packages icon

 cle(1)                                                               cle(1)
                                October 1999

      cle -  Command Line Editor

      cle [options] <program> [<arguments>]

      Cle is a Command Line Editor. It provides the
      editing/history/completion commands of the readline(3) package to any
      line-oriented Unix command. For instance,

           $ cle ftp

      provides editing/history/completion commands to the ftp command.
      Since most modern shells allow you to define aliases, you can define a
      simple alias such as

           $ alias ftp="cle \ftp" (bash or zsh syntax)


           $ alias ftp cle ftp (tcsh or csh syntax)

      to always uses cle with the ftp command.

      The following options are recognized by cle:

      -v, --version
           output version information and exit.

      -s N, --size=N
           set the size of the history to n lines. If n > 0 the history is
           saved at program exit. Default size is 100.

           Since cle uses the readline package, it can be customized by the

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 cle(1)                                                               cle(1)
                                October 1999

           file "~/.inputrc". When cle is run it initializes the readline
           package and gives it the name of the application it controls.
           This can be used to define different bindings for different
           commands. An example is given below:

                $if ftp
                "\C-xl": "dir\C-m"
                $if stk
                "\C-xl": "(system \"ls -ls\")\C-m"
                $if ed
                "\C-x-l": "!ls -l\C-m"

           See the file "src/sample-inputrc" file for a more complete
           example.  See also standard readline documentation package for
           details on the available "bindable" functions and on the format
           of this file.

           The readline version compiled with cle uses parentheses flashing
           (i.e when you type a closing parenthesis, the corresponding
           opening parenthesis flashes). Rebind the closing parentheses is
           with "self-insert" to get rid of this feature.

                $if ftp
                ")": self-insert
                "]": self-insert
                "}": self-insert

           When a cle'ed application leaves, the state of the history is
           saved in a file whose name is ~/.XXX-history, where XXX is the
           name of the application. If the size is of the history is 0, the
           history file is deleted. This avoids the accumulation of file in
           the user home directory.


                                    - 2 -         Formatted:  April 24, 2024