From riacs!eos!ames!mailrus!bbn!bbn.com!rsalz Fri Nov 18 07:56:58 PST 1988 Submitted-by: Gary Oberbrunner <masscomp!garyo> Posting-number: Volume 16, Issue 87 Archive-name: colm I got sick of the fact that ls(1) will sort its columns down when given no arguments, but not in any other case. And I figured the world needed a decent columnation tool. So here is one I just whipped up; it does fixed and variable width columns, selectable gutter widths, it automatically figures out how many columns to use (unlike pr -#), and it allows various formatting options such as selectable leader character, selectable tabbing with selectable tab size, and your choice of leaders or a separation string. Colm should compile on any machine that has getopt(3C).