ENVV(1) ENVV(1) 18 April 1994 NAME envv - manipulate environment variables in shell-independent manner SYNOPSIS envv [options] set env_var value envv [options] local env_var value envv [options] add path_var dir [pos] envv [options] move path_var dir pos envv [options] del path_var dir envv [options] choose sh_val csh_val envv [options] OPTIONS -e Do not escape shell meta-characters when issuing commands -s Issue a semicolon after each command -h Display usage information DESCRIPTION Envv is used to manipulate environment variables in a shell- independent manner. It is most useful in administrator-maintained setup files for various software packages. Envv accepts directives, either on the command line or from standard input, and issues shell commands tailored to the user's shell. For example, on our system, each software package has a setup script in a fixed directory (/usr/share/setup) which sets up environment variables and adds directories to the users' PATH as required by the package. The scripts to do this are slightly different for csh-like shells (csh, tcsh) and sh-like shells (sh, ksh, bash.) Envv eliminates the need for two separate scripts. Envv examines the SHELL environment variable for the name of a shell which it recognizes. If that doesn't work, it uses information from the passwd file to find the user's shell. It then issues commands appropriate for the shell to standard output. Here's a simple example: eval `envv set NAME David` If your shell is csh, then envv emits "setenv NAME David" to standard output. If your shell is sh, the it emits "NAME=David; export NAME" to standard output. Either way, the environment variable is set - 1 - Formatted: March 15, 2025 ENVV(1) ENVV(1) 18 April 1994 correctly. SET The simplest directive is the set command, illustrated above. Note that shell characters are normally escaped, so that: envv set NAME 'David* F. Skoll' will emit "setenv NAME David\*\ F.\ Skoll" under csh. However, if the -e option is supplied, then Envv will emit "setenv NAME David* F. Skoll", with all the difficulties that may imply. LOCAL Local is similar to set, except that it does not export the variable to the environment. Thus: envv local name David will emit "set name=David" in csh, and "name=David" in sh or bash. ADD The add directive adds the specified directory to a colon-separated path list, if the directory is not already present. If pos is supplied, the new directory is placed at the specified position, which are numbered starting with 1. If pos is not specified, or is out-of- range, the new directory is added at the end. For example, suppose that under csh, your PATH is /bin:/usr/bin. Then: envv add PATH /foo yields "setenv PATH /bin:/usr/bin:/foo" envv add PATH /foo 1 yields "setenv PATH /foo:/bin:/usr/bin" envv add PATH /foo 2 yields "setenv PATH /bin:/foo:/usr/bin" envv add PATH /bin yields nothing - /bin already on path envv add PATH /bin 2 yields "setenv PATH /usr/bin:/bin" The last example shows that an 'add' is converted to a 'move' if the directory is already on the path, and a position is supplied. Of course, to have any effect, all of the above examples would be used in an eval `...` structure. DEL The del command deletes a directory from the path variable. Suppose that MANPATH is set to /man:/usr/man, and that your shell is bash. Then: envv del MANPATH /man yields "MANPATH=/usr/man; export MANPATH" envv del MANPATH /usr/man yields "MANPATH=/man; export MANPATH" envv del MANPATH /foo yields nothing - 2 - Formatted: March 15, 2025 ENVV(1) ENVV(1) 18 April 1994 MOVE The move command moves a directory in the path to the specified position. Suppose you're running tcsh, and the environment variable P is set to a:b:c:d. Then: envv move P a 2 yields "setenv P b:a:c:d" envv move P a 999 yields "setenv P b:c:d:a" envv move P d 1 yields "setenv P d:a:b:c" envv move P e 1 yields nothing - e is not on path. CHOOSE The choose command is very simple: It takes two arguments. If the user's shell is like sh, then the first argument is printed. If it is like csh, then the second argument is printed. This is useful if commercial vendors have supplied two versions of scripts which must be sourced. Your system script can select the proper script as follows: source `envv choose script.sh script.csh` This can also be used as an escape hatch for complicated tests which really do require two separate shell scripts. SUPPLYING DIRECTIVES ON STANDARD INPUT If no directives are given on the command line, then envv reads standard input for directives, which should be supplied one-per-line. Envv processes all of the directives until end-of-file is encountered. For example, you could do something like this: envv << 'END_OF_STUFF' > /tmp/env.$$ set A 1 set B 2 add PATH /bin/foo 'END_OF_STUFF' source /tmp/env.$$ rm /tmp/env.$$ This creates a temporary shell script which holds the commands to set A and B, and add /bin/foo to the path. This temporary script is then sourced and deleted. If you have many variables to set, this may be faster and/or easier to maintain than multiple envv commands. When envv reads from standard input, it uses whitespace characters to separate directives from their arguments, and the arguments from each other. If you want to include whitespace in an argument, escape it with a backslash. No other characters need be escaped. For example, if you want to set the environment variable NAME to "David Skoll", use this in the input to envv: - 3 - Formatted: March 15, 2025 ENVV(1) ENVV(1) 18 April 1994 set NAME David\ Skoll NOTES The path-manipulation directives (add, move, del) ignore trailing slashes when comparing path components. Thus, "/usr/local" and "/usr/local/" are considered the same. When components are added or moved in a path variable, they inherit whatever slashes are supplied in the dir argument. Experiment... The path-manipulation commands can add, move or delete only one directory at a time. For example, use this: add PATH /foo add PATH /bar and not this: add PATH /foo:/bar AUTHOR Envv is Copyright 1994 by David F. Skoll. It may be distributed for free. The only fees which may be charged are normal media costs or BBS access fees. Envv may not be distributed as part of a commercial package. Other fees, such as support fees, consulting fees, or special higher-than-normal BBS access fees may not be charged. BUGS If you have multiple add, del or move commands in a standard-input command list, they emit multiple shell commands to set the path variable. It would be nicer if only one command which reflected the final result were emitted. - 4 - Formatted: March 15, 2025