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 eg(1)                          Version 1.00                           eg(1)
 Expert Guide                                                   Expert Guide

                          Tue Jul  4 14:18:48 2000

      eg - Expert Guide. A Norton Guide Reader.

      eg [options] [norton-guide]

      eg is a text mode, full screen Norton Guide reader.

      -h   Display help text.

      -p guide-path
           Sets the search path in which eg should look for Norton Guides
           when building it's guide database. If you specify the path on the
           command line it overrides the EG_PATH environment variable.

      -s   Use a "sane" display. Expert Guide will attempt to guess if it
           can use the fullest range of IBM extended characters when
           displaying the contents of a guide entry. Somtimes it may guess
           wrong. If it does, pass -s to force it into a "sane" display

      -v   Display version details.

           Holds the path in which eg looks for Norton Guides when you ask
           for a directory listing. This should be a "normal" path with each
           directory location seperated with a ":" (or a ";" if running
           under DOS).

      The first time you run eg you will need to point it to a specific
      Norton Guide. After that eg will remember the guide you last read and
      the entry in that guide you were last reading.

      Lots of Unix environment issues to think about?

      Can't display full IBM character set when compiled for Dos (slang

      Screen output and refresh could possibly be improved?

      No support for SIGWINCH.

      The menu code is a little ropey, this needs to be re-done.

                                    - 1 -         Formatted:  April 19, 2024

 eg(1)                          Version 1.00                           eg(1)
 Expert Guide                                                   Expert Guide

                          Tue Jul  4 14:18:48 2000

      Some non-fatal errors still drop out of eg. Error reporting needs to
      be improved.

      Filename (tab) completion doesn't work too well under Dos when drive
      letters are involved.

      o Guide wide searching.  o Re-write based around a Norton Guide
      reading library.  o Using the library write a gnome oriented version
      of EG.

      Dave Pearson <>


           User configuration file.

           Remembers last read file and last position in that file.

           Norton guide directory "cache".

                                    - 2 -         Formatted:  April 19, 2024