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BoD (Bank of Daddy)


Installation instructions are pretty basic,

First make sure that you have a Postscript-capable
printer (if you don't have one, then try installing
'Ghostscript' which can convert Postscript into native
printer codes for most printers).

You'll also need FLTK (Fast Light Tool Kit) - I'm using
1.0.6 - you may well get away with using an earlier version.

Once that is done, it should be a simple matter of changing
to the directory where all this stuff is unpacked and type:

 make install

All documents are in the 'doc' directory in HTML - so view
them with your web browser.


This software is released under the provisions of
the GNU General Public License (GPL) which can be
found in the file 'LICENSE' in the current directory.


src     -- Where the source code lives.

images  -- Images such as the chequebook and the BoD logo.

docs    -- Documentation - all in HTML