The command "decimals nn" (or "dec nn") specifies the number of

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 GEXPR(1)                        GEXPR 2.0.2                        GEXPR(1)
                                  May 2001

      decimal positions. Example:

      gexpr> PI
      gexpr> dec 20
      decimal positions now 20
      gexpr> PI
      gexpr> _

      base    specify the output base.

              specify the number of decimals (default: 10).

      help    display a list of functions, constants, and commands.

      q(uit)  quit the program.

      --help, -h
              display a short help.

      --base n, -b n
              output results in base n.

      --no_prompt, -n
              don't display the gexpr> prompt.

      gexpr 2 + 10 / 2
      gexpr "sqrt(5) < log(10)"
      echo "sqrt(2)/2" | gexpr -n
      gexpr "sin($X) - tan($Y)"
      gexpr "$X + ($Y)*log10(${ZZ})"

      This is an interesting use of gexpr in a shell script:

      #!/bin/sh DEC=`echo "M_PI_2" | gexpr -n` EXA=`echo "M_PI_2" | gexpr -n
      -b16` echo "Pi/2 is $DEC (or $EXA in hexa)"

      Another example:

      while [ `gexpr "$X < 10"` = 1 ]

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                                  May 2001

        X=`gexpr "$X + 0.2"`
        echo $X

      It is awfully slow and its use cannot replace a "real" programming
      language supporting floating point math.

      Most errors are trapped but some are not, like overflows and
      underflows. For example, on the Linux box it was written on gexpr
      overflows when the result exceeds about 1.797e+308.

      It would be nice to add command-line editing. This would make gexpr
      quite bigger, though.

      Guido Gonzato <>

      expr (1), sh (1), bc (1)

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