FLIN(1) FLIN(1) 13-Jul-95 NAME flin - Flin's a Learners Interface to 'Nix Systems. SYNOPSIS flin [-hV] [-d delimiter] [-e escape] DESCRIPTION flin loads menu file and displays it. The menu is made up of any combination of token structures seperated by line breaks. OPTIONS -h Print a help message and usage information. -V Print version information and compile-time defaults. -d delimiter Set the delimiter character to delimiter. -e escape Set the escape character to escape. -c comment Set the comment character to comment. menu file Load menu from menu file. FILE FORMAT Note: I will be using `:' as the token delimiter, `\' as the escape character, and `#' as the comment character throughout this document. Flin files are made up of a series of token structures and directives. There is a limit of one token structure or directive per line. Lines beginning with `#' will be ignored by flin. Characters preceded by `\' will be treated literally by flin. Directives Directives tell flin how to interperet text. Currently flin only understands the Menu directive. Directives may not be nested. Menu name Starts a menu named name, all following lines will be interpereted as token structures until EndMenu is read. - 1 - Formatted: February 16, 2025 FLIN(1) FLIN(1) 13-Jul-95 Token Structures Token structures are enclosed within a Menu directive, with one structure per line. A token structure is made up of at least two fields separated by delimiters. The last field must end with a delimiter. The format of the token structure is: Token:Name:Args: Where Token is the type of item to display, Name is the name of the item, and Args is the argument field. Not all tokens require the argument field, see the Tokens section for details. Tokens Title Title inserts a non-selectable title line in the menu. Title:Name: Nop Nop inserts a non-selectable line in the menu, when blank will display a line. Nop:Name: or Nop:: SubMenu SubMenu creates a link to another menu named in the Args field. SubMenu:Name:Args: Exec Exec executes the Args field. Exec:Name:Args: Args Args executes the Args field with user inputted command-line arguments. The optional Prompt field contains the prompt for the dialog box. Use with care! If you use this improperly, you could open up a big security whole on your system. Args:Name:Args:Prompt: Exit Exit exits the current menu, returning to the previous menu. If Exit is executed in the first menu loaded Flin will quit. Exit:Name: Quit Exits flin. Quit:Name: - 2 - Formatted: February 16, 2025 FLIN(1) FLIN(1) 13-Jul-95 EXAMPLE MENU Here is an example menu (comment character is `#', delimiter is `:'): # # test.menu - A sample menu for `flin' # to try it out type: # flin test.menu # # Startup Menu Menu Main Title:Main Menu: Nop:: SubMenu:File Utitities:File-Util: SubMenu:Surf the 'Net:InterNet: Exit:Logout: EndMenu # File utilities Menu File-Util Title:File Menu: Nop:: Exec:Directory listing:ls -F: Exit:Back to Main Menu: EndMenu # Net `Surfing' Menu InterNet Title:Internet: Nop:: Exec:CyberMail:pine: Nop:Anything's cooler if you prepend it with `cyber': Exec:Telnet:telnet: Exec:Ftp:ftp: Exit:Back to Main Menu: EndMenu BUGS No! No! Never! Yes. A bit. She has got a wart. AUTHOR Brian Cully (shmit@kublai.com) - 3 - Formatted: February 16, 2025